Chapter 637
In Tang Fengyang's mind, the lonely back when Zhong Qing left, and her pair of cold and piercing eyes appeared again.

He looked a little surprised and rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

What's going on, why do I always think of that woman.

In fact, his relationship with Zhong Qing is not very good.

Zhong Qing is a killer, with a cold aura all year round, and doesn't like to talk to people very much.

She had been with him for more than a month, and the communication between them did not exceed ten sentences.

Because of Ling Weifeng's relationship, he took good care of her.

He didn't think there was anything special about her before, so why did he keep thinking about her after she left.

Could it be that it was Zhong Qing who saved him last night, that's why he can't forget it so much.

"Tang Tang? Tang Tang?"

Seeing that Tang Fengyang didn't respond for a long time, Ling Weifeng panicked.

Called a few times.

Only then did Tang Fengyang come back to his senses and said, "She's gone."

"Gone? Where did you go?"

"I don't know, she said she was leaving."

"Oh, then I'll call and ask her."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Fengyang leaned back on the back seat, a little startled.

He actually lost his mind while talking on the phone with Ling Weifeng.

This is definitely the first time for him.

The matter of Ling Weifeng is the top priority for him, no matter when and where, as long as Ling Weifeng summons, he will arrive at the first time.

When he was with her, it was also the time when he was most attentive, even more attentive than handling official duties.

But this time, he was distracted.

And for another woman.

Tang Fengyang felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Since waking up in the morning, he felt that he was not normal.

I can't tell what's abnormal, but it just feels different from before.

However, he has a lot of things to deal with now, and he doesn't have much thought to deal with these annoying things.

The car stopped in front of the National Defense Building, and he was about to start a new round of work.

Things that fell in love with were also left behind.

Ling Weifeng hung up the phone and immediately dialed Zhong Qing.

"Xiao Qingqing, where are you?"

"At the hotel, what's the matter?" Zhong Qing's voice was still cold.

And with a tired look.

"Tang Tang said you're gone, I'm worried about you."

Zhong Qing's hand holding the phone froze, subconsciously clenched.

Her face seemed to be covered with a layer of ice, and the smoke was lingering, but it couldn't dissipate the chill from her body.

Tang Fengyang, these three words have now become her forbidden zone.

However, she didn't want anyone to know what happened last night.

Just treat yourself as a dumb loser.

"I stayed by his side because it was an expedient occasion, and I just took this opportunity to leave."

"Oh, that's it." Ling Weifeng heaved a sigh of relief, scaring her to death.

Almost thought that something happened to love.

"Love, those killers last night..."

"I've asked Feifei to investigate." Zhong Qing's expression became colder and colder.

It seems that the surrounding hot water is condensed into ice.

"Okay, then I won't bother you anymore, let me know if you find it."


Zhong Qing hung up the phone, threw the phone aside, and closed his eyes.

Lean your back against the edge of the bathtub.

The body slid down slowly, and the water spread from her chest to her delicate collarbone, then to her neck, chin, and then her entire face.

Until the whole person sank into the water.

Under the crystal clear water is a jade-like body.

Her perfect jade-like skin was covered with bluish purple bruises.

It destroyed the snow-like beauty and added a bit of ambiguity.

That is the trace of passion and love.

(End of this chapter)

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