Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 709 The Black-bellied Little White Rabbit

Chapter 709 The Black-bellied Little White Rabbit
Zhou Meige used to be the girlfriend of Prince Xi Gu, but she was nothing.

This made Ling Mengxi's psychology unbalanced.

Because of this, she has a particularly strong opinion on Zhou Meige.

Love rivals meet, especially jealous.

When she returned to China this time, Zhou Meige became her sister-in-law, and she would never be able to be with Prince Xi again.

Based on this, Ling Mengxi had already graciously forgiven Zhou Meige.

But in the blink of an eye, Zhou Meige actually ruined her face!
This kind of hatred is absolutely irreconcilable, so Ling Mengxi's hatred for Zhou Meige has reached its peak!

I can't wait to pull Zhou Meige's skin and cramps, and slash hundreds of knives on her face!

Although Ling Yiyong was not as angry as the others, judging from his gloomy face, he was obviously in a bad mood.

He has no opinion on Zhou Meige, anyway, he doesn't love his son Ling Jiang, and what kind of woman he chooses is Ling Jiang's business.

What he cared about was Zhou Meige's influence on the Ling family and the Ling Group.

Ling Jiang and Zhou Meige just got engaged, but the Zhou family collapsed.

The turbulent undercurrent in the past few days is not only aimed at the Zhou family, but also has a great impact on the Ling family.

The stock was very volatile, and several partners began to waver and withdraw their funds.

This has too much impact on the Ling Group.

He was so busy that he was exhausted.

In the entire Ling family, the only ones who were in a good mood were probably Ling Weifeng and Han Ling, mother and daughter.

You should eat and sleep every day.

Occasionally read the newspaper, chat about the news, and pay attention to the development of the Zhou family.

I don't know how happy I am.

Whether it's Xia Chunlin, Ling Jiang, Ling Mengxi, Mr. Ling, or Zhou Meige, these people are not liked by their mother and daughter.

Seeing their collective misfortune, Han Ling couldn't say how happy she was.

I feel that the rice at home is very fragrant, and even the boiled water is a lot sweeter.

Last night Ling Weifeng pinched her slender waist and asked Han Ling.

"Mom, have I gained weight recently?"

Recently, she is in a good mood, eats a lot, and sleeps very soundly. She feels that she has gained weight.

As a result, when she asked this question, Prince Xi Gu just came to her and listened to her seriously.

So Young Master Xihuang pressed Ling Weifeng on the bed, took off her clothes, kneaded and squeezed her slender waist, and helped her confirm if she had gained weight.

It made Ling Weifeng want to cry but no tears.

Of course, Ling Weifeng and Han Ling only dared to gloat in private, but on the surface, they still pretended to be serious.

Otherwise, it would be another family battle if it hit the muzzle of old man Ling.

Mr. Ling was so angry that he scolded Xia Chunlin's third mother and son severely.

At this time, Butler Bai came to report, and Zhou Meige came.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall changed instantly.

Ling Weifeng raised her eyebrows, is it finally here?

She guessed that Zhou Meige would definitely come.

To bring down the Zhou family in such a short period of time, in Huaguo, only two people can do it.

One is Xihuang Town, and the other is Xihuangzi Gu.

Even Tang Fengyang couldn't do it.

Because Tang Fengyang is the president, the higher he stands, the more constraints he will have.

Although Tang Fengyang has great power, he cannot abuse it. It is very inconvenient to do many things.

Xi Huangzi Gu is different, he is an invisible emperor.

He is not subject to the constraints of officialdom, and has a lot of power. In Huaguo, he can be said to be the same.

Zhou Meige must have guessed that it was Prince Xi Gu who did it, and she must have gone to find Prince Xi Gu as well.

However, it is estimated that he didn't even see Prince Xi Gu's face.

So, Zhou Meige came to find her, because her handle was still in Zhou Meige's singer.

(End of this chapter)

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