Unparalleled in the world: the princess is too arrogant

Chapter 245 Arriving at the Holy City for the First Time

Chapter 245 Arriving at the Holy City for the First Time (3)
Hearing this, several people smiled in surprise, and then they were puzzled. The strength of the seventh elder is among the fifth-level saints. The griffin king of mysterious beasts.

"hold head high--"

The relaxed smiles of the few people didn't reach their eyes. The Griffin King who fell on the ground flew up suddenly without any signs, and the wind that rolled up made them tremble.

"Not good, flash!" Several people suddenly looked shocked, but what surprised them was that the Griffin King quickly passed them and fled towards the sky.

"Want to run?"

A crisp voice, difficult to distinguish between male and female, resounded faintly in the dense jungle.


A black shadow passed by suddenly in the emerald green forest, leaving a black shadow in the air, heading towards the Griffin King who just flew up in mid-air, the speed was even faster than it was a flying mysterious beast, It must be several times faster!

There was another muffled sound, and the fleeing Griffon King fell from the sky, followed by a slender and tall figure, stepping on its back!

"Want to run?" The black knee-high boots stepped on the huge head of the Griffin King, which resembled an iron eagle, and it sank deeply into the mud.

The black figure raised his head, and only a group of people could see his appearance clearly. They couldn't help being slightly startled, and forgot to think.

The person in front of him looks like a young man, with a slender body, but is slender, dressed in a simple black robe, with a delicate and handsome face, exuding an aura of arrogance. After all, there is such a handsome young master in this world.

"Use it for transportation, let's force it." The black-clothed boy lowered his clear eyes, and glanced roughly at the Griffin King who was stepped on by him, his red lips curled slightly, showing a look of disgust.

The words of the black-robed boy almost caused the people on the other side to choke to death with his own saliva. This is a mysterious beast in the central sanctuary, the overlord of the sky, the Griffin King. To her, it is barely enough?
However, after they thought about it, several of them showed horrified expressions at the same time, as if seeing a ghost.

The black boy in front of him was about seventeen or eighteen years old, but he actually crushed the Griffon King to the ground!So what is his strength?Intermediate Saint?High-ranking saint?
Are they right?
In broad daylight, what a hell!
The red-clothed beauty's eyes were unclear, she thought for a long time, and then slowly stepped forward, her face showed a little suspicious blush unnaturally, she put her hands together, and said very politely: "Young master, thank you for your rescue."

"I didn't intend to save you." The cold words of the young man in black made the beauty in red froze, and the smile on her face was a bit forced.

"You guys think too much, I just fell in love with it." The black-clothed boy clapped his hands, turned around, folded his arms around his chest, and the curve of his mouth, which seemed to be a half-smile, was exactly the same as Ling Wushuang. In fact, this black-robed boy, And it was herself.

"You—" Upon hearing this, the young men were dissatisfied with her direct and indifferent tone, and after pursing their lips fiercely, they didn't say anything. In any case, after all, they really saved their lives.

Ling Wushuang was slightly surprised, bent the corners of his lips almost invisibly, drawing an inexplicable arc, ignored the few people, turned around, touched the Griffin King's wings with his slender fingers, and patted it, the movement was very smooth It's Qingrou, "Come with me, or immediately turn into a pot of soup, you choose one"

They have never met each other before, she really didn't want to save these people, she just wanted this rare flying mysterious beast, not to mention, people who can walk freely in the Qingyun Mountains are most likely from the holy hall. people.

Hearing the young man in front of him say the words 'become a pot of soup' very softly to a mighty Griffon King, several people trembled at the same time, and their backs felt a little chilly.

The Griffin King was touched by Ling Wushuang's gentle fingers, and his whole body trembled. Human fear and struggle flashed in the eyes of the beast as big as a bull. Under Ling Wushuang's threatening caress, he did not persist for ten seconds. At the same time, he nodded his huge head miserably.

Ling Wushuang finally patted hard, and said two words in a cold voice, "very good"

It is much more convenient to have a flying mysterious beast. In the holy city, if she uses the fire wings, she will be recognized too easily.

A group of people saw a Griffin King, who was so easily trained, they were envious, and some even smashed their mouths eagerly.

Ling Wushuang forced out a drop of blood, which bounced into the head of the Griffon King, and the red glow disappeared in a flash. At this time, under the surprised eyes of everyone, the body of the Griffin King was already mutilated by Ling Wushuang. The hair grew rapidly, and the breath of the whole body also returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Sensing this situation, the Griffon King's huge beast eyes showed human joy.

Ling Wushuang hooked her red lips lightly, turned over neatly, and jumped onto the Griffon King's spacious back.

Seeing this, the woman in red took a few steps forward and hurriedly said: "Master, thank you for your rescue today. My name is Caiyi, and I am the eldest disciple of the Seventh Elder of the Holy Hall. If there is anything I can do to help you in the future place, just open your mouth"

Regardless of whether he did it on purpose or not, the grace of saving his life is not insignificant.

"A disciple of the Seventh Elder of the Holy Church?" Ling Wushuang frowned almost invisibly, but he didn't stop, patted the Griffin King's head and was about to leave.

The young man beside Caiyi nodded in agreement, clutching his still suffocated chest, stepped forward and said in a calm tone: "I think this young man is here to participate in the Holy City Conference." Wei Wei After a pause, he said again: "I am Bai Lan, the second disciple of the Great Elder. Thank you for your rescue this time. If you need any help, please don't be polite."

"Are you a disciple of the Great Elder of the Holy Church?" Ling Wushuang's cold face finally showed a slight surprise.

"Exactly..." Bai Lan saw the young man with a cold face all the time, but after hearing his words, her complexion seemed to loosen slightly, and her attitude towards him suddenly became much more friendly, and she was a little confused.

Of course he wouldn't think that this was the reason why he knew he was a disciple of the Templar, because, for such an obvious thing, the young man must have expected that they were disciples of the Templar.

"Huo Sheng's disciple" Ling Wushuang raised his brows lightly, then suddenly smiled, "Do you know Ji Yunyang?"

"Senior brother!?" Bai Lan was startled, and then, a look of joy appeared on Qingjun's face, and she hurriedly said: "This young master, does he know senior brother? How is he doing now?"

After the senior brother returned to Donglin, he never came back. It is said that he has been expelled from the church by the Holy Master. He is very worried and does not know what the situation of the senior brother is now. Back, even he was a little shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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