Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 577 The 4th string, a new sound array

Chapter 577 The Fourth String, A New Sound Array
The far west desert, Shuocheng.

Two figures, one silver and one red, swept out from the teleportation array.

It is already dusk at night, and the sun is waning in the west.

In the distant sky, the sun has half-hidden into the end of the sky, leaving only a twilight red, reflected on the stretching yellow sand dunes, atmospheric, majestic, boundless, and desolate.

The white-bottomed red-patterned boots knocked against the bricks and stones on the ground. Jun Yunqing walked silently on the streets of Shuocheng, with obvious weariness and exhaustion on his face.

Pippi squatted obediently on her shoulders with her bare buttocks pouted.

Knowing that something happened to Bei Mingying, Jun Yunqing was in a bad mood, and Pippi didn't dare to pester her for a beautiful tail.

Anyway, I got used to it.

Pippi discovered to his heart's content that his sense of aesthetics and sense of satisfaction were getting better and better!
Master really abused me thousands of times, I treat master like first love!

Where can I find such a loyal pet!

It was all moved by itself!

Ye Shiba walked on Jun Yunqing's left.

The two rushed from the Western Desolate Continent, which is located in the center of the Xiluo Tianyu, to the extreme western desert, and then came to Shuo City, without stopping to rest along the way.

Jun Yunqing didn't close her eyes even once!
Originally, Jun Yunqing planned to enter the desert as soon as he arrived in Shuocheng, but they came at an untimely time, the gate of the city was closed, so they could only temporarily stay in the city for one night.

Compared with the bustle and prosperity when the Phantom Temple was born, Shuo City is obviously much deserted now.

Jun Yunqing asked the shopkeeper for an upper room, and went upstairs with Ye Shiba.

After washing hastily, Jun Yunqing sat on the couch and sank his mind into his body.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the Heavenly Demon Seven Sins Suspended quietly.

There are already four strings on the body of the piano!
The fourth string is green!
The power of wood!
That day, she blasted through the barrier of green light with a sun-shooting bow, killed the Supreme Elder with one arrow, and nailed him to the tree. A big hole was pulled out where he was standing, and a ray of green light shot out. Come out, mixed in the violent backflowing air waves, rushed into her body at once.

Because of the cover of the air waves, apart from Jun Yunqing and Haori Shengzi, none of them knew about it.

Only then did Jun Yunqing know why the only place under the Godly Tree of Life is different!

It turned out to be because of the strings of the wood.

It is estimated that the tree of life will grow so huge, it is inseparable from the strings of the wood.

Only the powerful power of wood on the strings of wood can support the tree of life to grow so huge.

I just don’t know why, but the Heavenly Devil Seven Sin Qin, which used to warn when it met strings, didn’t react at all this time. If it wasn’t for the Sun Shooting Bow breaking the green light barrier and forcing the wooden strings out, She was going to miss this string!
Not only that, when she was promoted to the Profound Emperor Realm, the Heavenly Demon Seven Sin Qin did not teach her the sound of killing array as before.

At that time, she was only thinking about the inheritance of the West Desolate Shrine, but she didn't notice this. It was only after the appearance of the wood strings that she remembered the abnormality of the Seven Sins Qin.

But after absorbing the wood strings this time, the Heavenly Demon Seven Sins taught her the three-tone killing array.

When Jun Yunqing received the message, she was planning to go back and read it again, but before she got out of the valley, she heard Ye Shiba say that something happened to Bei Mingying.

Afterwards, they hurried all the way, and it was not until this moment that they made time to check.

These three sound killing formations are the heaven and earth prison cage sound formation, the soul-absorbing tower sound formation, and the five-element sound killing formation.

Jun Yunqing took the lead in looking at the third sound array.

The name of this big five-element sound killing formation sounds very similar to the previous five-element sound killing formation. I don't know what the connection is.

After reading it, I realized that the Big Five Elements Sound Killing Formation is an upgraded and enhanced version of the Five Elements Sound Killing Formation.

In the five-element sound killing formation, the power of the five elements is that each force occupies one side, and attacks from five directions together.

The Great Five Elements Sound Killing Formation is to mix the power of the five elements together, and the five elements will be unified. With the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint, a new powerful force will be formed to attack the opponent!
In terms of attack power, it is several times stronger than the Wuxingyin killing array!
When performing the Great Five Elements Sound Killing Formation at the same time, the profound practitioners who possess the five elements attribute Dao body within the range of the sound formation can get the blessing of this power and enhance their own strength.

Jun Yunqing's eyes lit up when he saw it, this is not bad.

When she used the Five Elements Tone Killing Formation to attack the Great Elder, she felt that the Five Elements Tone Killing Formation was good. With the power of the five series of strings, the attack power can be increased by another!
Now there is a big five-element sound killing formation, which has stronger attack power than the five-element sound killing formation, it couldn't be better!
Then she looked at the Heaven and Earth Cage Sound Array. This sound array uses the rhythm as a chain to form a square cage between heaven and earth, trapping people!

Looking at this sound array alone, it feels a bit ordinary!But it can be used to prevent people from escaping, which is not bad.

It is impossible for every sound array to be very strong, and Jun Yunqing was not disappointed, she continued to look down.

When she saw the second sound array, her eyes lit up.

Dementor tower sound array!As the name suggests, it is to use sound to capture the soul. This soul capture is not a simple confusion and illusion, but a real implantation!
After the sound array is cast, a soul-absorbing tower will be condensed. Anyone who is taken into it, as long as the strength is weaker than the caster, will be implanted with memories and orders of absolute loyalty to the caster.

This kind of implantation is silent and does not affect the other party's own personality and memory, and even he himself will not feel any difference, but will instinctively approach and trust the caster!

This is simply an undercover lurker, an artifact for listening to news!
Of course, the soul-absorbing tower sound array is not unlimited, and the number of people who can be implanted depends on the strength of the caster!The maximum strength limit is ten.

That is to say, Jun Yunqing is now in the half-step emperor realm, and she can control ten people who are half-step emperor realm.

Like Xuanhou Jing, she can implant as many as she wants!Basically no limit.

This is easy to understand. For example, an ice cube, you can only eat one piece at a time, but if you replace it with water, how many drops of water can you drink in one mouthful?

The level of Xuanhou Realm is too low for the current Jun Yunqing, and it doesn't take much effort to control them, but it is different for the strong who are at the same level or slightly weaker!

Jun Yunqing looked at the sound array of the Dementor Tower, and then looked back at the first heaven and earth cage sound array, only to find that the two sound arrays are completely matched!
The heaven and earth cage sound array traps people, and the second soul-stirring tower sound array is implanted!Plus a big five-element sound killing array with extremely strong attack power.

The three sound arrays this time are all very good.

Jun Yunqing really wanted to try the effect on the spot, but unfortunately the current place is not suitable.

After she checked all three sound arrays, the night was approaching midnight.

Jun Yunqing went straight to bed with her clothes on, got up early the next morning and checked out of the room, and left the city with Ye Shiba!

(End of this chapter)

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