Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 614 Combat Skill Breakthrough, 5 Palms to Obliterate the Saint!

Chapter 614 Combat skill breakthrough, five palms obliterate the saint!
A group of people fought vigorously, and for a while, the battle sound of "bang bang bang" sounded continuously in the hall!
Profound energy and powerful waves roared like tides, surging like waves, permeating the entire hall!

"Boom!" Jun Yunqing spun and landed on the ground after each of them made a Fengxiang kill, with chest heaving and panting slightly.

That "Jun Yunqing" didn't seem to feel it at all, and attacked again with a long spear!The strength has not weakened in the slightest!
Jun Yunqing's expression darkened.

Her profound energy and physical strength are constantly decreasing, but the opponent's strength has not declined at all!

If this continues, she will only lose!

Swinging away the other party's long spear, she quickly glanced around and found that Pippi's situation is not optimistic!
Even Bei Mingying, although he had the upper hand, was unable to win.

The mirror image that he was fighting with had the same strength as him. Apart from possessing the same combat skills and weapons, he also had the physique that would heal slowly after being injured!

Unless he can be killed or seriously injured with one blow, ordinary attacks are useless at all!

I knew that the Goddess Hall was not easy to break into this time, but Jun Yunqing never expected that the first battle just entering the Goddess Hall would be so difficult!
She dared to say, let alone a few of them, even if there were a few people from the Xuanjun realm, or someone with a higher realm, they might not be able to break through!
People, it is easy to defeat others!But it is extremely difficult to defeat yourself!

Because too much confidant is also too much to know the enemy!
In this case, it is not easy for anyone to win!However, compared to them, these mirror images have no consumption and are tireless!Invisibly, there are more advantages!

A way to defeat these mirror images must be found ASAP!Otherwise, you will definitely lose!

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the battle group on Bei Mingying's side split up!

Looking at the man retreating to her side, Jun Yunqing narrowed her eyes slightly. The next moment, she swung her spear and attacked Bei Mingying: "Aying, accept!"

The latter glanced at her, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, he raised his left hand without hesitation, pointed at it, pinched the tip of the Phoenix Feather Spear between his fingers, and then swung it forcefully , the entire Phoenix Feather Spear was bent into a full bow.

The reason why Jun Yunqing wanted to take action against Bei Mingying was to confirm what he thought in his heart!

She wanted to see whether those "people" just copied their person and martial arts skills, or even copied their behavior patterns!

If it's the latter, you can use this to make "them" kill each other!

Bei Mingying cooperated with her extremely tacitly, without her needing to speak, he immediately understood her intentions. The moment he bent the Phoenix Feather Spear, he shot like lightning, and pointed directly at her right shoulder.

Jun Yunqing didn't retreat or dodge, but bounced up directly with the force of Bei Mingying's previous swipe, and the whole Phoenix Feather Spear returned to straightness in mid-air, causing Bei Mingying to lift one finger at the same time. The side kick went towards him.

The two started fighting, but the two mirror images on the opposite side didn't fight. Instead, they took advantage of the moment they were separated to rush up and fight them again!
Jun Yunqing's plan to let "them" kill each other has failed!

It seems that there is no other way than relying on oneself to defeat "them"!

Jun Yunqing gritted her teeth, facing wave after wave of attacks from the mirror image, while thinking quickly, what should one do if one wants to defeat oneself?
When all the conditions are exactly the same, what can you do to win?

As we all know, only when two things are different can we tell the difference between winning and losing!
There must always be differences, and there will be conditions to determine the outcome!

Jun Yunqing's thoughts were racing, and suddenly his eyes lit up!
She thought of it!

The way to overcome yourself is to break through yourself!

Make your present self better than your past self!
Since everything is the same, find the difference in the same, and even create the difference!
No matter how realistic the mirror image is, no matter how perfect the reproduction is, it also has limitations and weaknesses!

That is, it can only copy the present, not the future!

Because the future is unpredictable!

What you can't learn now doesn't mean you won't learn it later!

Just because you can’t reach your goal now doesn’t mean you won’t be able to reach it later!
The present is immutable, but the future is infinitely possible!
"Aying! I figured it out! The way to defeat yourself is to break through! No matter what! Attack them with things we don't know!" A backflip dodged a shot from the mirror image, Jun Yunqing shouted .

Her words were a little thoughtless, even a little illogical, but Bei Mingying understood it as soon as she heard it!
He had grasped something faintly, but now he was touched by Jun Yunqing, he immediately figured it out!

"Shua!" After splitting the mirror image with a palm and retreating a few steps, Bei Mingying was suspended in the air.

The man's black hair hangs down, following the wide sleeves of the nine-dragon ice-pattern red gold robe without wind, compared with when all the jade crowns are tied up, he feels less majestic and cold, and instead shows a bit of laziness and arrogance .

A pair of purple eyes are as deep as an abyss, slowly gathering the storm!

He raised his hands slowly.

His movements were very, very slow, and every time he lifted up an inch, he could hear all the bones in his body making violent crackling sounds.

What Bei Mingying wants to use now is the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Palm!But it's not any of the ones he's used before!
The Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Palm is an ancient unique skill that he acquired by chance, and only the Xuanwang Realm can study it. There are eight palms in total, and each palm corresponds to a realm!
Kill the king with one palm, destroy the emperor with two palms, kill the emperor with three palms, and kill the emperor with four palms!

The reason why Bei Mingying's strength is so strong is that Bahuang Fentian Palm is indispensable!
It is said that this is a technique created by the great power of the ancient gods, and its lethality is extremely domineering and powerful!

Bei Mingying was able to strike four palms when she first entered Xuandi Realm!Equivalent to the "Junjun" of the high-level combat skills of the monarch level!
But after that, he couldn't hit the fifth palm!

Bei Mingying's hand was still slowly raised.

If it is said that when he used the Four Palms to Kill the Emperor before, his palms were like supporting a mountain, then at this moment, his palms seemed to be supporting the sky!

The aura above Bei Mingying's palm is constantly increasing, and the accumulated energy is becoming more and more attractive and terrifying!
Profound energy surged in his body crazily, wave after wave like a frenzy!
Bei Mingying's whole body was tensed into a string, and the deep dark purple in the bottom of her eyes kept flowing.

Finally, he raised his hand to a place parallel to his eyebrows, and the next moment, he suddenly raised his palm and turned it over!
"Boom!" The violent profound energy and spiritual energy of heaven and earth were like a flood that opened the gate, and the riots poured out in an instant.

One palm, two palms, three palms, four palms...

When the fourth palm appeared, Bei Mingying's pressed palm paused, and the next moment, there was a muffled sound like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, or a roar of a tiger and a dragon's chant, suddenly erupted in his body!

The void broke open again, and an extremely illusory, almost transparent giant palm of aura appeared that seemed to collapse at any moment!

It swayed and overlapped with the previous four palms!
Five palms annihilate the saint!

 Wow~ Sorry, it's late.

(End of this chapter)

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