Chapter 634
That is to say, no one else knows except her.

That's right.

She doesn't need anyone to be responsible.

And she is self-aware that one of her killers, an internationally wanted criminal, is destined to live in the dark.

Tang Fengyang, on the other hand, is the high and mighty president of a country, so noble and glamorous.

His future wife must be a well-respected and well-respected woman like Bu Zhiya.

And she and him are completely different people from the two worlds.

Darkness and light are two extremes in themselves.

Everything about last night was as if nothing had happened.

What she owed him was paid off.

From then on, bridges return to bridges, roads return to roads, and each has nothing to do with it.

As soon as Tang Fengyang was packed up, he woke up.

Zhong Qing just looked at him coldly, without any warmth in his eyes.

Tang Fengyang opened his eyes, he seemed to be in good spirits.

After venting, I feel refreshed.

This is the difference between men and women.

Party all night.

Women usually have backaches and low spirits.

And the man, damn it, it's like drinking Shiquan Dabu soup!
Tang Fengyang sat up, a little confused.

It seemed that he couldn't figure out why he was lying on the grass.

Thinking back on what happened last night, the memory ends at killing those people.

Then there is no more.

Could it be that he was too tired last night, so he just slept here all night?
Not likely.

"What happened last night."

Tang Fengyang looked at Zhong Qing, but found that the woman in front of him was just looking at him coldly.

He frowned slightly, only feeling that the loving eyes were colder than before.

In the past, love was also cold, but that kind of coldness was just a kind of coldness without temperature. It would never give people a biting feeling like it is now.

Zhong Qing didn't answer his words, but said, "You save me once, and I will save you once. From then on, they have nothing to do with each other."

Tang Fengyang was taken aback, did this mean he was leaving?

He nodded, "Okay, I'll arrange it. Taking advantage of this assassination, I declare to the outside world that you went to investigate secretly."

Zhong Qing didn't speak, but stood up, turned around and was about to leave.

Tang Fengyang supported the ground with his hands, trying to prop himself up.

But he found that his hands were actually stained with blood.

He frowned and looked down at the pressed grass.

There, some bright red blood.

He was startled, "Zhong Qing, are you hurt?"

Zhong Qing's whole body froze, and a murderous intent arose all over her body again.

He turned around resolutely and walked forward without mercy.

She was afraid that if she stayed for another second, she couldn't help but kill Tang Fengyang!


Hehe, that is the most precious thing for a woman!

Tang Fengyang got up and followed quickly.

He feels the love today, which is very strange.

It seems that someone offended her.

After much deliberation, there is only one possibility, and that is that those killers last night angered her.

He walked to her side and said in a deep voice, "Actually, you can leave anytime you want. Also, the person who rescued you was not me."


Zhong Qing paused, and shot Tang Fengyang sharply.

"Young Master Xihuang rescued you. He didn't want Xiaofeng to know, so he never told the truth. I have no kindness to you, so you don't need to do things for me because of kindness."

Zhong Qing couldn't tell what was in her heart.

She just felt ironic.

It was Prince Xi Gu who saved her, but it was ridiculous that she thought it was Tang Fengyang.

She still wanted to stay by his side to repay her kindness.

In the end, I put my most precious thing in it.

(End of this chapter)

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