Chapter 717 The Beginning of War! (1)
"I'm irritable?" Ling Qingtian raised his beard and waved his hand to smack Ling Moqiu, "You brat!"


Behemoth squatted on its own, watching the two arguing and walking towards the outside of the school field, and put it aside.

The wind blows, the sky is bright and the wind is clear, and the dark clouds are intertwined. This continent has returned to calm, but the other side is full of wind and clouds.

The fire of war is imminent!
Gods and Demons Continent, after the battle of the Hammer of the Gods Fortress, fell into a dilapidated land of Zhongzhou. The gunpowder has been silent for half a month, and many forces in the dark are watching, but the surface is still calm.

After Ling Wushuang and Lou Junyan left the Star Continent, they returned directly to the Peak of the Sun without any delay.

Outside the main hall of the Heavenly Palace, on the tops of the mountains, on the steep cliffs, two figures stand facing the wind, dressed in white, and black robes fluttering, the air is filled with a breeze and mist, and from time to time, there will be light words floating in the low-pitched words. Ling's laughter.

In the abyss of thousands of feet, the dark clouds below are lingering, like a sea of ​​clouds, tumbling and surging.

"Xiao Jiu's Thunder Tribulation, I don't know when it will arrive." Ling Wushuang looked ahead and muttered a little bored.

She stared at the vast forest of endless fallen stars, the emerald green border, like a surging green ocean, and the faintly visible coastline.

Lou Junyan next to him let out a low laugh, his dark red eyes dimmed, and the color on his handsome face was a little strange, "The nine-fold thunder calamity is not so easy to overcome."

Ling Wushuang wrapped his arms around his chest, tapped his toes on the ground one after another, and sighed, "In the cemetery of the gods, the thunder and lightning summoned by the thunder stone are so terrifying, let alone the real legends. The nine heavenly thunders of the profound beast have been robbed."

Only after going through this catastrophe can she feel relieved, mainly because Xiao Jiu looks too unreliable, so can she not worry.

"Don't worry too much, there shouldn't be too many problems." Lou Junyan chuckled faintly.

"Why is there still no news from my father?" Ling Wushuang bit her lips lightly, and Xiuli's brows furrowed tightly.

It has been nearly half a month since she returned to the Peak of the Sun, but there is no news from Fengxuezhujiancheng, it shouldn't be.

Lou Junyan withdrew his gaze from the distance, and landed on Ling Wushuang, and said flatly, "Maybe it was delayed because of something."

"Hmm." Ling Wushuang nodded thoughtfully.

It can be said that she doesn't know anything about the four ancient forces. Apart from the fact that her father is very likely to be the lord of Fengxuejian City, she also knows nothing. At this time, there is really nothing more important than waiting patiently. A good way is to wait.

"Your Majesty, Princess!"

Yunchen was still dressed in an elegant white gown, coming from behind, with a slightly hasty pace.

Ling Wushuang froze slightly, and quickly turned his head to stare at Yun Chen. Could it be the new news from his father?

However, when Ling Wushuang saw Elder Gange following Yunchen and Yi Xiong with a bird's nest on his head, he raised his brows lightly, he immediately understood, turned his eyes and smiled lightly, and looked at Lou Junyan next to him. , bent the corners of his mouth.

It seems that her things have achieved certain results.

Yi Xiong also walked quickly beside Elder Gange, one step before Ling Wushuang came to God and Demon Continent, he had already been sent over as the first group of people.

Sure enough, the elder Gange walked quickly to Ling Wushuang's side, his old face blushed a little with excitement, "Princess, the thing you want to build is finished, I tried it once, it's wonderful, take a look How is this?"

In his hand, he held a cylindrical cylinder with a palm-width diameter and a length of about one meter. Like a deep little black hole.

"This is?" Lou Junyan took it with heavy arms, even he couldn't understand it.

The production of these things was arranged by Ling Wushuang, and the process and details were carried out by the elders of the Gan Pavilion. Lou Junyan only knew the general idea, but not very clearly. Now that he saw this thing at first glance, it was natural for him to be puzzled.

Ling Wushuang took the thing from Lou Junyan's hand with a smile, glanced up and down with his lowered eyes, and nodded in satisfaction, "Not bad."

At least its appearance, its texture, and its weight, all meet the requirements she gave.

It can be regarded as meeting the standard, but I don't know how the effect will be.

"Don't worry, this thing will definitely pass the test!" Under Yi Xiong's disheveled hair, when he saw the thing in Ling Wu's hands, his eyes shone with scorching light. This is definitely the most proud weapon he has ever handled in his life.

"Haha." The elder Gan Ge next to him stroked his beard and laughed out loud. It could be seen that he was very confident in this finished product.

Although it hasn't been long, Yi Xiong, this weird old man, has become one with Gange Lao and others. No matter what strength or status, people with the same interests can always become bosom friends the fastest.

"Really." Ling Wushuang pinched the black cylinder and snapped it up. The cylinder was leaning against one of her slender arms. The fingertip-sized hole in front of the cylinder faced the vast expanse in front of the Fallen Star Forest. of green grass.

Yi Xiong and Mr. Gange looked at each other, the excitement in their eyes was exactly the same.

Lou Junyan pursed his thin lips lightly and stood with his hands behind his back. His long figure stood in front of everyone. His red hair fluttered with the surrounding cliff wind, outlining a graceful path in the misty and elegant air. arc.

"Then let's see the effect." Ling Wushuang's red lips hooked into a seductive smile, and he twisted the hand at the end of the cylinder.


A crisp sound came out from Ling Wushuang's palm following Yafeng.

"Kang Keng Keng..."

Immediately after the blink of an eye, there was a sound of emeralds colliding quickly in the dark cylinder, and it seemed that a pile of steel was twisting and splitting, and a small world was spinning rapidly.


There was a huge humming sound, and the process only took a second. The black cylinder vibrated violently, and the several deep places at the top released an extremely terrifying breath.


After rapidly gathering to a critical point, a frightening energy erupted, bursting out, and the energy blasted out by the seven paths expanded rapidly, heading towards the direction indicated by Ling Wushuang, attacking like a meteorite.


"Boom boom boom!"

There was a violent noise, the ground cracked, and the sound of grass clippings flying and skin ripping open was intertwined. Seven large scorched pits with a diameter of about tens of feet wide appeared on the flat ground, which was extremely eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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