Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 585 What type do you like?

Chapter 585 What type do you like?

A snow-white bird fluttered onto the shoulder of a guard. The latter took off the wooden pipe tied to the bird's leg, took out the information inside, and handed it to the carriage respectfully: "Miss! Fengdu is coming!" news!"

Because Jun Yunqing showed great interest in the interesting stories of the You Clan, Ji Mei ordered the spies under her command to search for some strange and interesting things in the You Clan and send them to them. Have fun.

Among them, the sinister things are naturally the focus of attention!
Not only Jun Yunqing, Ji Mei herself was also happy to watch Yin Mei's excitement.

She and Yin Mei have always had enmity. The two of them, Mei and Mei, have the same pronunciation and different words, and they are both the daughters of the commander in chief. It can be said that they have grown from childhood to adulthood, from military achievements to a strand of hair. They have to be compared!Compared with each other, they become rivals!Looking at each other is not pleasing to anyone!

Ji Mei came back from outside specially because she heard that Yin Mei fell in love with a land man and wanted to marry her as her husband, but the other party didn't like her, so she came back to watch the joke!
I have to say, listening to these news every day, I feel extremely comfortable!

After receiving the information handed over, Ji Mei opened it and glanced at it. Suddenly, her eyes froze, and she slapped the table in front of her with a slap, scaring the young man next to her to almost jump up.

Just as Jun Yunqing was about to ask her what's the matter, she suddenly burst out laughing: "Haha! I'm dying of laughter! I didn't expect Yinmei to have her today! Haha!"

Ji Mei laughed loudly and thumped the couch, making a loud bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang, tears came out of laughter.

"Look at Yunying! Haha!" She smiled and wiped her tears while waving her hand, and the note in her hand flew towards Jun Yunqing.

The latter stretched out his hand, grabbed it in his hand, raised his eyes, his brows and eyes stretched, and his slightly cold eyes softened suddenly, with an obvious smile on them.

"Haha! The majestic commander! Haha! He was thrown out of the door, and most of his bones were broken! He was seriously injured and unconscious! Haha! Miss, I admire that land man! Well done!" Ji Mei smiled and fell on the couch, not forgetting Order outside: "Quick! Go full speed! I'm going back to laugh at her! Haha"

The guards outside responded loudly, and the speed of the carriage accelerated a bit!

"It's really well done!" Jun Yunqing felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

Her A Ying has woken up!Looking at what was written above, it is estimated that the backlash of the Undead Minghuang Kungfu did not have much impact on him because of his ruthless efforts to clean up that evil spirit.

At this point, Jun Yunqing's heart that has been hanging for a long time is relieved.

This should be the effect of the Thousand Lights Bodhi Branch.

Jun Yunqing was extremely fortunate that Xiao Tiantian entered the Nine Nether Ten Absolute Formation with Bei Mingying at that time!If there is no Qianguang Bodhi Branch, Ah Ying's immortal Minghuang kung fu has repeatedly retaliated in the day after day of killing, probably as Ye Shiba once said, he has become an irrational existence who only knows how to kill !

However, with Ah Ying's personality, after being besieged and captured by others, after waking up, he only seriously injured that Yin Mei?

It's not scientific...

Moreover, he didn't leave there?Is it restricted by something?

Jun Yunqing was slightly confused, and carefully looked at the note in his hand again. On the last line, he found "hands and feet bound with chains."

chains?What kind of iron chain can restrain Ah Ying?

Unconsciously, Jun Yunqing thought of the Goddess Hall that might be teleported out.

She has a feeling that things that can affect Bei Mingying can only come from this mysterious temple of the goddess.

It seems that this You Clan has some secrets!

Jun Yunqing chuckled, and handed back the note in her hand to Ji Mei, who waved her hand, signaling a young man beside her to put it away.

Looking up, she saw Jun Yunqing squinting her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking. Ji Mei suddenly smiled, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "What are you thinking? Come and drink with me! By the way, which of these two people do you like? I didn't touch it!"

As Ji Mei spoke, she waved lazily, and the two young men with beautiful looks and tall figures gave Jun Yunqing a shy look, and followed Ji Mei's instructions to snuggle up to her.

It is their honor to serve such a talented and strong man, and Jun Yunqing is so beautiful.

I have to say that Ji Mei's vision is still very good. These two boys are first-class beautiful boys. Although they are tall and tall, they don't look weak at all. Their muscles are streamlined. Very beautiful figure.

Two teenagers, one stroked Jun Yunqing's shoulder, and the other knelt and prostrated and held Jun Yunqing's Yubai's feet.

However, before their hands touched Jun Yunqing, they were shaken away by a burst of profound energy.

"Huh? Don't you like it?" Ji Mei raised her eyebrows, she didn't care, waved the two of them to step aside, and smiled at Jun Yunqing, "Then I'll find you some good ones when I get to the imperial capital."

Before Jun Yunqing could answer, he asked enthusiastically, "What kind do you like? Stronger? Taller? Elegant? Gentle?"

"Actually, I think it's better to be a slender and beautiful boy. You're still a baby at first glance! If you're a boy, it won't hurt so much!" She said to Jun Yunqing, "Listen to me, no That's wrong," winked at her, touched her chest, and said with a smile.

Jun Yunqing's face was covered with black lines.

This girl from the You Clan is really too tough!
"Honestly, you ascetics just don't know how to enjoy yourself! At your age, I've already tasted male sex! Men, aren't they just for fun and to please us!" Ji Mei clapped her hands, Said, "That's it! I'll send you a few servants in Fengdu. If you don't like the type, then I can help you choose it? You can't refuse then! Otherwise, you won't give me face!"

Jun Yunqing: "..."

Let me wipe, don't bring such a strong buy and sell, right? !

But after getting along these few days, she also knows that the You people admire nature by nature, and they view the relationship between men and women very simply, especially women occupy the dominant position, and they don't have any shyness in dealing with this aspect!
Ji Mei sent her husband as a servant, both to win over and to show that she valued it.

It's just...she doesn't need it!

Girl, you don't have to be so considerate!Really, I don't mind!
Jun Yunqing's heart is like a galloping horse.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, she thought slightly, and said: "There are types I like. In fact, I have been guarding myself like a jade, because I have had very strange dreams since I was a child. There is a man in the dream... I think he is my destined person, I promised him in my dream that I must find him and marry him, otherwise I will not touch any man."

Jun Yunqing quietly laid the groundwork for her future plans.

She hasn't seen Bei Mingying yet, so she planted the seeds in Ji Mei's heart first, so that when she clashes with Yin Mei in the future, it won't make people feel too abrupt and suspicious!

You can also refuse Ji Mei's request to present her husband as a gift, the reason is perfect!
She is so witty!

Ji Mei was very curious when she heard the words, and pestered Jun Yunqing to ask her what the man looked like, and she could help her find it, etc.

Jun Yunqing casually told her about Bei Mingying's characteristics to make her words more believable, and in this way, she confused the matter of sending her husband and servant away.

(End of this chapter)

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