Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 77 Fall in His Arms

Chapter 77 Fall in His Arms

Long after Ling Weifeng left, Ling Mengxi was still in a daze, wondering what did that sentence mean.

What a face, two faces, idiot!

Ling Weifeng walked quickly to the service desk, the uncle administrator was very happy, just about to open the lunch box, a small plain white hand stretched out.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I suddenly don't want to invite you."

Ling Weifeng left a smile that was so fascinating that she couldn't pay for her life, and left gracefully.

The administrator uncle has been in a daze for a long time and has not recovered, what is the situation!

Prince Xi turned his back to the stairs, heard footsteps, turned his head, and happened to meet Ling Weifeng.

Ling Weifeng was stunned for a moment, then grinned, as bright as the sunshine in March.

She shook the bento in her hand, "I heard that the young master didn't eat, so I brought it for you."

Prince Xi's eyes darkened, "Your second sister brought it for me."

Ling Weifeng sat down opposite him, glanced at the untouched bento on the table, shrugged, and then put the bento she brought on the table.

"Why don't you go to dinner today?"

"no appetite."

Ling Weifeng's heart was astringent, and she didn't know why she had such emotions.

Neither of them spoke again, and the atmosphere suddenly froze.

Prince Xi looked at her seriously, "What do you want from me?"

"Bring you food."

"The meal has been delivered, why don't you leave?"

Ling Weifeng,...!

Brother kindly came to deliver food to you, but he turned his face to him.

Cut, inexplicable!

Ling Weifeng stood up angrily, "Goodbye!"

At this time, she was so angry that she didn't look at the road at all. Her foot accidentally tripped over the chair leg, and the whole chair turned over, and she slammed to the side unsteadily.

Ling Weifeng was so startled that she hit the corner of the table with her waist and bounced her off.

Prince Xi's complexion changed, and he stretched out his hands to catch her.

She fell directly on top of him and embraced him.

"Suck—ah, it hurts."

She stretched out her hand to cover the waist that had just been hit, grinning her teeth in pain, ouch, her waist is about to break.

"Where did you hit?"


Ling Weifeng frowned, helped Prince Xi Gu's shoulders up, and sat on his lap.

This movement was indescribably harmonious, but at this moment, both of them were only concerned about her injury and didn't pay attention at all.

Ling Weifeng kept rubbing the injured part with her hands, hoping to relieve the pain.

"Does it hurt? Let me see." Prince Xi reached out and lifted her clothes, revealing a small section of white, tender and smooth skin.

The skin was bare = exposed, bringing a burst of coolness, Ling Weifeng woke up suddenly, and pressed down hard with the hand covering his waist.


Pain pain pain pain ah!
Her face was distorted in pain, but she still didn't forget to turn the wound to the other side, and then tried to pretend nothing had happened, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Prince Xi's eyebrows were cold, and the air around him seemed to freeze.

Suddenly, an unknown fire rose in his heart. Her attitude made him feel that his concern was superfluous.

Push her hard, "Since it's all right, let's go."

"Ah." With this push, her wound was pulled again, the pain made her want to punch someone!

She couldn't even stand still, so she simply squatted on the ground, pressing her hands tightly on the wound to relieve the severe pain.

On the side that Prince Xi couldn't see, she quietly lifted the hem of her clothes and took a quick look.

There was a large piece of green, and the skin was a little torn, with a little blood oozing out.

"Axi." Ling Weifeng wanted to scold her, but just bumped her, but it was so serious, bruised and swollen.

Prince Xi couldn't bear it, so he walked over to help her up and let her sit on a chair.

(End of this chapter)

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