Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 395 Young Master Xihuang is Jealous 7

Chapter 395 Young Master Xihuang is Jealous 7
Yin Shunhua's eyes flashed, and he grabbed her hand tightly, not giving her a chance to break free.

"What are you doing!"

Ling Weifeng was in a hurry, she was not used to being held by men other than Prince Xi Gu.

If she was seen by that jealous jar, she would probably have to bear it.

"Xiaofeng, are you afraid of me now?"

"No, no, no... Emperor Xi is looking for me, me, me, me..."

Yin Shunhua's monstrous eyes darkened, "You don't have to feel burdened, liking you is my own business, personal preferences are different, I won't force you to change your sexuality."

Ling Weifeng was about to cry.

What are these things.

"I just want you to know that I just like you. You don't have to worry about it, just pretend that you haven't heard anything today."

Ling Weifeng wanted to cry without tears

Dude, if you really don't want her to worry about it, why did you say it.

She has already heard it, so it is possible that it can really go in through the left ear and come out through the right ear.

She is not that capable, so forget it if she wants to.

"What are you doing."

Just then, a cold voice came from behind.

this sound...

Ling Weifeng trembled all over and almost knelt down.

It's over, it's over, the vinegar jar is here, and it's bumped into it.

She turned her head unrequitedly, looking at the surging river.

I wondered in my heart, if I jumped down now, I would drown myself and pass out, but what is the chance of not drowning.

But think about it or forget it, in such a cold day, it is estimated that if you are not drowned, you will freeze to death.

She didn't even dare to turn her head to see Prince Xi Gu's face.

Especially when he heard the footsteps getting closer, Ling Weifeng wished he could dig a hole and bury himself.

How come there is a feeling of being caught = raped in bed.

She obviously didn't do anything, why is she so guilty.

Just as he was thinking, he felt a coldness that was different from normal temperature coming from behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the hand she held with Yin Shunhua was violently split.

"It's nice to hold? Huh?"

The dangerous tone made Ling Weifeng shudder instantly.

It was as if a basin of ice water had been poured over her head, drenching her to the bone.

Oops, I was startled by the sudden appearance of Prince Xi Gu just now, so I forgot that my hand was still held by Yin Shunhua.

Miserable, miserable, miserable, being held by another man, but ended up being bumped into by my boyfriend.

At this time, Ling Weifeng only had four characters in his mind, my life is over.

The 12 alarm bells sounded in my mind.

This tone, dangerous level, full level!
Those who understand current affairs are heroes, and Ling Weifeng is definitely the most outstanding hero in today's society.

So she put on a bloody expression in a timely manner, and smiled at Prince Xi Gu Hehe.

Flattery, fawning, flattery, flattery, all kinds of expressions of coquettish rolling, cuteness and petting are all used.

If Yin Shunhua wasn't still here, she would have jumped on him, shaking his arms.

If she still had a tail, it must have been shaken into a wave drum.

However, the previous tricks that could make Prince Xi calm down in an instant, failed this time.

The coldness on Prince Xi's body didn't decrease but increased.

With a knife hand, he split the hands of the two, and then pulled Ling Weifeng behind him.

It's like protecting your own personal treasure, hiding it tightly.

He looked at Yin Shunhua coldly and vigilantly.

"Yin Shunhua, I remember I warned you to stay away from her!"

Teeth gnashing, real gnashing of teeth.

These words were almost squeezed out from between the teeth of Emperor Xi.


  I originally planned to update ten chapters in the early morning, but I am too sleepy, so I will do it tonight, and I will make up the remaining seven chapters tomorrow, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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