Chapter 95 Thousand Machine Crossbow! (2)
In the past, she was most interested in two things, one was ancient martial arts, and the other was all kinds of hidden weapons!However, this thousand-machine crossbow is the finished product of her improvement on the repeated crossbow of a generation of hidden weapon masters.

"It's really awesome to be a younger generation. You have such talent at such a young age. If you have the heart to refine weapons, you will definitely become a master of the generation." It was stuffed into Ling Wu's hands again, and he said with a smile: "Quickly draw the rest, and show me the old man."

Ling Wushuang held the pen in his hand, playing back and forth, suddenly smiled, "Senior, you seem to have forgotten, as I said just now, I can draw it if you want, but I have conditions."

This old man Yi is so shrewd, he went around, but he didn't want to respond to her conditions.

"Isn't it just a blueprint? If you give me some more time, I can complete it myself, old man." Master Yi's face froze. This girl is more difficult than anyone else at such a young age.

Ordinary young people would be so praised by him, and when they were happy, they would draw them in a flicker, but this little girl was able to balance so calmly, and she came back again.

"It's so, Master Yi might as well give it a try." Ling Wushuang smiled lightly, with confidence in his brows.

The two stared at each other, but in the end, Master Yi couldn't hold on, with his beard swelled, like a child who had lost his temper, he sat down on the stool next to him, and waved his hands angrily, "Say it, tell me, you What are the conditions, I will listen to the old man if you tell me."

He can perfect it, and still sit here and talk nonsense with her?
This little girl is smarter than those old fellows, and the conditions she proposed are definitely not so easy to handle. However, if he misses this thousand machine crossbow, such a mysterious weapon, he will definitely regret it for the rest of his life!
Ling Wu's eyes were filled with a moderate smile, he held the pen, gently drew a line on the drawing, and said unhurriedly: "The Craftsman's Guild, build a hundred thousand machine crossbows for me, It's not difficult, is it?"

Master Yi looked eagerly at the extra line on the design drawing, nodded and said, "This is fine."

Yi Xiong hesitated a little, but agreed. Although the structure of the Thousand Machine Crossbow is complicated, the quantity of [-] should be able to be completed in a few months based on the craftsmen's guild. It is not particularly difficult.

However, this little girl's condition is as simple as that?
Ling Wushuang draws the rest of the blueprints at a slow speed. It took him a long time to add such a stroke in a leisurely manner. In Yi Xiong's heart, it seemed like hundreds of cats were scratching. She turned her wrist lightly, and the tip of the pen stopped for a moment, and Yi Xiong suddenly felt like vomiting blood.

Ji Yunyang was sipping tea leisurely on the side, watching Ling Wushuang's unhurried appearance, shed tears of sympathy for Master Yi, you said, either you finish the painting at once, or you don't do it, it won't hurt Keeping losing other people's appetite, it's really... how can I say it.

Sure enough, Yi Xiong guessed right. Ling Wushuang still had something to say. After stopping the pen in her hand, she heard a soft smile and said, "I heard that the craftsmen's union has a batch of dark clouds and black iron. I think, use it to forge The Thousand Machine Crossbow is the most suitable."

"Dark clouds and black iron?" Ji Yunyang murmured, barely nodding his head.

Although Wuyun Black Iron is not as good as the ore of Zijinsha, it is several times better than Tianjing Copper Mine. It is most suitable for casting hard hidden weapons like Qianji Crossbow. The Craftsman Guild really has some background , There is such a large group of dark clouds and black iron.

Although it can be made, the money is an astonishing amount, and the cost is huge. The Craftsman's Union is a piece of fat.

"Wuyun Heitie, how do you know?" Hearing this, Yi Xiong's gaze remained on the penholder Ling Wu was holding in both hands, but his old face trembled, and he said in a deep voice, "That's right, the craftsmen's union a few days ago It is a batch of dark clouds and black mines that have been collected."

This batch of precious dark cloud and black iron has just arrived, how does this little girl know?
"How do I know, senior don't worry about it." The arc of Ling Wushuang's mouth made Yi Xiong feel a little terrified, and she laughed and said: "However, there is the most important point, I am poor, But I can’t afford such a large amount of money from the Craftsman’s Guild.”

"Cough—" Ji Yunyang accidentally choked on his own saliva.

This guy Wushuang actually wants to be a white wolf with nothing!

Yi Xiong also looked like he was crying poorly by Ling Wushuang, and was amused by it. He jumped up and shouted: "You mean, the craftsmen's union will not only provide you with dark clouds and black iron, but also make it for you for free?"

Ling Wushuang smiled innocently, "Don't worry, senior, just listen to me."

"No!" Yi Xiong waved his hand, and immediately retorted, and his old face was also slammed, "Stop talking, old man, I won't agree."

Looking at Ling Wushuang's harmless smile, Ji Yunyang couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching wildly. This guy actually made him cry poorly. He won a lot of life and death bets, right?You just ransacked the Huguo Mansion again, where did you go?He also cheated Yun Qingchen and Jiang Yi of a large sum, and swallowed it alive?

At this time, she was crying poor! ?

Ling Wushuang glanced at Master Yi's angry and determined face, shook his head almost invisible, stretched out his hand, and rolled up the blueprint on the desk with a long sigh, and even regretted: "Since In this way, the younger generation can’t force Master Yi, so we can only say goodbye, and hope to cooperate again next time.”

Ling Wushuang put away the blueprints and made a gesture to leave.

"Little girl, wait a minute." At this moment, Master Yi suddenly called out to her awkwardly.

"Is there anything else, senior?" Ling Wushuang turned his head with a puzzled look on his face.

Master Yi glared at her angrily, feeling a little mad in his heart, this girl is sure that he is interested in this Thousand Machine Crossbow.

"Little girl, let's discuss it again. The black cloud and black iron belong to the entire craftsman's union. I can't make a decision on this matter, the old man. How about this? You provide the things yourself, and the craftsman's union is responsible for helping you build them. As for the labor costs 100 taels, what do you think?" Master Yi said very cautiously, his eyes almost cracked into slits, as if he was afraid that a single mistake would scare Ling Wushuang away.

Ji Yunyang was a little surprised. Yi Xiong had indeed regressed. The craftsmen's union has always been cannibalistic. To create this batch of things, it needs an astonishing amount of money. A small 100 million taels of silver is indeed not enough.

Moreover, if you find a craftsman's guild to forge weapons for you, it's already good, let alone bargaining, this Wushuang, I'm afraid it's also a pioneer.

Unexpectedly, Ling Wushuang shook his head, took the blueprint back into his arms, and said with a smile: "This is not an urgent need for this junior, so I won't bother Master Yi today, and I will come to the door someday when I have so much money." visit."

(End of this chapter)

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