Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 596 Use the plan!design insidious

Chapter 596 Use the plan!design insidious

"Get out of the way!" A woman's majestic shout sounded, which was faintly mixed with conflicting voices, and then there was only a "bang", and the door of the private room was kicked open.

"Ji Mei! Let Liu Ming go!" A beautiful woman in red armor rushed in from outside angrily, followed by a row of guards.

Liu Ming also came back to his senses at this time, grabbed the skirt of his clothes and shouted out the lines he had already memorized: "Don't force me anymore! I was born to be the leader of Yin Mei, and I will die as Yin Mei." Commander's ghost! Even if I die, I will follow her! Don't waste your efforts in vain! I will not go against my heart to serve you! Even if I am a son, I still have my own dignity!"

As he spoke, he held his head high, with an attitude of steadfastness, preferring death to surrender.

At this time, Jun Yunqing's voice had just landed, "... not as good as one-tenth of him, step back!"

It's dramatic!

Yin Mei was rushing towards Liu Ming at this moment, and the latter looked at her with surprise and emotion, and shouted for the commander to rush over.

Without Jun Yunqing's words, this picture would be so romantic and touching.

The majestic and majestic commander came to rescue the coerced and weak son, what a good story!

It's just that after Jun Yunqing's words sounded, the scene became funny no matter how you looked at it!
Yin Mei and Liu Ming seem to be singing a big show!

Or the kind of self-directed and self-acted.

The door of the private room is wide open now, and the people outside can see the scene inside clearly. Ji Mei and Jun Yunqing are sitting side by side. The former is eating grapes with the skin still in his mouth. Well, the latter just said the words that made him quit.

Obviously, both of them didn't do anything to Liu Ming, let alone have no interest in him, but this Liu Ming had an expression that was about to be forced to be raped by someone, which was intriguing.

Liu Ming was a little dumbfounded, and his face was even more embarrassing, his face turned blue and red, he was really ashamed.

He never thought that Jun Yunqing would say that he was not as good as others, and then tell him to quit!
If it weren't for these words, he wouldn't be so passive now!

With Ji Mei's personality, if she said that she wanted to force herself, no one would not believe it!

However, Jun Yunqing's words sounded at the same time as his words!Let his careful design become a joke!
"Puchi!" Ji Mei couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then burst out laughing straight away. She spat out the grape skin in her mouth, pointed at Yin Mei, whose complexion darkened, and laughed so hard that she leaned forward and said, "Haha! Yin Mei, did you come here to sing for me? It's a good performance! Haha!"

"What's going on?" Yin Mei pushed Liu Ming away and shouted sharply.

"I... Grand Commander..." Liu Ming was tongue-tied, unable to say anything, not knowing how things turned out like this.

"Miss, the Yin Mei Commander is still planning to continue acting." Jun Yunqing chuckled, she looked at Yin Mei in front of her calmly, with cold sharp eyes flashing from time to time.

She had discovered before that when she and Ji Mei looked at Liu Ming on the second floor, the latter kept looking at them from time to time, but pretended not to know their gazes, obviously deliberately arousing their attention. Note that when Ji Mei said she was going to call him, she didn't stop her.

She wanted to see what kind of trick he wanted to play, but she didn't expect...

Ha ha, caught a big fish!
What do you really want!

"Is it really time for Commander Yin Mei to come? As soon as the eldest lady and I entered the Spring Wind Pavilion, we just noticed that Liu Ming called him to his room, and you rushed over." Jun Yunqing glanced at the row behind Yin Mei. The guard said, "You brought so many people with you. I really don't believe it if you say it wasn't designed by you!"

"I don't know if Commander Yin succeeds in setting the blame this time, what will he do to our eldest lady?" Jun Yunqing stopped talking at this point.

She knew that Ji Mei would complete what she hadn't finished by herself, including Yin Mei's purpose for doing so, and exactly how she was going to harm her, which was more effective than she casually accusing her of crimes!
Sure enough, upon hearing her words, Ji Mei's laughter stopped suddenly.

She didn't know what to think of, her complexion suddenly turned ugly, and her eyes shot at Yin Mei fiercely.

"Yin Mei! You have such a scheming heart, such a vicious heart!" Ji Mei slapped the table violently, gnashing her teeth and said, "Dare to design me like this! You don't want to get out of here today! Someone, surround them for me! "

Swish swish!
After receiving the order, all the guards of Ji's family who were originally guarding the door, but were afraid to do anything due to Yin Mei's status as the commander-in-chief rushed in, and surrounded Yin Mei and the guards behind her.

"Ji Mei! Why are you crazy? What's the benefit of me designing you?!" Yin Mei had a gloomy face. God, Ji Mei probably wouldn't believe it either!Damn it!
Sure enough, Ji Mei sneered and said: "The benefits are great! Ji Mei, do you think I will believe you? Don't tell me that this man made it all by himself! All right! I was just thinking, what do you think about that man?" Land men are so crazy, grabbing and binding, how could they be interested in others, dare to set up a trap here and wait for me? Knowing that I love to rob you, set a trap for me to jump, right? "

The more Ji Mei thinks about it, the more she thinks that this is the case. She completely forgot that she noticed Liu Ming before because of Jun Yunqing, but in fact she didn't think wrong. Even without Jun Yunqing, she knew that Liu Ming was evil. After a person, he will still be tempted to call him.

Thinking of Ji Mei, she was a little scared, this time it was because Jun Yunqing was here, she wanted to give someone up to her, and she was thinking of her destined person, so she didn't fall in love with Liu Ming, that's why the sinister plan didn't succeed!
If she was alone, wouldn't she be succeeded by Yin Mei this time?How will she take this opportunity to deal with herself then?
Although I don't think playing with a man will have any effect on me, but what if Yin Mei has a backup?
Who doesn't know that Yin Mei doesn't want to take over the position of Grand Commander at all, so as not to continue to fight against her!She definitely wanted to use this design, coupled with a series of backhands, to disqualify herself from competing for the Grand Commander!
The more Ji Mei thought about it, the more ugly her face became, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became in her heart. Immediately, she ordered angrily, "Dare to frame me! Do it! Teach her a lesson! I will take responsibility for what happened! I will definitely report this to my father! Yin Mei, don't think about it!"

"Ji Mei!" Yin Mei's complexion changed when she heard that, just as she was about to say something, Jun Yunqing jumped up from the fur blanket laid on the ground. With a touch of her feet, the starlight ring opened, and she became invisible instantly. Mei rushed over.

She had been waiting for Ji Mei's words for a long time!

 okay, what?

(End of this chapter)

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