Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 526 An Unexpected Joy, Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus Seed

Chapter 526 An Unexpected Joy, Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus Seed
"Oh!" Jun Yunqing turned around and stabilized his figure in the air, a surge of blood surged into his throat, and she swallowed it back.

Raising her hand to wipe off the blood spilling from her lips, she raised her eyes slightly, and her starry eyes looked at the blue figure not far away.

"Pfft!" Under the eyes of everyone, Qin Feng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his body shook, and he fell like a kite with a broken thread.

Biting the tip of his tongue hard, Qin Feng spat out a cloud of blood mist, covering his figure, and quickly disappeared in place: "Yunying, you and the people of the Gu family are waiting for me!"

Seeing the direction in which he left, Gu Xi and the others changed their expressions: "It's the temple, he's gone to the temple."

"Bah! This old bastard from the Qin family is really shameless! If he can't beat him, he's going to rescue the soldiers!" Gu Zhao cursed angrily, and then comforted Jun Yunqing, "Second sister, don't worry, dad is getting better. , plus you are so powerful, and the Hall Master is not stupid, he won't do anything for the Qin family. Besides, we are taking advantage of it!"

He said confidently, "The master is here, so let him go and see the corpses all over the place in your yard! The Qin family is asking for trouble! Are we not allowed to fight back?"

Gu Xi's thoughts are not as optimistic as his. The reason why the Qin family has been so powerful these years is because of the connivance of the palace master. If you start your hands, you will definitely reveal your secrets.

Although Yun Qing is powerful, besides the master of the temple is the sixth-rank Xuanhuang, the deputy master is also the sixth-rank Xuanhuang, and there are several middle and low-rank Xuanhuangs below. If there is a real fight, how can she be an opponent?
Thinking about it, Gu Xi was a little worried, but she didn't show it.

"Sister, are you okay?" she asked.

"It's okay." Jun Yunqing waved his hand.

She is really fine, the benefit of tempering her body with dragon blood has been reflected just now, she was only slightly injured, but the blow of "Fengxiang Kill" almost exhausted the strength in her body, at this moment her whole body is limp , I can't use any strength, otherwise Qin Feng won't be able to seize the opportunity and run away in the end.

"Hiss!" Ayu shot back and entangled her wrist. It just chased it out, but Qin Feng's speed of casting blood escape was too fast to catch up.

Jun Yunqing raised his hand and patted its python's head, looked up and saw Ye Shiba walking over with a jade box in his hand, and let out a long breath.

The thing is here!
"Go, go back first." Reaching out to take the jade box that Ye Shiba handed over, Jun Yunqing just turned around, his body suddenly went limp, and Ye Shiba supported him.

"Mysterious energy is consumed too much." Mo Tong flickered, and Ye Shiba saw through Jun Yunqing's current state at a glance, and hugged her horizontally.

"No need!" Jun Yunqing struggled with black lines all over his head, not because he was shy, but because he was unwilling.She doesn't want to be hugged so intimately by a man other than Bei Mingying.Even if Ye Shiba is just a non-human being!
Seeing that she was really struggling, Ye Shiba could only put her down, and said calmly, "It's too slow to walk like this."

Jun Yunqing rolled his eyes at him, "I want to walk while looking at the scenery, can't I?"

Then she walked out slowly, during which time Gu Xi and Gu Zhao wanted to help her, but they were both rejected.

In this life, she is only willing to rely on one person, she is fragile, and only shows it to that person!If he's not here, she's on her own!
Gu Xi returned to the Gu Mansion with Jun Yunqing and Ye Shiba, while Gu Zhao was left in the Qin Mansion by Zhang Shuqiang.

He is the only male of the Gu family, and now he is able to practice again. Naturally, he should learn how to deal with the affairs of the Gu family. The Qin family has been turned upside down by Jun Yunqing, and it is a good time to embezzle his power!

Jun Yunqing's courtyard was messed up due to the attack last night, Gu Xi was going to change her courtyard, but Jun Yunqing waved her hand to signal that she didn't need it.

After today, maybe she is going to leave, just make do with it, there is no need to be so troublesome.

Seeing her persistence, Gu Xi had no choice but to give up. After sending her back to her room, she rushed to the main courtyard.

She had to tell her father about Qin Feng's going to the temple, and see how to deal with it.

After closing the door, a ray of purple light shot out from Haori Shengzi.

"Girl, did you get it?" Ao Sheng showed his figure.

"En." Jun Yunqing responded, sat down beside the table, and opened the jade box.

This jade box was made of top-quality cold jade, and it was bitingly cold in the hand, but when the jade box was opened, a wave of heat suddenly hit the face, and the temperature of the whole room rose rapidly.

Inside the jade box, a red lotus flower shaped like a flame lay quietly.

Ten thousand years of eclipsing the sun lotus, a fire-type yang treasure.After growing for ten thousand years, the power of the fire element contained in it has reached a limit, and flames are faintly bursting out around the petals. If no one picks them all the time, I am afraid that after a while, they will really turn into a ball of flames. , Become the spirit fire of heaven and earth!

I don't know where the Qin family got such a treasure.

"It's cheaper for you." Jun Yunqing looked at Shengzi Haori who was lying on the bed and muttered, feeling so depressed.Heartbroken, the treasure she obtained with all her might, turned out to be at the expense of others.

The last time, the bowstring of the sacred artifact of the Silver Moon Palace was fine, anyway, he would not recognize her as the master, and he would not feel bad if he could not get it, but this time it is different.

A fire-type Zhiyang treasure!What a heartache!My heart is so tired, I don’t know how to love anymore, woo woo woo!

Seeing her expression, Ao Sheng immediately rolled his eyes, money fan!

"Okay, let Bei Mingying compensate you in the future, anyway, he has a lot of money, a big family and a big business!"

"What's the same! Besides, what's his is mine." Jun Yunqing retorted depressedly, "Wait, that's not right! If you want to pay, you should pay for it! Why should my family, Aying, pay for it?"

"Then let Shengzi Haori pay for it!" Ao Sheng rolled his eyes, and suddenly smiled wickedly, "You let him pay you a fruit of life and a star inheritance! Then you won't be afraid that he won't agree to help you! This kid once It seems to be the kind of honest one, and he will definitely not renege on his debt."

"Treacherous!" Jun Yunqing raised his hand and lit it, then he laughed, "That's it!"

As Jun Yunqing said, he wrapped his palms with profound energy, and was about to take out the ten thousand year eclipse lotus, when suddenly a golden light flashed in front of his eyes.

"Huh? What is this?" She raised her hand and gently peeled off the lotus petals hidden in the middle, her face suddenly became surprised.

I saw eight golden lotus seeds the size of soybeans growing on the lotus platform!
"Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus Seed!" Jun Yunqing exclaimed in surprise.

The ten thousand year fire lotus seeds and the fire essence of the ten thousand year eclipse lotus are condensed, and the value of these eight ten thousand year fire lotus seeds is still higher than this ten thousand year eclipse lotus!

It can be said that the ten thousand year eclipse sun lotus with these eight fire lotus seeds is no less precious to the fire system Taoist profound practitioners than the essence of the sun!
This is really a profit!
Jun Yunqing carefully took out the eight ten thousand year fire lotus seeds, and then fed the ten thousand year eclipse sun lotus to Haori Shengzi.

The ten-thousand-year eclipse lotus melted in the mouth, and the powerful and pure power of the fire element poured into the young man's body, and the complexion of Haori Shengzi turned rosy little by little.

At the same time, Qin Feng also rushed into the temple.

 the third
(End of this chapter)

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