Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 606 Caring Boyfriend 3

Chapter 606 Caring Boyfriend 3
Prince Xi stretched out his hand to pinch her smooth face, his eyes were far-reaching.

When the passion came up just now, he forgot everything, but now that he calmed down, he remembered.

In fact, I wanted to ask her what she was doing in that bar.

Such a remote bar, the business is not good.

He couldn't believe that she was so bored and ran so far to play.

It's just that it's too much for him to install a tracker on her body, if he asks about her whereabouts again.

Will it make her feel that he is watching her?
"Xiaofeng, you...forget it, it's nothing."

It's better not to ask, and leave her some private space, lest she say he is overbearing.

Although, he really wanted to know what she was doing there, or who she was going to meet.

When he left, he actually felt a gaze on him from the second floor.

However, when he turned his head to look, he saw nothing.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"It's okay, go to sleep."

"I can not sleep."

Ling Weifeng's voice was a little low, she didn't feel sleepy at all now.

How could it be said that he fell asleep as soon as he fell asleep.

"Then I'll take you out to play." As Prince Xi said, he was about to hold her up.

Seeing that she hadn't even taken a nap, and his complexion didn't seem too good, he thought she was sleepy, so he wanted her to take a nap.

"No, it's uncomfortable."

Ling Weifeng whimpered, slipped into his arms, and found a comfortable place to lie down.

"Xihuang, please chat with me."

"Well, what do you want to say."

"Did you just want to ask, what did I go to that bar for?"

Prince Xi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect her to be so sensitive, and he guessed right.

He didn't deny it either, there was nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

"Well, I'm a little curious."

Ling Weifeng raised her eyebrows.

She was thinking about whether to tell Prince Xi about Zhou Meige's affairs.

After thinking about it, don't let him know.

After all, Zhou Hai was supported by Emperor Xi Gu, so it can be said that he is one of his forces.

If she told about Zhou Meige now, it would feel like she was suing.

Why bother.

It caused unhappiness between him and Zhou Hai.

If Prince Xi, in a fit of anger, vented his anger for her and attacked Zhou Hai, it would be equivalent to letting him cut off his own arm.

There is no need to do so.

Besides, Zhou Meige, she is still confident that she can handle it.

The most important thing for Zhou Meige is face and identity.

And the information in her hand can destroy Zhou Meige's two most important things.

Therefore, she is not afraid of Zhou Meige tearing up with her.

Thinking of this, she made a decision at once.

Resting her chin on Prince Xi's chest, her eyes were pitiful, "I don't want to say."

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it."

After Prince Xi finished speaking, he changed the topic, "By the way, the batch of cameras you want may not be produced so soon, maybe you have to wait."

"Oh, that, don't worry."

Ling Weifeng said casually, anyway, Fengfengwang's equipment is quite advanced.

There have been no mistakes, and there are better ones, so naturally I want to change a batch.

You can change it anytime.

Prince Xi's arms around her shoulders were tightened, his eyes were broken into dots.

He knew that there must be something hidden behind her, perhaps a force.

It was impossible for him to ask her personally, it would be tantamount to exposing her scars.

Perhaps, with these latest batches of trackers, he might not be able to dig out the force behind her.

Because this kind of tracker is not yet on the market, there is no one else except him to play with a few.

Give her a batch, see who is using it, follow the clues, and believe that you can find something.

(End of this chapter)

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