chapter 91

His eyes drifted faintly to the darkest passage next to it. It is said that it is an enhanced version. All the ghosts are real people pretending to be real. Very big people, otherwise definitely don't go in.

After thinking about it, he directly picked up Ling Weifeng's collar and carried her in.

He couldn't believe that he couldn't scare her!

In order to let her fall into his arms, he also worked hard.


As soon as Ling Weifeng walked in, he immediately let out a scream, Prince Xi consummated in an instant, so he just said, she looks thin and small, how could she be so courageous.

He giggled happily, and was ready to open his hands to welcome her into his arms.

However, in the next second, his smile froze.

I saw Ling Weifeng jumping up and down on the spot a few times, like that, like that... It didn't look like fear, but excitement.

"Aha, amazing, wow... wow... Xihuang, look over there, that ghost's eyes are bleeding, and that, wow, his tongue is so long, what is it made of, it seems real Oh, I really want to pull it out and have a look."

She danced with excitement, Prince Xi's face was already darkened.

Staring at Ling Weifeng's eyes, I can't wait to stare her out!

Will you die if you are timid? Will you die!

"Oh wow, Uncle Zombie is so handsome, come on, let's take a photo together."

"What the hell is this, your clothes are so cool, can you lend me some clothes."

"Wow, Sadako actually crawled out of that hole, hey, why did she get stuck, is she too fat?"


The originally scary atmosphere was stunned by her words, and the staff who played the role of ghosts all burst into laughter!

Sadako was even more shocked, and rolled down round and round.

Huh, it's not her fault that she doesn't despise people so much.

Prince Xi was really speechless, he directly carried her out, and when he turned around, he found a "ghost" lying on the ground, so he kicked that "ghost" to the side of the zombie uncle's coffin.

"Ah—" Ling Mengxi bumped into the coffin, and then the terrifying face of Uncle Zombie appeared in front of her.

"Girl, your blood smells so good..."


Ling Mengxi's face turned pale with fright, and she rushed out scrambling, "Master Xihuang, wait for me."

Woohoo I'm so scared.

"Let go, let go, I haven't played enough yet." Ling Weifeng was very dissatisfied, she wanted to play for a while, but Prince Xi dragged her out, it was simply too much.

"If you stay any longer, people won't have to work anymore." Prince Xi was speechless. It was the first time he saw that someone entering a haunted house was not only not afraid, but also made all the ghosts laugh.

Ling Weifeng pouted, she didn't mean it.

It was a fact, that Sadako couldn't climb out because she was too fat.

"Hey, where's my second sister?"

Not seeing Ling Mengxi's figure, Ling Weifeng hurriedly searched around, only to see Ling Mengxi walking out of the haunted house with a pale face, her feet still trembling slightly.

Ling Weifeng said with a smile, "Second Sister, are you okay?"

Just when Ling Mengxi wanted to say that she had something to do and needed to rest for a while, Prince Xi Gu spoke coldly.

"If you can't keep playing, get out."

"How come, I can continue." Ling Mengxi immediately changed her words with a smile.

Ling Weifeng still had a smile on his face, but his eyes were a bit cold, "In that case, let's continue."

(End of this chapter)

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