Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 628 Juntian City's Plan

Chapter 628 Juntian City's Plan
At the same time, the same notice sounded somewhere outside the Kitazawa Continent.

"Young master, the beast tide at the north gate will recede in at most two days." A purple-robed man knelt on the ground with one knee, lying on the flower couch facing his side. Said the man with a mysterious and noble aura.

The man's face was covered with a ferocious ghostly mask, which completely covered his entire face, only revealing a pair of deep purple eyes that were slightly cold. When he raised his head slightly, a small section of perfect white chin was exposed under the mask.

Hearing the report, he put down the things in his hands, sat up slowly, and said calmly: "How is the Asura Blood Guard we trained?"

"It's ready to use. Unless you're very close to someone you know, you won't be able to tell if it's true or not."

"That's good!" The man narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "Let the Wang family and the Chen family prepare to send troops! I just want to see the dead Feng Cang! In addition... none of the Asura blood guards will be left behind." !"

His tone was very light, but he couldn't hide the cruelty in his words.

"Yes." The purple-robed man respectfully accepted the order, and was about to retreat when the man stopped him.

"Is there any news from Xi Luotian?" He asked casually, his slender fingers slowly stroking the things that had just been placed on the small table by the couch.

It was a portrait.

In the painting, a girl in red has a pretty face with a cold face, her starry eyes are full of evil, her expression is extremely cold, and her brows and eyes are full of piercing and sharpness.

She lowered her body slightly, her cold and beautiful face was as gorgeous as peaches and plums, as cold as ice, under the fiery red sleeves, her palms were stretched in the air, as if she was grasping something, and she was exerting a little force!

This posture looks very cruel and ruthless, but it doesn't look ferocious at all. On the contrary, against the backdrop of the fiery scarlet clothes on her body, she seems to be the goddess Shura from hell, stepping on the tip of a knife and a sea of ​​blood, to feast on the slaughter Stop in, the beauty is shocking!

That purple-robed man accidentally glanced at him, and suddenly there was a storm in his heart. Isn't this Jun Yunqing?Young master he...

He didn't dare to look any more, hurriedly lowered his head, and said: "Because the nails of the Western Wilderness Shrine have all been pulled out, it was only in time to find out that the Western Wilderness Shrine is now in power by the Son of Haori, and the Supreme Elder..."

"I'm asking about Jun Yunqing." Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted coldly by the man, staring at him with cold purple eyes, "She has been lurking in the Western Wilderness Shrine before, and you don't know her at all?" I don’t know! What about now? Still don’t know anything?”

Cold sweat dripped from the forehead of the purple-robed man, and he hurriedly said: "Forgive me, young master! There is indeed no news about her."

On the day of the grand ceremony, Jun Yunqing used the Diyuan Pearl to sneak all the way into the Western Wilderness Shrine, and after receiving the news of Bei Mingying's accident, he also used the Diyuan Pearl to sneak away quickly. Naturally, no one could find out.

As for what happened on the day of the grand ceremony, it was also sealed off by the order of Haori Shengzi, and outsiders had no way of knowing.

"Trash!" The man flicked his sleeves heavily, shaking the purple-robed man who was kneeling on the ground until he spat out a mouthful of blood, and shouted, "Get out!"

The purple-robed man retreated quickly.

In the room, the man stared at the girl in the portrait, and slowly raised his hand to take off the mask on his face.

The black hair rose and fell like a waterfall, and the man was handsome and cold, revealing his perfect face like a god.

That face was exactly the same as Bei Mingying's. At this moment, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, raising a cold and wanton arc, his deep purple eyes narrowed, and he said to the girl in the portrait, "Can't you find it? It's okay... you I will come out by myself!"

That's right, when the news of "Bei Mingying" returning to Eastern Tianyu and suppressing the rebellion spread, she will come back by herself!
No one knew that this rebellion was just a scene led by Jun Tiancheng!

Yan Wuwu and the rebellious Four Great Emperors are just pawns!
When the people close to Bei Mingying are almost eradicated, these pawns will be useless!
It's ridiculous that they are still dreaming of dividing up the eastern sky and becoming the master of one side's power!

The man sneered, and the curve of his lips became colder and colder.

In fact, the original plan was not like this, but Bei Mingying fell into the Nine Nether Ten Absolute Arrays, forcing him to change his plan!

Although the current plan can also achieve its goal, the price paid is a bit high, and it is not as good as the previous one.


Thinking about it, he narrowed his eyes slightly, then took the portrait, and slowly lay back on the couch sideways, propping his forehead with one hand, and sketching on the portrait of the girl with the other.

Speaking of it, I really look forward to it!I wonder if when she comes back, can she recognize that he is not the real Bei Mingying?
The man thought, a smile of interest flashed in his eyes.


Outside the northern gate, there is a high-level continent that has been affected by sporadic beast tides.

Under the towering domain gate, there is a vast strait shrouded in mist. From a distance, one can see black shadows on the sea surface, faintly revealing from the faint mist, which are islands on the sea surface.

The mist in the morning is very light and misty, with the moisture of dew, and it is refreshing and indescribably comfortable to breathe.

In the distance, a round of red sun slowly rose from the sea level, and the warm sunlight reflected on the mist, shining a crimson, like rising red light burning on the sea.

This scene of sunrise is indescribably beautiful and peaceful.

"Plop!" From time to time there was a soft sound on the surface of the sea. It was the fish in the sea jumping out of the water, shaking their heads and tails, and then falling back into the water heavily, causing splashes and ripples.

At this moment, "Zhi!" A sharp and cold cry broke the tranquility of the early morning sunrise.

After this cry, there were countless cries that seemed to cater to or followed.

Amidst the sharp and ear-piercing cries, more than a dozen beams of light suddenly tore through the mist on the sea surface, they were a group of profound practitioners.

The cultivation bases of these people are all around Xuanwang Realm, and there are only a few Xuanhuang Realm.

At this moment, this mysterious practitioner was running away in a hurry, his body was more or less wounded, some of them had unhealed wounds, and blood was dripping down continuously as they flew rapidly.

But even so, no one dared to stop and bandage!

Swish swish!
They skimmed across the sea, and a gust of wind stirred up the surrounding mist, rolling it and spreading it to both sides, revealing the scene behind them.

It turned out that behind them was a black flock of birds, and there were nearly a hundred of them at first glance!

These birds include vultures, owls, and vultures. Most of them are level six monsters, and a few level seven. They all have fierce eyes and hideous looks.

Sharp cries came out from their mouths from time to time, and their broad wings flapped. The gusts of wind drove away all the mist around them, and they chased after the team of profound practitioners in front of them.

"I can't escape!" The speed of those profound practitioners has been pushed to the limit, while the flock of birds behind them is getting closer to them. If this continues, they will not be able to escape at all!
Even if they rush into the domain gate, this group of beasts will follow!

At this moment, above the domain gate, a burst of light suddenly burst out.

(End of this chapter)

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