Chapter 310 The Great War Breaks Out! (3)
"Kang Keng!"

After the crisp sound of the swords colliding, several lingering auras quickly broke through the air towards the positions where Ling Qingtian and Ling Moqiu were!

These people are all high-ranking saints of at least seventh rank and above, but the thousand machine crossbow arrows that greeted the pavement were still erupted by the terrifying energy, making their hands numb from the shock, and they couldn't help but feel more and more annoyed After a few minutes, while turning around and jumping away, he yelled in a deep voice: "Ling Qingtian, don't be obedient and get caught!"

A group of mobs actually want to struggle to the death!

A few people broke through the defense of the Thousand Chance Crossbow, brandishing the big knife in their hands, and the dark green profound energy overflowed from their bodies, rushing in without any scruples in the tight lineup of the four major families!

The four major families stopped them. After all, there are many disciples whose strength is still in the Profound Earth, and even lower family members. The bull-like collision of several high-ranking saints naturally affected many people. There was a burst of exclamation and screams, and even the defensive array of the Thousand Machine Crossbow was torn open a huge hole!

Although there is a saying that ants kill elephants more often, there is also a gap between one against a hundred, or even one against a thousand, which is enough to show how important the existence of an absolute master is even in such a big war .

Ling Qingtian's complexion changed slightly when he saw several high-ranking saints rushing towards him with ferocious faces.

Ling Moqiu and Ling Qingtian are both low-level saints of the third rank now, if they face the high-level saints, they will not get any benefits.

As for the humanoid titan and the sky-swallowing python, they are now in the formation of the four major families. Apart from protecting the two, they cannot act rashly at will. After all, some of these people around them can't bear their breath.

Surrounded by disciples from the four major families, several high-ranking saints who were rampaged by the holy hall were brought out by the storm and were thrown high into the sky.

"Ah, go back!"

The defensive formation that had just been set up was broken through again in less than a few seconds, and most of the Thousand Machine Crossbows had to retreat from a distance, facing the few people who came on the collision!
Zhan Xiu and Ji Yunyang's eyes tightened, but they were quick-eyed and quick-handed. The iron eagle vulture under the seat vibrated its huge wings and flew out through the sky at the same time. It flew out quickly and greeted the few people who were rushing forward. go up.

Ling Qingtian's sharp eyes still remained calm, and he took advantage of the opportunity to command the disciples of the four major families to arrange the shattered thousand machine crossbows, and then quickly set up a defensive formation to destroy the few who had already entered the temple. A high-level saint, firmly surrounded by it!


Zhan Xiu, Ji Yunyang, Ling Moqiu and several other holy steps met the people in the holy hall at the same time, but the difference in strength was still quite large. The next second they collided, they were shaken and flew upside down in the air. It was only when he was ten feet away that he quickly stabilized his figure.

"A group of brats who can't control themselves." The people in the church, like a few wild beasts, exuded a terrifying aura all over their bodies, with several identical big knives, without any tricks, they just casually moved towards the opposite side. cut off!

"The old man warns you, young people, you should have some eyes."

Zhan Xiu and Ji Yunyang looked at each other with a heavy look in their eyes. They couldn't resist for a long time.

"Young master, I'll help you!" A calm shout came from the crowd of the four major families.

"Uncle Yi?" Zhan Xiu turned his eyes in surprise, looking at several figures rising into the sky, including Zhan Qi, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Father?"

It's really great, father and the others have rushed back!
Zhan Qi and Zhang Yi are both high-level saints, and the two people around them are also holy ranks, which is better than nothing. The extra few holy ranks can be said to be a timely help for the four major families.


From the center of the army in the holy hall opposite, there was a warm laughter, and then, a dozen or so figures moved towards the position of the four major families, breaking through the external defense with unstoppable force, and almost all of them came from the center. Above the Saints!
But at this time, the four major families have already intruded temple masters, and there are overwhelming temple troops rushing outside. It is really a situation of internal and external troubles!

"A group of jumping clowns dare to compete for the glory of the sun and the moon, I don't know what it means!" Who knows who made the first sarcasm, and the dozen or so people in the temple among the four major families couldn't help raising their heads and laughing speak out.

One person's eyes suddenly turned hard, and he stared at the dimly lit and huge ancient house and school grounds of the four major families, and waved a wave of wind and air at random!

The dust was flying, and a large area of ​​the densely packed buildings below suddenly collapsed, and the raised bricks, tiles and boulders bounced away a large area of ​​disciples from the four major families.

"Damn guy!" Ji Yunyang's eyes turned red immediately, and he rushed out first with the two guns in his hands. On his handsome face, there was a determination to die!
Zhan Xiu, Zhang Yi and the others' eyes froze for a moment, and then they flew forward and rushed forward, pointing directly at the proud group of people opposite with the spears in their hands.

At this time, we can only fight, there is no retreat!
Ling Moqiu also followed, but in a very tricky position, stopped, exchanged glances with Mr. Ling who was not far away, nodded secretly, and slowly raised his empty hand , facing a group of people not far away with her arms straight, her eyes that are always warm and moist, with a rare cruelty!
"If you want to die so much, this old man will help you all!" The dozen or so people in the holy hall looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, the disdain between their brows was clearly revealed.

"Everyone spread out!" Ling Moqiu suddenly yelled, retracted his thumb, and pressed a hidden button on his wrist.

Ji Yunyang and the others who had just rushed out were suffocated. Although they didn't know the reason, they flew backwards and scattered in all directions in a tacit understanding almost at the same time.

In an instant, a dozen or so people from the church not far away showed their figures under the night sky.

The dozen or so elders of the holy hall have not yet realized what the person in front of them means. The wind is fierce, and a few dark rays of light swish towards them, so fast that only a few black rays of light can be seen. Pass!

"This thing is useless to us." One person sneered, holding a big knife to block.


Unexpectedly, the first ray of cold light hit the broadsword he swung at will, causing his arm to go numb, and he almost threw the weapon in his hand. , but was pierced through a black hole as thick as a thumb!

The old man who also took the arrow suddenly felt his hand numb, and the big knife flew out uncontrollably.

"This..." His old eyes widened in disbelief. This is not at the same level as the previous rain of arrows!

(End of this chapter)

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