Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 795 Blushing, sick?

Chapter 795 Blushing, sick?

Women's minds are small, especially when it comes to the man they like.

However, Emperor Xi Gu has always emphasized that there is nothing between him and Nora.

And Nora also acted very friendly, so she didn't show much.

It's just that there is a little snack in my heart.

"Familiar, he didn't go to junior high school, you know."

Nora said, looked at Ling Weifeng, and continued talking after Ling Weifeng nodded.

"His three years in junior high school have been trained in my family's army. I was with him, so I know him very well, and he also had most of his training last year at my family.

He often mentioned you, he said in the three years when he was a child that he had a very good brother named Ling Weifeng.

When I was at my house last year, he kept talking about his little Fengfeng every day, which made my heart itch. I wanted to know you a long time ago. "

There was one more thing Nora didn't say.

Even when he was young, when Prince Xi mentioned Xiao Fengfeng, he would always say that he was his good brother, but last year, he was called Xiao Feng, and he never said he was a good brother.

However, the number of times mentioned is simply doubled!
Hearing the conversation of the two women behind him, Prince Xi Gu walked a lot lighter.

Today is Saturday, a rest day.

When they came to the lobby, they saw Xihuangzhen and Du Ruxue reading the morning newspaper.

Seeing the three of them coming in, Du Ruxue was obviously surprised.

"Xiaofeng, why did you come so early?"

Ling Weifeng smiled lightly, "I came here last night."

Du Ruxue cast another reproachful look at Prince Xi, "Why didn't you tell me that Xiaofeng is here?"

Then he looked at Nora, "Nora, didn't you say you would come back in a few days, why did you pop out all of a sudden?"

Nora smiled slightly in her green eyes, "Aunt Xue, I miss you, so come here earlier."

"Tsk, I haven't seen you for a while, not only is she more beautiful, but her mouth is also sweet."

"I am telling the truth."

"By the way, your room is not in that direction."

The direction the three of them came from just now must be the independent villa of Prince Xi Gu.

Nora's previous room was just in the opposite direction, next to the garden.

She said she likes to see roses.

Nora would come to play every summer vacation, so a room was reserved for her in the Xi Palace.

"I live in Xihuang's independent villa."

As soon as Nora finished speaking, Du Ruxue frowned, "Xihuang's independent villa seems to have only two bedrooms, the rest are all empty..."

"Mom, Nora lives in Xiaofeng's room." Prince Xi Gu explained.

"Ah?" Du Ruxue opened her mouth slightly, "What about Xiaofeng?"

"She lives with me!" Prince Xi said without changing his face.

Ling Weifeng blushed a little.

This feeling is weird.

On the bright side, the two big men live together.

Secretly, they...

Thinking of those hot scenes last night, she couldn't help but blush and her heart beat.

"Xiaofeng, why is your face so red, are you sick?"

Du Ruxue was a little concerned, and wanted to reach out and touch Ling Weifeng's head.

Ling Weifeng quickly covered his face with his hands, "No, I'm wearing too many clothes, it's a bit hot."

Wasn't that right, Prince Xi was so excited last night that he gnawed her neck black and blue, so that she had to wear a turtleneck sweater today.

But today is not very cold, the sun is shining brightly, and it is really hot.

"You can change clothes, it's not very cold today." Du Ruxue said lightly.

Ling Weifeng blushed even more.

(End of this chapter)

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