Unparalleled in the world: the princess is too arrogant

Chapter 1039 The queen's big wedding, how can it be a flourishing event!

Chapter 1039 The Queen's Great Wedding, What a Prosperity! (4)
"hold head high--"

The halo of stars and stars in the sky circulates, and the sound of Luan and Feng's harmony crosses the sky.

The Tianwai City was boiling with excitement, and the floating Heavenly Palace on the top of the mountains was also worthwhile.

The Tiangong is suspended, and the square outside is like a few miles in diameter. Under the sky full of stars, it looks like you can pick the stars with your hands.

The main hall at the back is so spacious, with hundreds of ice-carved jade pillars that cannot be surrounded by ten people propping up the sky, above which is a coiled dragon, decorated with winding colored silk, tens of thousands of exquisite red tables are neatly arranged, it is spacious yet lively, At this time, it was already an extremely lively situation.

"It's really grand!"

"That's right, such a handwriting is unheard of."

The sounds of emotion continued to be heard between the crisp wine glasses colliding, and nearly ten thousand four-corner mahogany desks were already full of seats. Everyone came here early, but occasionally scattered guests were welcomed into it.

"When will this Wushuang come back?"

Ji Yunyang sat in a corner, and after drinking a glass of wine with a smile, he stretched his neck eagerly to look at the starry Mokong outside the hall.

"I said what are you in a hurry for?"

Next to him, Yun Qingchen tapped the folding fan of his right hand on his left palm, gave Ji Yunyang a sideways glance, and then looked to the other side, "Uncle Hao and Aunt Ling have just come here not long ago, and Wushuang is going to tour the entire Tianwai City, so naturally will be slower,"

That self-familiar energy called out a kind of intimacy.

"Cut." Ji Yunyang curled his lips immediately.

Ji Yunyang and Yun Qingchen were originally sent to guard the branch pavilion of the Shenji Building in the Xiling Desert, but today is such a particularly meaningful day, so you can't miss it, right?So the two reached a consensus after deliberation, and rushed back in a hurry.

"By the way, how did you say that sentence..." Yun Qingchen smiled meaningfully, looked at Ji Yunyang's cheerful face, and added without haste, "The emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry to die."

"Stinky boy!" Ji Yunyang frowned immediately, but was stopped by a strong arm beside him, "Okay, why don't you two stop for a while today?"

This man's voice was full of masculinity and heartiness. Looking carefully at that face, who is it not Zhanxiu?
Only then did Ji Yunyang withdraw his hand, and snorted at Yun Qingchen, "If you don't accept the three-fold round of the war, I don't believe that I will beat you, you little boy!"

"Ha, let's fight!" Yun Qingchen immediately retracted his feather fan. He hated the word "baby face" the most, but the person in front of him just liked to touch this minefield.

"Really, stop for a while, it's giving me a headache." Like an old and frail old man, Zhan Xiu rubbed his forehead pretending to be injured, and couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling. where to.

Ji Yunyang and Yun Qingchen spoke with concern almost at the same time, "Are you okay?"

Zhan Xiu immediately spread his hands and smiled, returning to normal, "What can happen."

"Fuck you!" Ji Yunyang raised his elbow to his chest, and took a sip of wine speechlessly.

Zhanxiu, who has been seriously injured, did not wake up in a daze until a few days ago, but he did not expect to catch up with Ling Wushuang's big wedding. No matter his lover, relatives or friends are all safe and sound by his side now, this is a very important thing for Ling Wushuang. the happiest thing.

It's just that Tian Yeyun doesn't know where he is now, which is a bit regrettable, but as long as he is safe, there will be a day when we will meet each other.

"Sister-in-law three." Ling Moqiu nodded towards Yunling, this was the first time he saw her after coming here.

Yun Ling smiled gently on her elegant and beautiful face, and still did not lose her agile temperament, "Fourth brother, it is really thanks to you for taking care of that girl Wushuang all these years."

"It's a mistake to say that." Ling Moqiu was full of smiles, but he was also full of emotion, "If it's true, I'm afraid Wushuang is taking care of us."

His discarded pair of legs and his hopeless faith were rebuilt because of Wushuang.

"Hey, what kind words are you talking about if you are all a family!" Ling Qingtian waved his hand, showing the majesty of the head of the family.

Yun Ling and Ling Hao looked at each other, and leaned against his arms with a smile.

Ling Qingtian, Ling Moqiu, Ling Hao and his wife, Yi Xiong... There are also many relatives and friends from Star Continent who don't like the flattering atmosphere over there, so they all crowded here, talking and laughing, everyone Imbued with the color of joy.

Especially Mr. Ling, his face was flushed with excitement, he looked around at the heart-shattering grand scene and nodded repeatedly, "Hahahaha, not bad!"

Like that, if you give him two pieces of red silk, he will go out and dance Yangko.

Since the first time I saw Lou Junyan in Xingchen Continent, it can be said that he has been coveting this grandson-in-law for a long time, and the old man has been looking forward to it. Now that he has been looking forward to this day for so long, how can he not be excited?
Under the black sky, the stars are shining brightly.


"hold head high--"

A sound of Hong Zhong, accompanied by Luan Feng Heming's high-pitched call, broke through the sky, and the rainbow bridge made of colorful rays of light drew the dazzling traces, and the scorching colors were reflected in the pair of dark red eyes, refracted A deep and quiet light is emitted, and the excitement and joy seem to break through the ice.

Everyone who was talking loudly in the Tiangong hall was instantly refreshed, and they stared at Mo Kong in unison.

A hundred feet away, at some point in the main hall, a tall figure of a man appeared. He was dressed in a golden dark red robe that wrapped his sturdy figure, and his long red hair was loosely buttoned up by a purple gold crown, scattered and hanging down.

Just this one back, as if standing on the galaxy, the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon are eclipsed.

"hold head high--"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of phoenixes spread their wings, and their huge bodies stretched up from around the Tiangong, like a goddess flying to the moon. Underneath, densely packed fireworks burst out.

Celebrate with the sky, what a prosperous age.

Everyone's pupils trembled slightly, and their eyes were full of rays of light.

The Rainbow Bridge connects directly to this side, surrounded by dragons and phoenixes. They drove very quickly with that luxurious car. The real dragon neighed, and the colorful phoenix prostrated itself on the ground. The eyes of the people must not be seen.

When Lou Junyan climbed to the front of the main hall, on the highest jade steps, his dark red eyes drooped faintly.

The sky is big and the earth is big, no matter how noisy the surroundings are, he can only see the figure of the woman walking slowly down from the car, and the thin lips that are bright red like the color of the morning glow, so naturally outlined a shallow radian.


The sound of a bell has a long history, as if it came from the wilderness and the sky, and the eternal tune precipitates this prosperity.

(End of this chapter)

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