Chapter 544 Tender Kiss
Ling Weifeng flinched in fright, and instinctively took a step back.

Stepped on the spoon that had just been broken and hadn't had time to pick it up.

The body tilted and hit the glass platform directly.


She didn't expect to step on something, she let out a soft cry, and quickly supported the Liuli platform to stabilize her body.

When Prince Xi entered the door, he saw that the lights in the apartment were on.

With joy in her eyes, she came back.

I was changing shoes at the door when I heard the sound of porcelain being smashed inside.

He frowned slightly, and changed his shoes faster.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Weifeng's soft cry was heard from inside.

The position of the heart tightened, and he rushed in immediately.

In the kitchen at a glance, Ling Weifeng was frowning slightly, leaning on the glazed table.

In the gas stove, the fire is burning vigorously, and I don't know what is cooking.

Various washed dishes are placed on the glazed table.

But on the surface, glass shards were shattered all over the place.

"What are you doing!"

Prince Xi's face suddenly darkened, with a tinge of anger.

Damn it, who allowed her to enter the kitchen!
Step over in two steps in three steps, and directly hug Ling Weifeng horizontally.

He turned off the gas and went to the living room.

Put her on the couch and take her feet up.

"Are you injured?"

The little feet in the hands are white and small, like a pair of pink and lovely jade feet, without any wounds.

Only then did Prince Xi feel relieved, but that face became more and more gloomy.

"Is there any injury on the body?"

Seeing that Ling Weifeng didn't speak, but looked at him timidly.

Prince Xi directly took her hand, checked it carefully, and after making sure that she was not injured, he was relieved.

"Who allowed you to enter the kitchen."

His tone was a little aggressive, and Ling Weifeng shrank in fright.

I don't know why, ever since he stripped her naked, gnawed and bit her, she was afraid of the angry Prince Xi.

And now the two are still arguing, and it's her fault again.

She was even more careful everywhere, for fear of annoying her again.

Sensing this subtle change in her, the feeling of walking on thin ice, Prince Xi's heart throbbed fiercely.

The anger in his eyes instantly turned into endless distress.

He reached out and stroked the hair next to her ear.

The tone also lowered a lot.

"Don't go into the kitchen again."

For the hard work of cooking, it's fine for him to come, and she only needs to eat, and doesn't have to do anything else.

"I...I want to cook for you."

"It's not that I have broken my arms and legs. Do I still need your hands to cook a meal?"

This temper is so confused, if he hurts himself, he will feel very distressed.

Ling Weifeng was a little uncertain about Prince Xi Gu's attitude, and was a little cautious.

The two quarreled so fiercely before, and she left.

I haven't been able to contact him for two days.

She wondered if he was still angry.

He yelled at her again just now, probably still angry with her.

Thinking of this, Ling Weifeng's mouth twitched and his eyes became moist.

She has a pair of twinkling peach blossom eyes, which are already watery. Once she feels wronged, she feels like she is about to cry.

It looks so pitiful, especially lovable.

Seeing the aggrieved little eyes made Prince Xi's heart ache again.

He lowered his head, and his slightly cool lips pressed against her soft lips lightly, and they were instantly separated.

The tone was very gentle, "What's wrong?"

"Xihuang, let's talk, shall we?"

Prince Xi looked at her indifferently, "For a person like you, I have nothing to talk to you about other than dating."


  The update has been added~ See you in the morning~
(End of this chapter)

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