Chapter 645 Definitely kill! (3)
At the moment when Lou Junyan's last word fell, between lightning and flint, his slender hand suddenly lifted up, in the shape of a hand knife, and the moment his figure retreated, his heavy arm pulled out a sharp wind like a giant sword holding up the sky, With the momentum of thunder, he chased obliquely forward!


The moment these three words were uttered, the surrounding space completely froze.



After making thousands of troops and horses dizzy with a buzzing sound, that terrifying force rushed out, blasting in front, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and then there was a loud cracking sound from the ground, and the whole world was violently shaken. shaking up.

The huge crack was hundreds of feet wide, the mountains along the way collapsed, and huge rocks pierced through the air, forming a moat-like ravine on the ground, ferocious and terrifying.

And where the light wave cut through, all the power of space suddenly shattered.


Just tens of miles away in the sky, there was a loud sound of glass shattering from a certain location.


In the next second, Guardian Eagle screamed and revealed his figure, and was blasted out of the space teleportation array, and then, in the whirling and twisting wind, was strangled into nothingness so abruptly, a little bit Not left!
"Lou Junyan—"

The blood-curdling screams vibrated between the heavens and the earth for a long time, but this time the guardian eagle really disappeared without a trace!

Lou Junyan's eyes darkened, his dark red pupils looked down at the woman in his arms, and the cold and sharp brows were coated with a touch of unique tenderness, distressed and angry emotions intertwined and fluctuated at the bottom of his eyes .

No one can hurt the woman in his arms, no one can touch this person!

What is the Bright Holy Soul Hall, even if it is heaven and earth, it is nothing more than Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas, and demons blocking and killing demons, that's all.

The crimson color of Lou Junyan's long hair receded like a tide with a swipe, leaving only the flamboyant tail, which was faintly crimson like clouds and mist. The moment the terrifying aura faded, he The breath in his body also returned to normal in an instant, with a layer of tiredness, but it was still dangerous and daunting.

"Wushuang, Wushuang." Lou Junyan's low voice calling for the woman in his arms was tinged with iron-blooded tenderness.

Following Lou Junyan's gentle and deep call, the purple-black profound energy gushed out from his slender fingertips, and gradually passed along his big hand that was pressed against Ling Wushuang's back, gently and softly. Strong and domineering.


Soon, the woman in Lou Junyan's arms uttered a confused raving, and her brows were frowned, showing signs of waking up.

Lou Junyan's dark eyes were as deep as an abyss, there was no superfluous expression on his face, his thin lips were lightly pursed into a cold and hard lip line, and he just quietly watched the little change of the woman in his arms, even her brows slightly frowning. A twist, all in the eyes.


Who knew, Ling Wushuang frowned uncomfortably, and after murmuring a few times, rubbed his head in Lou Junyan's broad embrace, found a comfortable position, and stopped moving.

Between the cold and flowery brows, there was an extra layer of laziness, like a tired cat. Her petite figure was wrapped in the familiar breath of a man. Ling Wushuang unconsciously relaxed her whole body and mind.

It looks like she's asleep...

Lou Junyan raised his eyebrows in surprise, his eyes flicked over the face of the woman in his arms a few times, and then he laughed softly.

However, he could sleep well, and Ling Wushuang's exhaustion could be imagined.

After the battle where the Sky Demon Clan seized the God Lock Tower, Ling Wushuang rushed to the Blood Clan in the Mediterranean day and night, without any time to rest, let alone the mood to rest, and then returned to the Gods and Demons Continent without stopping after getting the Blood Bodhi in his hand. And then there's the big fight.

That palm that was far beyond her ability to bear almost knocked her out of her wits, how could she not be tired.

However, after returning to this person's embrace, she could sleep peacefully, and she only allowed this person's embrace to let herself have a good rest.

Lou Junyan's thin lips hooked lightly, and with a change of his healthy arms, the black cloak swung out, wrapping the woman's petite and exquisite figure, and hugged her horizontally in his arms, "Go to sleep."

The two words he uttered in a low voice instantly softened the silvery white moonlight that streamed across the world.

"My lord—"

At this time, the Sun Chaser Army, which followed Lou Junyan, hurried from afar to the edge of the Thunder Punishment Forest. This side of the world.

Elder Qi Ge, who was in the lead, nodded towards Lou Junyan, indicating that the Phoenix City side was completely settled.

Lou Junyan hummed heavily, turned his eyes, and condescendingly glanced down at the hundreds of thousands of remnants of the Wanli Luyuan, with a murderous look flashing between his stern brows.


The hundreds of thousands of troops in Wanli Luyuan took a quick step back almost at the same time, their faces flickered with fright, it was really terrifying, that was the elder law enforcer of the Bright Holy Soul Hall, who was killed by Lou Junyan Packed up properly, without blinking an eye.

Today, they have thoroughly seen what a real killing god is!
Lou Junyan, who was in a rage, made everyone's scalps tingle and their hearts shuddered at the sight of his powerful means against the sky. At this moment, he couldn't bear any desire to resist.

Their king is gone, staying here is a dead end, and entering the Forest of Thunder and Punishment may lead to a worse death.

The White Deer King, who was shot by Ling Wushuang's arrow, disappeared without a trace at some point. However, the place where the heart was hit by the Ice Bow is absolutely impossible to survive. With the protection of the Hongmeng Lingbao and the God Bead, it can't repair this kind of wound that kills with one blow.


Lou Junyan uttered one word heavily, announcing their final outcome.

A few months ago, who would have thought that the aggressive attack on the Zhongzhou coalition forces at the peak of the day would end in such a dismal end.


However, Mr. Qige who was beside Lou Junyan nodded, waved his hand to let the army of the Sunrise Peak wrap up, and was about to clean up the mess, when a faint voice came from nowhere, two words shallow, But it contained a strange power, which rang clearly in everyone's ears.

"Wait a minute—"

However, this voice is not exaggeratedly powerful.

Lou Junyan's brows twitched, his eyes turned, and he narrowed his eyes at the uninvited guest floating in the sky.

The hearts of everyone in Wanli Luyuan who fell into the ice cave suddenly rose because of this sentence, who is it, can they be saved?

(End of this chapter)

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