Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 616 Keep an Eye on Boyfriend 1

Chapter 616 Keep an Eye on Boyfriend 1
After dinner, Ling Weifeng went upstairs to rest, and Prince Xi Gu also went up.

After closing the door, he immediately pushed her against the corner.

"What's going on with you and Zhou Meige?"

Ling Weifeng raised his eyebrows, "Did you see it?"

"What do you say?"

Maybe others can't see that these two women are facing each other.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Ling Weifeng is a boy.

But he knew all the inside information, and he was the protagonist in the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two. How could he not see it.

Ling Weifeng shrugged, "She wants to seduce my boyfriend, so I can't be too angry with her."

Prince Xi's pupils shrank slightly, "Does she know your identity as a girl?"

Ling Weifeng stuck out her tongue, "How is it possible, I disguised so well."

Now that she has decided not to let Prince Xi Gu know about Zhou Meige, she will not show her flaws.

She is not a woman who likes to rely on men, so she can solve her own affairs by herself.

After staring at her face for a while, he didn't see any trace of lying, so Prince Xi was relieved.

If Zhou Meige finds out about Ling Weifeng's secret, he doesn't mind, he can take a vice president for surgery!

"By the way, Emperor Xi, Saturday is Mr. Tang's [-]th birthday. Are you going?"

She still wanted to see Zhong Ai that day.


Prince Xi said in a deep voice.

Mr. Tang, that is, Tang Fengyang's father, is also the last president.

For his [-]th birthday, the celebrity circle will naturally go there.

And this time it was very grand.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this is a large-scale social dinner that Mr. Tang is going to hold.

Tang Fengyang's succession as president means that the era of the younger generation is coming.

Taking advantage of this gathering, almost all heirs in the celebrity circle will attend.

Obviously congratulating Mr. Tang on his birthday, but in fact, it is for the younger generation to communicate and exchange, laying the foundation for future cooperation.

As the heir of the first family, Emperor Xi could be said to be a young protagonist in this gathering.

As for the other one, of course it was Tang Fengyang.

Mr. Tang had already paid a visit in person, and hoped that he could attend.

In fact, the meaning is to let him and Tang Fengyang get closer. After all, in the future, it can be said that he and Tang Fengyang will rule the world.

So, he is definitely going.

"Are you going?" Prince Xi asked back.

"Go, it's such a fun thing, how could I not go."

She said and looked at him maliciously, "And my boyfriend is so good, I have to keep an eye on him personally, what if you are seduced by some vixen."

This time, Mr. Tang's [-]th birthday can be said to be the biggest social dinner in recent years.

The gathering of all the heirs of the younger generation will of course lead to another kind of social interaction.

That is... a blind date.

I believe that as long as you are not a fool, you all know the weight of this party.

Naturally, the daughters of each family will be there. If a wealthy son-in-law is hanged, it will be the ancestors burning incense.

And the best candidates for the son-in-law of the golden tortoise are without a doubt the Emperor Xi's son Gu and Tang Fengyang.

According to the internal information she got, Tang Fengyang's marriage partner has actually been decided, and it is Bu Zhiya.

The purpose of Bu Zhiya's visit to this party was to meet Tang Fengyang first.

So, now there is only Prince Xi Gu who is in high demand.

She has to keep an eye on her herself, in case he dares to look at other women, to see if she doesn't skin him and cramp him!
(End of this chapter)

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