Unparalleled in the world: the princess is too arrogant

Chapter 257 The Mysterious Man Appears

Chapter 257 The Mysterious Man Appears (1)
Ling Wushuang replied honestly: "I don't know!"

"You—" Gu Xi was so choked that he almost gritted his teeth, wishing he could strangle the person in front of him to death.

Feeling Gu Xi's suppressed anger, Caiyi's forehead was covered with sweat.

But Ling Wushuang seemed to know nothing, and blinked, "But didn't you say, my lord, that it's just a thing that children like, and it's just a waste of rock? I don't know the goods, adults must know the goods! I'm very flowery. It was bought at a high price, and after hearing what your lord said, I was so annoyed that I really couldn't figure it out, so I just wanted to throw it away!"

Ling Wushuang looked filled with righteous indignation, and the corners of Bai Lan's eyes twitched violently a few times. Hearing her oblique words, she almost burst out laughing.

Gu Xi's face froze, and he was speechless by Ling Wushuang's words. In this way, it was still his fault, but after thinking about it again, he couldn't say that he didn't know the goods, could he?

Gu Xi let out a heavy breath of foul air before he could hold back his attack. In order to cover up his gaffe, his old face shook and he forced a smile, but it was uglier than crying, "Where did you throw it?"

"It's hard for me, my memory has never been very good!" Ling Wushuang frowned into a hemp rope, touched his chin, looked at the sky, looked at the ground, and looked at himself, while telling Gu Xi not to worry, " Let me think about it!"

Bai Lan looked expressionless, but there was faint sweat on his forehead. Did Jun Ling play too much? If he really pissed off Gu Xi, it would not end well.

"Stinky boy, if you dare to play tricks on me, the old man will definitely peel your skin!" Gu Xi stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Ling Wushuang for a moment, and the golden robe shone strangely under the moonlight.

"Oh, I remembered!" Ling Wushuang clenched his fist and tapped his palm, and said with a smile, "Look at my memory. When I was playing just now, I just took it for nothing!"

Bai Lan staggered when she heard that, thinking about her elegant face, she slightly distorted a few times, why didn't he see it!
"You said, you used it to get away with it..." Gu Xi squeezed out such a sentence from between his teeth, his stern eyes scanned Ling Wushuang up and down, and there was a ruthless light, and the hand behind his back was tightly clenched with blue veins violently.

Ling Wushuang rubbed his chin, pretending to be thinking hard, but directly ignored Gu Xi's expression that was about to go crazy, and then nodded firmly, "It should be."

"Stinky boy, don't play tricks on me, otherwise, you will suffer in the end." Gu Xi took a deep breath, his old face was as cold as ice.

After all, he is also a seasoned person, so naturally he will not believe what Ling Wushuang says.

Ling Wushuang suddenly showed a look of surprise, but at an angle that no one could see, her red lips raised a slight arc, "I don't understand what my lord means. Didn't I say it before, if you like it, my lord? I gave it to you, you didn't want it, how can you say that I don't give it to you now?"

Ling Wushuang's 'heartbroken' words made Gu Xi's old face suddenly tense, and he was so choked that he couldn't say a word.

Thinking about it again, there is such a thing, this kid did say this before, but at that time, he simply thought that that thing was a waste product.

"How dare you throw it away?" Gu Xi stared at the calm lake with an extremely ugly expression, "Damn it!"

However, it can't be blamed that he has nothing to do. It was only after he left for a long time that he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Generally, in tool stones, no energy fluctuations can be detected. There are two situations. One is that the thing has no energy at all and is a waste product. The other is that the energy is too special and has exceeded his ability. As far as he can feel, his cultivation base is already at the level of a demigod, so he never thought that it would be the latter!
Later, after thinking about it again, he really felt that the thing was very familiar. He went back and searched through various ancient books, and finally found it!

After a low curse of "Damn it", Gu Xi didn't have time to think about it, and before the few people had time to react, he had already jumped into the lake, only to hear a splash, causing heavy splashes, and his golden figure disappeared from the crowd in front of you.

"..." Ling Wushuang was also a little dumbfounded. He reached out and touched the tip of his nose, muttering to himself, what is this thing that makes Gu Xi so interested.

"Jun Ling, you..." Bai Lan's face was covered with black lines.

He knew that Jun Ling was playing with Elder Gu Xi, he had never seen someone so courageous, Elder Gu Xi was a ruthless master, even the Holy Master was courteous to him.

Ling Wushuang glanced at the entangled two people, and smiled, "I didn't make him dance, and I didn't force him."

Seeing Ling Wushuang's appearance that it had nothing to do with her, the corner of Bai Lan's mouth twitched fiercely.


The calm surface of the lake broke, and Gu Xi rushed out of the holy lake, wet all over, his complexion could no longer be described as livid.

Bai Lan glanced at Gu Xi, who looked a bit ferocious, and pressed his head expressionlessly, sweating secretly. At this moment, Jun Ling could still laugh.

In front of Gu Xi, his pale hair was tangled into a mess, and his luxurious golden robes were soaked, and some drops of water were dripping from the corners of the robes. There, he was biting an unknown creature, which should be the Holy Master. Some water-type profound beasts raised in the lake look ridiculous.

Caiyi twisted her pretty face, lowered her head, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, her face was blushing, it was very uncomfortable to hold back.

Ling Wushuang's eyes showed surprise, and he enthusiastically stepped forward to ask, "Didn't your lord find it?"

Gu Xi caught a glimpse of the movement at his feet, raised his foot, and bit his robe. A piranha-like creature was kicked into mud, his forehead was throbbing, and he had already confirmed seven or eight layers, "Stinky boy, are you playing me"

He almost searched all over the waters, but found nothing. A stone can run with long legs!

"How could I lie to you, my lord?" Ling Wushuang blinked, "I obviously threw it here, why don't you look for it again, my lord, there are many weird mysterious beasts in this water, maybe they were accidentally swallowed by them maybe

Gu Xi's old face froze, staring fixedly at Ling Wushuang who looked normal in front of him, he almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

However, what Ling Wushuang said is also very reasonable. There are indeed many water-type profound beasts living in this holy lake. If they are swallowed by them, it may be possible, but if this is the case, this thing will really be in vain. , we can't drain the water from the holy lake, grab these mysterious beasts one by one, and have them dissected, right?

Gu Xi's expression twisted, he swung his arms violently, and finally couldn't help but growl, "It's all because of you!"

"My lord's words are wrong. You didn't want it yourself." Ling Wushuang shrugged slightly, repeating what he said before. This means that you didn't want it yourself. What does it matter to me?Blame me for what!
(End of this chapter)

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