Chapter 659 Explosion 4
Especially seeing Prince Xi's increasingly crazy appearance, Zhou Meige couldn't calm down at all.

At this moment, the managers of the racecourse also arrived.

When the general manager saw this scene, he fainted directly.

Come again!
I don't know how to explain the incident at the racetrack today.

Now there is an explosion.

nothing left.

Leng Lie Fang Jiming and others also arrived.

Seeing Prince Xi's madness, everyone was stunned.

Then a question came to mind.

Ling Weifeng!
Except for Ling Weifeng being inside, there will be nothing that can drive Prince Xi Gu crazy.

"Put out the fire, put out the fire quickly!" Leng Lie was in a hurry, seeing those bodyguards already desperately putting out the fire, his eyes were red with anxiety.

Turn around and want to rush in.

Zhou Meige was really frightened.

She never expected that so many people would rush in to save people regardless of safety.

It's too late to go in now, with such a big fire, Ling Weifeng must have been burned to death after going in for so long.

She hurriedly stopped in front of Leng Lie, "Xiao Feng is not inside."

After all, Leng Lie was not as crazy as Prince Xi Gu, he listened to Zhou Meige's words.

"What did you say?"


There was a gleam of ecstasy in his cold eyes.

He even looked at Zhou Meige with some humility, hoping that he would give him a lucky answer.

That look, with begging.

Begging Zhou Meige to say that Ling Weifeng is still alive and safe.

Zhou Meige's heart was so blocked that the jealousy at that moment grew crazily.

Why does everyone care so much about Ling Weifeng.

Looking at Leng Lie's expression, she knew that Leng Lie also liked Ling Weifeng.

And it's a deep, deep kind of liking, even to the point of deep love.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be like Prince Xi, seeing the whole villa on fire and rushing into it regardless of safety.

She pursed her lips, suppressing all the jealousy in her heart.

Said, "I just heard from the bodyguard that Xiaofeng is not inside."

Yin Shunhua and the others also heard this sentence.

They turned their heads and looked at the bodyguards who had already surrounded them, "What's going on, where did Xiaofeng go?"

One of the bodyguards stood up immediately, "I don't know, but I can be sure that Young Master Ling is not in the villa. We found her missing, so we left to look for her."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Prince Xi Gu who was still crazy.

His pupils were frighteningly black, apparently losing his mind.

Yin Shunhua and Fang Jiming walked over at the same time, each holding his hand.

"Xi Huang calm down, Xiao Feng is fine."

"Xiaofeng is not in the villa, Xihuang, Xihuang, please calm down."

Their voices were so loud that Prince Xi finally heard them.

Only then did he calm down a little and stopped beating the two bodyguards.

The eyes are also humble hope, "What did you say?"

He looked at Fang Jiming with the eyes of a criminal waiting to be sentenced.

Fang Zhiming's words will be his salvation.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to Ling Weifeng if something happened to him.

Such a long life, what would he do without her.

Heart lifted, breath held.

He looked at Fang Jiming eagerly.

Fang Jiming also knew how Prince Xi was feeling at the moment, so he hurriedly said, "Xiaofeng is not in the villa, if you don't believe me, ask Zhou Meige."

Zhou Meige's face turned pale, she never expected that Fang Jiming would push her out.

I could only bite the bullet and say, "Yes, I just heard from the bodyguard that Xiaofeng is missing and not in the villa."

Prince Xi Gu turned his head to look at the bodyguards who had fainted on the ground. They had been severely injured by him.

(End of this chapter)

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