Unparalleled in the world: the princess is too arrogant

Chapter 632 See you at the end, counterattack across the board!

Chapter 632 See you at the end, counterattack across the board! (2)
The surrounding area was cold and windy, and at this moment, even the millions of soldiers who attacked the city were stiffened by the sudden situation, and they were stunned in place, including the people on the summit of Chasing Sun .

"What's going on, the throne is injured?"

"What happened?"

"Where is the throne, where is the throne, it can't be an accident!"

And the sudden disappearance of the White Deer King caused the entire group of Wanli Luyuan to panic.

An army without a backbone means that it has no soul. For a while, the momentum of a million-strong army attacking the city continued to freeze with the cold wind blowing, and it was a dilemma.

"Ice Bow, it's the concubine!" The surprise in Yunchen's heart was indescribable, he, who was always gentle and refined, couldn't help but yelled loudly, so excited that he almost jumped up.

However, in such a chaotic scene, it was not easy to find someone. Yun Chen hurriedly searched for a long time, but still couldn't find Ling Wushuang.

The flames of gunpowder and war filled the air, and the colorful mysterious energy was like a majestic fog, covered by thousands of galloping horses and horses, the figure in white clothes who came in a hurry stood in the air, his black hair fluttered like a waterfall, his arms were lowered The ice-colored giant bow in his hand raised his eyes, and he looked into a deep pool of dark red.

The endless, clear darkness, and the bewildering dark red are intertwined through thousands of troops and horses.

At this moment, everything around was quiet.

"Jun Yan."

Ling Wushuang opened his mouth, and there seemed to be fog in his clear eyes. The faint voice, neither light nor heavy, fell into the man's ears clearly and unmistakably, making the corners of his thinned lips slowly , rising slowly.

Lou Junyan raised his eyes and saw that slender figure in his eyes so directly and accurately through thousands of troops, smoke and flames of war.


The two words whispered by the red thin lips seemed to be the most beautiful music in the world.

The faint words hit the ears, and they were light and soft.

The position of Ling Wushuang's heart softened so completely. With a flick of her wrist, the scepter of ice disappeared, and a light step on her feet in the air. Her white clothes were floating, and her figure was so straight towards Lou Junyan. A streak of light was drawn in the flying air.

On Lou Junyan's stern face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, there is a smile that can overwhelm the world.

He, staring at the floating figure, slowly raised his healthy arms and opened his arms.


In the next moment, that white streamer rushed over and slammed into Lou Junyan's arms so fiercely. The powerful force can only be described as smashing.

"Jun Yan, I'm back."

All the longing, all the worries, all the unwillingness...all, finally, turned into such a simple sentence.

I am back.

Falling into that familiar embrace, her slender arms wrapped around her strong waist, the overwhelming aura tightly wrapped Ling Wushuang, the cool but scorching temperature of the man invaded every inch of her body in an instant, making her always The strong Ling Wushuang's eyes are gradually stained with moisture.

If you don't meet each other, you will never know how deep your miss is.

No matter how bitter, no matter how tired, she came back, and she finally returned to this person.

Surrounded by Lou Junyan's healthy arms, his slender body completely wrapped Ling Wushuang's petite figure in his arms. His perfectly curved chin lightly touched the top of the woman's head, and he let out a deep chuckle, so happy.

"It's good to be back." From the slightly raised thin lips, the words spit out lightly, low and charming, like the fine wine that has been silent for thousands of years in the endless underground.

How not to miss, how not to move.

He is the king at the peak of the day, but the whole world is not as good as Wushuang in his arms.

For a moment, all the glitz and hustle and bustle around seemed to have gone away.

Sunshine stops for that pair of people, and time stops for that pair of people.

The sky is big and the earth is big, but in the high sky, there can only be room for the two figures who hug each other tightly, they are inseparable. This kind of situation makes thousands of soldiers and horses look away. Such a strong and hot feeling, Seems to infect everyone.

After an unknown amount of time, Ling Wushuang finally raised his head from Lou Junyan's arms.

Lou Junyan looked down at the woman in his arms, the smile on his lips restrained the colors of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and the tenderness of iron and blood.


Among the thousands of miles of Luyuan army, on the back of the thousand-year-old rhinoceros, the space at that position was strangely distorted, and then the figure of the White Deer King was revealed. The wrinkles on his face were twisted out of shape due to anger. On the right chest, there is still a bloody hole that has not yet recovered, but it is clear that his life is safe.

After all, the White Deer King is the most powerful person who can compete with Lou Junyan, and he is one of the top-ranked monarchs in the Zhongzhou Continent.

He absorbed the ancient Suihou Divine Bead, which was originally the bloodline of the legendary mysterious beast king, and his physique became even more weird, and his recovery ability reached a terrifying level. In addition, Ling Wushuang's current strength of the quasi-monarch level, he could not control the ice power at all. The power of the rod is brought to the extreme.

But even so, within a short period of time, the White Deer King was still seriously injured and could not heal, and even Sui Houzhu's abnormal healing ability was frozen to a large extent.

This is the dominance of the Ice Scepter!

"What are you doing in a daze, press the whole line, and take the hammer of the gods for me!"

The sound of the White Deer Throne was like a bell, which suddenly exploded amidst the chaotic thousands of troops. It was still full of energy, and there were no traces of serious injuries.

"Press the whole line, hurry up, press!"

The moment they saw the White Deer King, more than a dozen generals in Wanli Luyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, they quickly issued orders to the retreating army.

Especially the right protector next to the White Deer King was even more excited and angry. He waved his hand and cut a soldier who was about to retreat in half alive, and shouted hoarsely, "Let's charge for this general, who dares to retreat!" , Kill Unforgiven!"

It's already at this time, I can only choose to give it a go!
"Fight it all, give it to the master of this city, and take down the hammer of the gods!"

The Phoenix City and other forces were also obviously shocked by the sudden situation. Although they felt a little guilty, the matter had already developed to such an extent that they could no longer stand back. Apart from a desperate fight, there was nothing left to do. retreat!
"Press all the lines! Press!"


"Come on, the throne is fine!"

Seeing that the White Deer King was safe and sound, all the soldiers in Wanli Luyuan regained a lot of confidence, and in a blink of an eye they all stared at the rising city, and continued to kill it with scarlet eyes .

(End of this chapter)

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