Unparalleled in the world: the princess is too arrogant

Chapter 1097 The Greatest Treasure of the Grand Mist, Lou Junyan's Madness!

Chapter 1097 The Greatest Treasure of the Grand Mist, Lou Junyan's Madness! (3)
She must have gone directly to the outside world, but how did the surrounding area of ​​Death Valley become like this?She almost thought that she was sent to some place where no shit would happen, and that would be a bit of fun.

However, the dense forest that was condensed with smoke and miasma all year round was removed, and the sight was widened, but it was deserted, except for some small savage beasts roaring on the ground, there was no trace of anyone.

"What's the matter?" Ling Wushuang murmured in confusion, and suddenly his eyes widened, "Zi Xie, Jun Yan!"

Anxiously raised his voice, Ling Wushuang's heart beat slightly faster. After a long time without any response and seeing no change, Ling Wushuang couldn't help but curse, "Damn it, it must be the other side!" Old monster!"

Could it be that Zixie and the God-eating Ant King fought to destroy this area like this?This is the only possibility Ling Wushuang can think of now.

"Jun Yan!" The cold, anxious female voice echoed in the sky for a long time, Ling Wushuang's sharp eyes quickly swept around the surrounding area, tiptoed, and quickly flew out towards the distance, "Zi Xie!? "

It seems that the Chilong Tomb has been destroyed, and Jun Yan must have come out, but where are he and Zixie now, it is better not to have any accidents, the old monster of the God Devouring Ant King is not easy to deal with, after all he He is a real powerhouse in the God Realm and Heaven Realm!
"Don't let anything happen to you." Ling Wushuang's eyebrows were stained with anxiety.

It was at this moment that an exclamation came from beside her ear, causing her body to suddenly freeze in the air, "Princess!"

Ling Wushuang's eyes were slightly opened, and she was a little surprised. After sweeping the surroundings with her divine sense, she raised her hand and grabbed a certain position in the void. After a blink of an eye, a black pagoda appeared in her hand, and she disappeared out of thin air with a spin of her body. In place.

After Ling Wushuang fled into the Suo Shen Pagoda, he hurriedly said, "What's going on."

She was so anxious that she didn't even notice that the chain tower was around.

The person staying safely in the Suo Shen Pagoda is of course Hou San. After seeing Ling Wushuang at this time, his nose and tears almost fell on her. He was surprised and happy, "That's great, Wangfei It's great that you're fine."

"What's going on outside here? Where's the old monster? What about the others? What about Junyan and Zixie?" Ling Wushuang glanced at him slightly disgusted, thinking about Lou Junyan and Zixie at the moment. An Wei, but he can't care so much to make fun of him, and covering his head is just a bunch of questions left behind.

Hou San seemed to be dumbfounded by Ling Wushuang's question, and after quickly reacting, he said awkwardly, "That old monster is really too powerful."

Ling Wushuang's heart suddenly thumped, and her complexion suddenly sank, but before she could speak again, Hou San hurriedly added, "But you don't have to worry, Wangfei, Lord Yan will arrive later. That little boy is all right."

Ling Wushuang's face darkened immediately, and his eyes slanted, wishing he could strangle the person in front of him, he could almost hear the sound of her grinding her teeth, "What's going on, explain it to me once and for all!"

Seeing that Ling Wushuang was going crazy and tended to get angry, Hou San shrank his head, not daring to delay any more, and hurriedly said, "Just after you disappeared, Princess Yan, Lord Yan and the Little Dragon King arrived."

"Little Dragon King?" Ling Wushuang was a little surprised, why did Jin Ling appear in Donghuang?

"That old monster is very powerful, but it seems too weak. It was seriously injured by Lord Yan and the Little Dragon King, and the little boy, but in the end the old monster ran away. Now I don't know where he is. "Hou San stumbled and spoke incoherently, recalling that battle still has lingering fears in his heart.

Ling Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine."

As long as Jun Yan and Zi Xie are fine, then the holy lady should be fine.

In the Great War of the Ancients, the Chilong was chased to the Eastern Wilderness by the God-eating Ant King when he was seriously injured so badly that he could barely breathe because of his help to the god-king. , Sealing it with all your strength is already the limit, and it will naturally be impossible to recover after millions of years.

But this old monster is different. After all, he is a living fossil left over from ancient times, but it has been sealed for so many years. How can it be so easy to kill him now?It was not easy to force him back.

"It's really troublesome." Ling Wushuang couldn't help but let out a foul breath, but letting the dragon return to the sea would cause endless troubles, but there is no better way now.

Hou San also echoed with a heavy expression, "Yes."

"Let's talk about it." There was a flash of light in his eyes, Ling Wushuang shook his head helplessly after thinking for a long time, and then asked, "Where are Jun Yan and Xiaolongwang now?"

Zixie is in a state of mind and soul, and he should not stay in Donghuang for long before returning to the City of Thunder and Punishment. Could it be that Jun Yan also returned first?
However, as soon as this was mentioned, there was an inexplicable twist on Hou San's face, and his cheeks twitched from time to time, and the colorful changes in his expression were colorful.

"What's the matter?" Ling Wushuang was a little strange, and Molu glanced up and down at him inexplicably.

Hou San coughed lowly, his complexion contorted for a long time before he could hold back a sentence, "Princess, you can see for yourself just by looking outside."

Ling Wushuang raised his brows lightly, and glanced at the area that was almost razed to the ground. Still a little confused, he glanced back at Hou San, and said a little funny, "And then?"

Ling Wushuang didn't realize why Hou San asked her to watch this for a while. After all, it was quite normal for such an earth-shaking change in a battle with the God-eating Ant King, so there was nothing strange about it.

"This, this is all done by Lord Yan." Who knows that Hou San hesitated, but spit out such strange words for a long time.

"?" Ling Wushuang blinked, half understanding.

The corners of Hou San's mouth twitched, and he said to Ling Wushuang's puzzled eyes, "When the God-eating Ant King was in the Chilong Tomb, Lord Yan and Little Dragon King hadn't done anything yet, and the old guy had already fled when he saw the situation was wrong. "

Ling Wushuang was a little surprised, "You escaped so fast?"

It's just that if he escaped so quickly, how could the surroundings become like this, as if they had experienced a subversive war.

"Then this—" Ling Wushuang paused in astonishment as soon as he uttered two words, as if he understood.

"Princess, if you don't show up again, let alone the ancient forest outside Death Valley, I estimate that even the Eastern Wilderness will be razed to the ground in a short time." After Hou San said such a sentence, his face The expression on the face is really a little crying.

(End of this chapter)

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