Chapter 644
Bu Zhiya is a real daughter of a famous family, and she is also very clear about her mission.

When she was born, she was destined to marry for the benefit of the Bu family.

Coupled with her indifferent temper, she can't do anything disobedient.

So she will definitely accept the arrangement at home.

However, accepting it doesn't mean she can let Rong Shixiu go.

If she can't let go of that relationship, it will be very dangerous for her.

Tang Fengyang's identity was inherently dangerous, and many people coveted the position of the mother of the country.

How many people want to pull Bu Zhiya down, if Bu Zhiya still hides Rong Shixiu in his heart, and this relationship that cannot blossom is dug out one day.

That would be a fatal weakness for Bu Zhiya.

The mother of the country, there must be no stains.

So, take advantage of the present and make a conclusion.

Regarding Ling Weifeng's safety, Prince Xi Gu was very cautious.

It was a large racecourse with rich entertainment facilities.

Emperor Xi Gu meant that the venue was reserved.

This thought shocked Ling Weifeng a lot.

Local tycoon!

Super rich! ! !
That is the largest racecourse in the country, and its scale is equivalent to that of Luoxia Mountain Villa.

A one-day charter would cost five hundred million at least.

Seven days is 35 billion!

Ling Weifeng instantly felt that he was so poor.

How terrifying is the background of the Xi family.

35 billion, just for her to play around.

This is too extravagant!
Emperor Xi's son Gu didn't care, his woman wanted to play, so 35 billion was nothing.

Compared with Ling Weifeng's safety, [-] billion is nothing but floating clouds.

His way of spending billions of dollars successfully disgusted Ling Weifeng.

Prince Xi Gu is definitely her class enemy!
I thought I was rich enough, after all, sells information, and a piece of important information can be sold for tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

But she can't spend more than three billion yuan to play.

This is so fucking shocking!
People are more popular than dead people.

She is so poor.

In the end, Ling Weifeng still did not agree with Prince Xi Gu's approach.

Not to mention wasting extravagance, it's also meaningless.

Going out to play, the picture is full of excitement, all the venues are reserved, the huge racecourse is deserted, what's the fun.

Besides, she is not a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken, and ordinary people can't hurt her.

Prince Xi was too nervous.

Prince Xi couldn't resist her, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​booking the venue.

So he sent someone to check the racecourse in advance, and after confirming it was safe, he was surrounded.

It can be said that there are three floors inside and three floors outside. There will be absolutely no suspicious people getting in these few days.

But inside, he was not guarded.

Being followed everywhere, it felt like surveillance, Ling Weifeng muttered to resist.

Plus, with him around, she wouldn't let anything happen by his side.

After everything was arranged properly, the group set off happily.

When we arrived at the racecourse, it was already night.

After a day's driving, everyone was tired, so they rested directly after eating.

The Kingdom of Hua is ruled by the Xi Royal family. Although the main force is in the capital, it has great influence in all parts of the country.

So when he heard that Young Master Xihuang was coming, the racecourse simply confessed him as if he were his ancestor.

The accommodation arranged is the best in the entire racecourse.

Moreover, Emperor Xi's son Gu had already said hello in advance that they wanted an independent villa.

Only a few of them live here, and no one else is allowed to come near.

This is for the sake of Ling Weifeng's safety, he is afraid that someone will interfere with it.

Of course, the manager of the racecourse is responsive to requests, even if Emperor Xi refuses to give orders, he will do so.

The crown prince has such a noble status, he must enjoy the best treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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