Unparalleled in the world: the princess is too arrogant

Chapter 231 The Power of the Shennong Cauldron!

Chapter 231 The Power of the Shennong Cauldron! (2)

When they were in despair, they heard a sound of gasping, looked intently, and saw Ling Wushuang's gray figure jumping out with grinning teeth, wings of fire spread out behind him, and quickly rushed towards them in the air.

"It's okay!?" Seeing Ling Wushuang jumping around again, Zhang Yi almost choked to death on his own saliva, but couldn't help but rejoice, "Fortunately, it's okay."

This attack, at least at the level of a demigod, was actually carried down by this little girl, and there was nothing wrong with it, what a hell.

"Die..." Ling Wushuang's teeth had a faint smell of blood. She was the only one who knew how bad it was. The puppet who attacked her was at least a demigod. When it reached the point of perversion, it would have been blasted into meat sauce long ago.

"Wushuang, hurry up!"

Zhan Xiu saw more and more stone statues waking up behind Ling Wushuang, getting closer to her, the veins in his hands popped up, and his eyes were reddened.

Ling Wushuang gritted his silver teeth, exhausted the last of his profound energy, and summoned the life force of Qianli Qianteng, trying his best to restrain the puppet of death who was chasing after him, the silver-white power, and the black death energy crowded around you Back me in.


Accidentally, amidst the attacks from behind, another terrifying aura hit Ling Wushuang's body. Ling Wushuang's voice tightened, and he was thrown forward. His chest almost hurt. She didn't let her spit out her heart.

"I rely on you, uncle!" Ling Wushuang shook his body, did not stop at all, and continued to sneak away while clutching his chest. I can't laugh or cry.

And with this attack, Ling Wushuang rushed forward quickly, and was a little closer to the direction of the entrance, which was a blessing in disguise.


A red light flashed over, and Ling Wushuang finally rushed to the entrance.

Zhan Xiu and the others had also evacuated at this time, and got into the dark passage like a spider web. Behind them, dense bones crawled towards them. Followed.

"Quick!" Ling Wushuang's mental strength was almost exhausted, and he had reached the limit. At this time, only by escaping from the Dark Temple as soon as possible would he have a way out.

Zhan Xiu and the others gritted their teeth and rushed out. However, with their speed, how could they compare to the death puppets behind them? Almost at the same time they rushed out of the entrance, several death puppets rushed in front of them, waving their hands With a sharp weapon, he slashed towards them expressionlessly.


At the very moment, Ling Wushuang waved his hand to sacrifice something. The jet-black tripod rapidly expanded from the size of a palm. At this time, no one noticed that on the distant stone wall, on the left side of the throne figure, the ancient image of the tripod suddenly shone for a moment.


The Shennong cauldron was sacrificed, and it expanded rapidly. In a blink of an eye, it became one person tall. The ancient aura shook the puppets of the god of death who were closest to it, and they retreated a few steps unconsciously. rushed up.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhan Qi and the others, who were breathing heavily, had no time to think about it, and ran away quickly.

Ling Wushuang was also a little surprised, but she didn't expect that breaking the pot and throwing the Shennong cauldron would make these things a little afraid. However, she thought about the things on her body, and I am afraid that only this thing can withstand the attacks of these puppets .


The Shennong Ding rotated and inflated rapidly, blocking the narrow entrance, one by one, the puppet of the god of death, with a stern wind and a terrifying momentum, rushed towards the Shennong Ding blocking in front of them desperately.

"Keng Keng—"

The ringing sounds from the constant collisions made Ling Wushuang's scalp tingle, but unexpectedly, the Shennongding Ding was as stable as a rock on Mount Tai, no matter how they attacked, there was no slight damage, and many absent-minded puppets did not have any consciousness and did not know Pain, just mechanically, bumps towards it, bombards it.

Finally, a gleam of joy appeared between Ling Wushuang's brows. He lifted up his mental power that had been almost emptied, and urged the Shennong Ding to rotate rapidly, and then inflated a little more, blocking the entrance tightly.

"This..." Zhan Xiu and the others inadvertently turned their heads. Seeing this scene, they opened their mouths wide in shock. It's hard to say, is this Dan Ding?

"Let's go!" When Ling Wushuang turned his head and wanted to leave, he caught a glimpse of a black scimitar stuck on the stone wall of the huge pit not far away, like the king of the night, with aloof and impeccable curves. Highlighting its extraordinary, curved black blade, revealing a mysterious atmosphere.

Ling Wushuang's problem of not seeing treasures happened again, and what made her vomit blood even more was that the things she had worked so hard to get were dispirited when she got them. Maybe they were defective products. I really feel sorry for her going so far if I don't take more things. .

Ling Wushuang quickly surveyed the surrounding situation, gritted his teeth suddenly, and a piece of emerald green vine grew out of his hand, like a silver snake, bending and spreading from the sides of several death puppets, and quickly came out, wrapping around the black scimitar , with a strong backhand lift, he came towards her through the air.

"It's terrible!"

The moment Ling Wushuang held the black scimitar in his hand, he kicked his feet and flew upside down. At the same time, he waved his hand, and the Shennong cauldron flew up to block her. When she jumped into the underworld, In a second, the tripod body was recalled, and the passage was instantly sealed!

"Bump, touch—"

The passage was sealed off by the Shennong Cauldron, and there were crazy crashing sounds from that side, as well as the clicking sound of bones climbing.

"My little ancestor, you really don't want your life!" Zhang Yi looked at the black scimitar held in Ling Wu's hands, stretched out his hand and pointed at her tremblingly, his expression was abnormally stiff, and he heard the dull sound coming from the other side, Still a little scared.

Ling Wushuang panted and bent his lips, even in the mood to joke, he said with a smile: "It's a good thing, don't want it for nothing"

However, a bone-chilling feeling came from her hand, just holding it, she felt a force that she couldn't control at all. In fact, the moment she saw this thing, she had an inexplicable feeling that this thing must be suitable for Jun Yan!

"Let's go!" After Ling Wushuang packed it up, he only had a moment to breathe, and didn't stop there. Relying on his memory, he quickly walked towards the way out of the Dark Temple.


Several people swallowed their saliva and did not dare to stay any longer. The sooner they go out, the sooner they will be safe.

There are nine bends and eighteen bends, there are many stone chambers passing by, and there are even more treasures, but they just copied it and didn't dare to stop at all. Who knows when those ghosts will rush out.


After several people rushed out of the gate of the dark temple, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's over, where is this?" Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Zhang Yi saw the situation around him, and his mind was completely numb.

(End of this chapter)

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