Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 671 Surveillance Stolen 9

Chapter 671 Surveillance Stolen 9
However, even if she didn't dare to watch it anymore, she still had to watch it in the end.

Closed eyes, slowly opened.

When she saw herself in the mirror, her tears flowed down instantly.

Prince Xi quickly threw away the mirror, took out two tissues, and wiped away her tears.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

He was very distressed.

If the tears fell on the wound, it would probably cause inflammation and leave a scar, which would really disfigure the face.

Ling Weifeng's tears flowed more and more fiercely.

"Destroyed...your appearance..."

Three words, she spoke intermittently.

His throat was already sore, and now he was emotionally agitated, with gasps of crying.


Seeing that her tears were flowing more and more fiercely, Prince Xi's brows were tightly knit together.

"It's not disfigured, don't be afraid."

Ling Weifeng was sobbing, crying even harder.

The right side of his face was completely covered with gauze, and the left side was so smoky that it was so ugly.

She could feel the burning pain on the right side of her cheek, how could such a large area of ​​burns not be disfigured.


"Don't cry, tears get on the wound, it will leave a scar."

Prince Xi said distressedly.

Moreover, her voice is not good yet, so she can't talk too much, let alone cry.

Crying hurts the throat the most.

After we cry a lot, our throats are dry, sore, and hoarse.

It is because the vocal cords are overused.

Doctor Han specially ordered Ling Weifeng to talk less, especially not to cry.


Ling Weifeng was still crying, she wanted to cover her face with her hands.

But found that her hands were wrapped into pig's trotters, and the wound on her face could not be seen.

He didn't dare to cover his face at all.

He could only look at Prince Xi helplessly.

"Xi... Huang..."

"I'm here, don't cry, it's just a slight burn, it's fine when it recovers, it won't be disfigured."

Even if the face is disfigured, so what, today's plastic surgery technology is so advanced, it's a big deal to get back.

But this sentence, he did not say.

First of all, I was afraid that she would think that she was disfigured if she said it, which made her even more sad.

Secondly, plastic surgery is like using a knife, how could he be willing to do it.

Regardless of whether she is disfigured or not, she is his Xiao Fengfeng, the woman he loves the most.

"Hey, it's really not disfigured."

"If, disfigured, you will, will not, despise me."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Prince Xi Gu said firmly, his brows were tinged with anger.

"That's how you look at me. I just fell in love with your face?"

Ever since he was a child, he has never had any women around him, and there are many who are prettier than Ling Weifeng.

Just, so what.

Even if it grows into a flower, it's not his Xiao Fengfeng.

What he likes is her, not her face.

At the beginning, he didn't know that she was a girl, so he fell in love with her all the same.

If you don't even care about gender, do you still care about this face?

I really want to scold her, but seeing her tearful face, how can I be angry.

All the anger turned into endless heartache.

"It's not that I like your face, why would I despise you, don't cry, it hurts your throat."

"If you become ugly, you will, dislike it, mine, you will... like it, others..."

"No, I promise."

Ling Weifeng was still crying, she was a woman who pleases herself.

If she was really disfigured, how inferior would she be in front of such a perfect Prince Xi Gu.

She doesn't want to be so superficial, but sometimes, it's really impossible not to be superficial.

"If you're worried, we'll get married right away."


  The update is over, good night~
  Thank you Yan Qier, three, three, three thousand feet, smiling [2], the rewards of the three darlings, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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