Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 627 Serial Pursuit 3

Chapter 627 Serial Pursuit 3
The car was hit by a big tree on the side of the road, and on the other side was the car that hit it.

The favorite car was directly stuck in the middle.

The body trembled violently.

The people inside were thrown into the air.

Fortunately, Zhong Qing has a seat belt, and she lives a life of licking blood on the muzzle of a gun all year round. This sudden situation does not pose any danger to her at all.

On the contrary, Ling Weifeng was caught off guard and was thrown into the air, smashing hard on the car window.

Tang Fengyang was resting with his eyes closed, and he didn't expect such an unexpected situation at all.

It was also thrown towards Ling Weifeng and hit Ling Weifeng.

He opened his eyes sharply, his eyes sharp.

Looking up, I just saw a bullet shot towards the car window.


Startled, he threw himself on Ling Weifeng, pressed her on the seat, and protected her tightly.

The bullet was shot directly on the car window and was bounced back, leaving only a little powder on the car.

Bang bang bang!
There were several more gunshots in succession, all of which were bounced back by the bulletproof glass.

Only then did Tang Fengyang remember that this is a bulletproof Lincoln, and the bullets cannot penetrate it.

Concerned about chaos, just now he was really scared.

Seeing the bullet shooting towards Ling Weifeng's head, the first reaction was to protect Ling Weifeng.

At this time, he also calmed down, his eyes were dark, like a wolf hiding in the darkness.

Cold and calm.

He looked at the big tree on the left, then at the car on the right.

His eyes were as cold as ice.

"Can you break through?"

"No problem." Zhong Qing's voice came out without any emotion.

She started the engine, and in the darkness, the car roared one after another, like a tiger ready to go.

With a sudden attack, the car turned into a streak of light and flew straight out.

She was going very fast, and the car on the right was still trying to knock her apart with all its might.

Unexpectedly, she rushed out directly, and the car directly hit a tree.

It was so powerful that it directly broke a big tree!
bang bang bang-

There was almost a hail of bullets in the back, and the bullets were fired like crazy.

An anxious voice came from the wireless earbuds, "Love, love, please call back."

"Let the fart go."

I like to step on the accelerator to the bottom. On the road at night, it almost flies.

Like a sharp arrow, going forward bravely, only an afterimage can be seen.

She drove very fast, however, the chasing car behind her was not slow, and followed closely behind.

The bullets were still raining down.

"Love, what's the situation on your side, is Mr. President okay?"

"We're fine, how are you doing?"

"It has already broken through, there is a car in front, and there are two trailing cars behind."

Tang Da said with some seriousness.

He is the chief bodyguard in charge of Tang Fengyang's safety. If something happens to Tang Fengyang, it is probably not an exaggeration for him to apologize with death.

"You intercept the car behind me, and I will take Mr. President to break through."

Zhong Qing said in a cold voice, without any warmth, with a bit of blood.

"Okay, Mr. President's safety is in your hands."

"Sit still."

As Zhong Qing said, he clenched the steering wheel with both hands and kept his eyes straight ahead.

There is a tunnel ahead, out of the tunnel, there are two roads.

On the left is a flat road, while on the right is a mountain road.

The car entered the tunnel at high speed, and when exiting the tunnel, Zhong Qing drove to the right without any hesitation.

The speed of the car is getting faster and faster, and it is impossible to see the scenery behind. The road is dark at night and the mountain road is not easy to walk.

(End of this chapter)

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