Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 743 Come to the door!

Chapter 743 Come to the door!

"This is the Tianyan Continent?" Stepping out of the Tianmen, the middle-aged beauty and woman in front had a cold face, and her eyes lightly scanned the mountains and rivers below.

Suddenly she let out a light sigh, "Huh? This middle-level continent is actually changing into a high-level continent?"

She was surprised to see that the strength of herself and others had not been suppressed in any way.

This is only possible in high-level continents.

In order to prevent too much damage, people from the endless star sea will descend to the highest level of cultivation that local profound practitioners can cultivate, the Ninth Rank Profound King Realm, under the pressure of the laws of heaven and earth.

This is for the protection of middle-level continents.

I didn't expect this Tianyan Continent to have the potential to transform into a high-level continent. I don't know if it has something to do with the secret treasure they heard?

After all, although she announced to her disciples that the secret treasure was a top-grade emperor-level treasure, according to the information she got, the power of that treasure was very likely to be comparable to the emperor-level spirit treasure!

Because this matter is of great importance and it has not been confirmed, she did not say it, only said that it is a top-grade emperor-level secret treasure.

Seeing the changes in Tianyan Continent at this moment made her confirm the authenticity of the news!
It's just that she didn't know that it had nothing to do with that secret treasure at all.

The change in Tianyan Continent is because Bei Mingying specially sent someone to raise its level at a huge price for the development of the Jun family!

In this way, the development of the Jun family will not encounter bottlenecks in the future.

He also did this without telling Jun Yunqing, thinking that he would reveal it when he proposed marriage, and give her a surprise.

This middle-aged beauty and woman didn't know about it, she thought it was caused by some treasure, but she didn't know that Pei Cheng made up that treasure to fool them and Gu Jiange, just to lure them to Tianyan Continent to deal with Jun Home, avenge Pei Yu!

In fact, Pei Cheng was very successful. If Jun Yunqing hadn't come back just in time, he would have succeeded in this matter!

Didn't Gu Yuanqi almost destroy the Jun family?

It's just that Pei Cheng probably didn't expect that Tianyan Continent really has a super baby!

A treasure that is enough to set off a bloody storm in the endless star sea, and even the powerful Emperor Xuan covets it, is Jun Yunqing's Yunqingtian Palace!
According to the development of the matter, even if Gu Yuanqi did not deal with the Jun family because of Shen Biqing's matter, when they discovered Yunqing Tiangong, the Jun family would inevitably confront them!
Because Yunqing Tiangong recognized the Lord.

The Lingbao that has recognized the master must be taken as his own. Unless there is an absolutely tyrannical force to forcibly erase the connection between the Lingbao and the other party, otherwise the other party can only let the other party unrecognize the master.

With the master of Gujian Pavilion's cultivation, it is a dream for him to erase the connection between Jun Yunqing and Yunqing Tiangong. The only way is to use members of the Jun family to coerce Jun Yunqing to release the master!

By that time, if Jun Yunqing hadn't come back, the Jun family would still be doomed!
From another perspective, Pei Cheng's plan can be said to be perfect!But he had calculated everything, and he never thought that such an accident as Jun Yunqing would happen, and he was doomed to a complete defeat.

With Jun Yunqing coming back to sit in town, let alone a mere ancient sword pavilion, even super powerful forces like Xuanxian Mountain and Xuanji Pavilion come, don't even try to win anything from her!
"Lord, let's go to Biqing first and see if she has any clues." An elder said at this moment.

It turned out that this group of people were exactly the members of Miaoyuelou who set off to Tianyan Continent.

This middle-aged, beautiful, woman is Miao Yue's landlord, Shen Biqing's mother.

They rushed from that continent, and it took only two days to reach the Tianyan Continent.

"Yeah." Hearing the elder's words, Miao Yue nodded and said, "Let's go!"

The people in Miaoyuelou have a unique tracking aura, which is very convenient to find. This is also to prevent disciples from going out and encountering danger and cannot be rescued in time.

Therefore, almost without any pause, the group of people swept towards the direction of the breath.

That is where the secret realm of the Jun family lies.

At this moment, Jun Yunqing was carefully studying how to transform Mr. Jun's spirit martial arts.

This is also inspired by her Phoenix Feather Spear!
The transformation of the dual forms can greatly increase the combat power of the mysterious practitioners used, and it can also make the enemy hard to defend, which is very practical.

This is a unique method figured out by a weapon emperor in the history of Endless Star Sea.

The Emperor Realm Spirit Martial has been lost for many years. After being promoted to the Qi Emperor, these refiners, apart from trying their best to refine the Emperor Martial Arts, are thinking about various ways to strengthen the Emperor Spirit Martial Arts.

This form change is one of them.

If some form-changing top-grade imperial-level spirit martial arts are forged well, they are not inferior to ordinary emperor-level spiritual martial arts.

Jun Yunqing's Phoenix Feather Spear is the best among them, and its attack power is not inferior to most emperor martial arts!

And because it was sent by Bei Mingying, although Jun Yunqing was able to refine the emperor-level spirit martial arts, he had no intention of replacing it at all, but decided to recast it after it was not enough in the future upgrade.

Jun Yunqing thought for a long time, and finally decided to arrange the second form according to each person's Taoist physique.

If there is no Dao body, then arrange the second form according to one's own personality.

The old man is a Taoist body of the gold system.The golden man can attack and defend!And the safety of the old man is more important, Jun Yunqing thought about it, and arranged the second form of the old man's spear into a round shield and a dagger!
After the spear was disassembled, the tip of the spear turned into a dagger, and the body of the spear turned into a round shield!
Such an arrangement couldn't be better, Jun Yunqing thought about it and immediately started to refine it!
And because of Mr. Jun's domineering and fiery temperament, Jun Yunqing refined his weapons to be extremely dazzling and domineering!
After that was Jun Feibai's spear. Considering that he is a thunder-type Taoist body, Jun Yunqing arranged for him to have the same chain as himself in the second form.

When flying in circles like this, the chain conducts electricity, and it can be defended and attacked by surrounding itself!
Thinking of Ling Tianyu's fan-shaped martial arts, Jun Yunqing arranged for his second form to be a hidden weapon when he thought of his exhausted temperament.

Those fan bones will be split into countless blades as thin as cicada wings, which can be retracted or placed, and can form different knife arrays. Ten thousand knives fly together, the lethality is very impressive, and it is very difficult to guard against. It is most suitable for Ling Tianyu to use. If It can be used to get away when you provoke a strong person who cannot be confronted.

Jun Feng, Jun Ling and others, Jun Yunqing also refined different second forms of Lingwu according to their respective personalities and Taoism.

Finally, there is Baibai's Tyrant Rod!Jun Yunqing put a lot of effort into it, its appearance is exactly the same as that of the big brother's golden cudgel, it is indescribably domineering and gorgeous, she did not arrange other shapes for it, but made it stretchable like a golden cudgel !
Press the second form, and the Batian God Stick can grow nine feet in an instant!It can also be shrunk down like a small wooden stick!

After finishing all this, Jun Yunqing packed up his things, took Xiao Tiantian, who had turned into a chubby stove, to end the retreat, and went to the place where everyone lived.

However, as soon as she approached, she heard a loud commotion from inside, which was mixed with Jun Fei Baiyin's angry voice: "I didn't stay with Biqing because of your power in Miaoyuelou!"

 The fifth watch is over~~~Dangdangdang

(End of this chapter)

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