Chapter 728
Except for Ling Weifeng, who still had that playful smile.

It's hard to see what she's thinking.

Zhou Meige is not in the mood to fight with Ling Weifeng at this time, she has to figure out how to gain a foothold in the Ling family.

She knew that she was dependent on others now, and the Ling family hated her very much.

Therefore, she must lower her posture.

To please these people.

Perhaps in order to create trouble for Ling Jiang, Mr. Ling did not ask Butler Bai to arrange a place for Zhou Meige, but let her live in Ling Jiang's room.

The person was chosen by Ling Jiang himself, so let him face this woman every day.

It's also good to teach him a lesson. When picking a woman in the future, look a little bit longer.

Regarding this decision, Zhou Meige's face turned pale.

Lonely men and widows live in the same room, without even thinking about it, they know what will happen.

She didn't believe that Ling Jiang would be a gentleman and would not touch her.

When she thought of the middle-aged man riding on top of her, she had an instinctive fear of men.

Now she only hopes that Ling Jiang hates her, so disgusted that even looking at her feels disgusting.

After all, she had lost all his face.

That way he won't touch her.

Xia Chunlin looked at this daughter-in-law coldly, no matter how she looked at it, she didn't like it.

She had a lot of dissatisfaction with Zhou Meige before, and felt that Zhou Meige didn't take her future mother-in-law seriously.

An event as big as the engagement banquet was arranged by her alone, and Zhou Meige didn't even show her face.

But due to Zhou Meige's status as the vice president's daughter, she didn't say anything.

Now Zhou Meige has nothing left, let's see how she kills this bitch!

From the way Xia Chunlin looked at her, Zhou Meige knew that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would definitely deteriorate to the extreme in the future.

She has no status in this family.

The way Ling Mengxi looked at her was the most terrifying.

Because in the past, they were both the school beauties of Xihuang Noble Academy, and they both liked Xihuangzi Gu.

Now Ling Mengxi's disfigurement is also related to her.

What worries Zhou Meige the most is that she found someone to kill Ling Mengxi back then, and it was still in Ling Weifeng's hands.

If Ling Weifeng told Ling Mengxi about this matter, Ling Mengxi probably killed her.

Not only Ling Mengxi, but the entire Ling family probably won't let her go.

Zhou Meige was very scared, her face was pale and bloodless.

She vaguely understood why Ling Weifeng would allow her to enter the Ling family.

This is to force her to death!

Once she entered the Ling family, she could only rely on the big tree of the Ling family in the future, and could not escape at all.

And she must not tell about her finding someone to take over Ling Mengxi, otherwise there will be only a dead end!
That is to say, from the moment she stepped into Ling's house, her life was tightly squeezed by Ling Weifeng!
No wonder, Ling Weifeng said back then that she still had her life, and her parents' lives.

At that time, she was a little puzzled, Ling Weifeng's handle could indeed kill her parents, but it couldn't kill her.

It turned out that Ling Weifeng had already set the trap and was waiting for her here.

Zhou Meige felt sad in her heart, she thought that she had pinched Ling Weifeng to death and forced Ling Weifeng to help her keep the marriage.

But he didn't want to, his every move was in Ling Weifeng's calculations.

She lost the duel with Ling Weifeng.

A crushing defeat.

Zhou Meige restrained all her thoughts, the matter has come to this point, she can only take one step at a time.

She took out an ointment from the salute and knocked on Ling Mengxi's door.

(End of this chapter)

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