Chapter 2382

When a group of puppet masters and their guardians heard Mei Ya's words, they ran fast as if a ghost was chasing after them.

But in an instant, he ran away and disappeared!

"No! No...ah! Don't go!"

Meiya cried bitterly.

Outside the room, after everyone left, the expression on the face of the guardian of the beautiful girl changed instantly.

"Enjoy it? Master Meiya?"

He sneered and opened the door, revealing the bloody and terrifying scene inside.

I saw Meiya's body lying on the ground, the lower part of her body was bloody and bloody, it looked like a mass of rotten flesh.

And beside her was a huge puppet.

The puppet warrior looked at such a terrifying scene, but he didn't seem to be moved at all.

He went straight to Mei Ya, raised his head with a sneer, and stepped on her head fiercely.

"How do you feel? Master Meiya? Is it cool and comfortable? Are you having fun?"

The expression on his face was sick and twisted.

Meiya's body twitched violently.

Her vision has become a little slack.

"It's you! You did it!"

Meiya didn't even know what happened.

She was awakened by a sharp pain in her sleep, and then found a puppet on her body.

The usually docile puppet will go crazy and attack her.

Meiya screamed for help.

However, what she didn't expect was that her guardian heard her cry for help, but didn't answer her at all! ?
Not only that, he also sent away other people who heard the sound and came!
Mei Ya's heart is full of despair.

She never thought that things would turn out like this!

"No, I didn't do it." The puppet warrior looked at her happily.

"But I think this is pretty good. Master Meiya, I've been abolished. Didn't you say that I'm a waste? Now, you should also experience this feeling!"

The lifeline has been abolished, and the psychology of this puppet warrior has been distorted.

Therefore, when he found out that Mei Ya was being abused by puppets, his immediate thought was not to call someone to save Mei Ya, but to send away all the other people who heard the sound and rushed over!

He wanted a beautiful girl, and also tasted the pain he had suffered!
Mei Ya's screams lasted almost the middle of the night before they stopped abruptly.

When people found something was wrong and went to check again, her body was already stiff!

In the end, the elite group of puppet masters killed the puppet and brought the guardian of Meizi back for interrogation.

The death of an elite puppet master elite group is absolutely impossible!
Not to mention that the puppet's loss of control was obviously caused by irritating drugs.

Reminiscent of the accident in the recruit training ground, people in the foreign army attach great importance to it.

Jun Yunqing and even Yin and a series of people who had contact with Mei Ya before were all called in for questioning.

Jun Yunqing did not expect that Mei Ya would die.

That puppet warrior was really ruthless, he actually watched Meiya being killed in front of him.

Sure enough, the darkness in the heart of a man whose lifeline has been abolished cannot be guessed.

Jun Yunqing thought that he would call someone after watching Mei Ya suffer a little.

I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it!
But she was fully prepared before she did it, and no one would have thought that it was her who did it.

Even if someone doubted her—what about the evidence?

Without evidence, no one can do anything to get her!
Even if someone insists on investigating... She didn't make the thing that irritated the puppet!It was the man who played tricks at the recruit training ground.

No matter how hard I checked, I couldn't find her.

Maybe there will be unexpected joy because of this!

She would also like to see who was secretly molesting her at that time!

Because those who participated in the questioning were high-ranking military figures and figures from the lord class.

Jun Yunqing thought and thought, and finally decided not to take the risk of taking Xiao Nianying with her, lest anyone would see anything.

The last time Lord Gal had focused his gaze on her, it had scared her enough.

Although the little guy was not found at the time.

But this time, it is very likely that there are several lords!

Still be cautious!

However, what Jun Yunqing didn't expect was that as soon as she left, someone came into her room.


"Hi! Little thing, come here!"

That person sneakily appeared around Jun Yunqing's residence, biting his finger on the bed, and said to Xiao Nianying who was lying obediently on his stomach.

"I have something delicious here!"

The man held a piece of glutinous cake in his hand, and the rich milky smell kept wafting in the direction where Xiao Nianying was.

He himself kept waving his hands, calling for Xiao Nianying to come over.

Obediently lying on the bed, Xiao Nianying looked at the man's wretched movements, tilted her head, and watched him jump up and down like a monkey show.


He yawned softly, blinked his long fan-like eyelashes, then turned over, and under the exasperated gaze of the other party, gave him a close-up shot of his buttocks, turned over and went to sleep !

"Damn! This brat!"

The person who was tempting Xiao Nianying outside the window was very angry when he saw this.

When the little guy looked at the milky pastry in his hand just now, he thought that the other party was about to be fooled!
I didn't expect this little devil to ignore him at all!

Depend on!
That gentleman is a wicked pervert!
The kid she raised is not easy to deal with!
"What should I do? This stinky brat can't be fooled."

The man wandered around next to Jun Yunqing's residence, not knowing what to do.

Seeing the time passing by little by little, Jun Yunqing and the others were called in for questioning, and they would be back soon, and he would have no chance by then!
Thinking of that person's heart is hardened.

Go straight!

Anyway, it's just a human kid!So what if Jun Yunqing raised her?The army doesn't take it seriously!

If she loses it, she can only count her bad luck!


Jun Yunqing's room window was severely pierced with a hole.

In the next second, the figure of that person swept up, and rushed directly in front of Xiao Nianying who was lying on the bed, immediately picked him up, and rushed out.


As soon as the window of the room was broken, Jun Yunqing, who had set up mind control all around the room, sensed it instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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