Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 75 His Indifference

Chapter 75 His Indifference
Ling Weifeng smiled mysteriously, "Guess what?"

Ling Mengxi was very nervous, she was afraid that Ling Weifeng would tell the truth, but on second thought, no, Ling Weifeng didn't dare to tell the truth.

Ling Weifeng loves face so much, he definitely doesn't want others to know that he is pretending to be a woman.

Otherwise, she would have been exposed a long time ago, how could she have become a man of the school and stole the limelight!
"I can't guess." Yin Shunhua spread his hands.

Bu Zhiya smiled softly, "Xiaofeng, you can reveal the answer."

"Haha, I won't tell you, it will make you curious."

Leng Lie kicked her, "Could it be that you didn't go, otherwise there are so many of us, why didn't any of us recognize you."

Ling Weifeng stuck out her tongue, "I won't tell you unless I tell you. Anyway, I went with a classmate, and I saw that you and Shunhua got married. Congratulations, lovers finally get married hahaha .”

That rampant laughter was so cold that I wanted to punch someone!

"Each person has a gift, don't be reckless, or I will post on the school forum to discredit you, hehe."

"Okay, I will carefully prepare the gift, I hope you like it." Yin Shunhua smiled inexplicably.

He will carefully prepare a unique gift for her.

Leng Lie was very unconvinced, "Little Baozi, tell me, who are you pretending to be?"

His heart was tickled.

Ling Weifeng couldn't stop laughing, letting Leng Lie intimidate and lure her, but refused to say anything.

Her eyes met Ling Mengxi's in mid-air, and both of them smiled as usual, but Ling Weifeng saw pride and provocation in Ling Mengxi's eyes.

She lowered her eyes to hide the flashing cold light.

After eating, Ling Weifeng went upstairs to rest, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, his mind was full of Prince Xi Gu.

Why didn't he come to eat, what did he eat for lunch, did he eat nothing.

Ling Weifeng pulled the quilt irritably, and covered her head out of breath.

He's not a child, doesn't he know how to find something to eat? What's she worrying about?

Besides, he is so big that he won't die if he doesn't eat a meal.


Ling Weifeng threw away the quilt irritably, stomped downstairs, asked the kitchen master to make a bento, and then walked towards the library.

The school library has a total of three floors. It is lunch break time, and many people come to the library to read or rest.

She didn't know where Prince Xi was, so she looked up from the first floor.

It's just that I searched all over the third floor, but I didn't see him.

"What are you doing, didn't you say you're in the library?"

Ling Weifeng muttered, turned around and wanted to leave, took two steps, suddenly thought of something, turned to look at the stairs leading to the balcony.

As soon as he walked to the entrance of the balcony, he heard his voice before seeing anyone.

"Master Xihuang, I...I heard that you didn't have lunch, so...so I brought you a bento."

This voice is Ling Mengxi!

Ling Weifeng sneered, she didn't expect her second sister to be so impatient, those rumors spread only last night, and now she can't wait to show her face in front of Prince Xi Gu.

She secretly stretched out her head, glanced at it hastily, and quickly retracted it.

Prince Xi's face sank like water, "Ling Mengxi, what happened last night, don't think..."

A small head flashed past the stairs, and his voice stopped abruptly.

After a moment of silence, he said coldly, "Let it go."

Ling Mengxi was very excited, she thought that Prince Xi would just drive her away.

She was already ready to be humiliated, but she didn't expect Prince Xi to let her go. Does this mean that he also likes her, and she also has a chance.

She was very excited, but she didn't dare to show it too obviously, she just stood aside cautiously.

Sitting on the sun chair, Emperor Xi absent-mindedly opened the bento, but his ears were pricked up.

(End of this chapter)

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