Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 902 "Beautiful Misunderstanding"

Chapter 902 "Beautiful Misunderstanding"

She also suddenly thought of it!

As long as you pass the test of the beast totem, you can contract monsters and obtain the ability to unite humans and beasts. This is much better than ordinary contracts, and the success rate is also high!
Why didn't she bring the children of the Jun family over to make a contract?

Moreover, there are many monsters in the Extreme North Beastland, so you can pick them at will. With local snakes like the Totem Clan, you don't have to worry about monsters at all!

In this way, as long as the contract is successful, almost all combat power will be doubled!
In the future, according to the types of monsters contracted by the disciples, we can create a cavalry army and a flying beast army!
According to the characteristics of these monster corps, she customized matching armor equipment for them!When she grows up in the future, she will definitely become the strongest force in the Jun family!
Jun Yunqing could understand that the Jun family could not remain unknown forever.

After all, against Shang Jun Tian City, blindly dodging is useless!

If the other party is really determined to find them, there is always a way to find them!

It's better to work hard on your own strength!

As long as you have the ability to protect yourself, even if Jun Tiancheng comes to you, you don't need to be afraid!Otherwise, even if you hide in the mouse ditch, it will still be inevitable!

After figuring this out, Jun Yunqing has been paving the way for the Jun family!
Migrating the people of the You Clan to the Tianyan Continent, mobilizing the mainland's original aura to build the Cloud Shadow Realm and the Origin Tower are all paved by her for the Jun family!
Now there is such a good way to form a monster army, of course she will not let it go!
To the conditions proposed by Jun Yunqing, the people of the Totem clan would certainly not say no.

In fact, they were more than happy to say yes!

Because they always thought that Jun Yunqing got the inheritance from his ancestors and could take away the beast totem at any time!Seeing that Jun Yunqing didn't take away the totem of the divine beast, but sent his own children here, although they didn't know why, they wouldn't be so stupid as to refuse!
The patriarch of Zidian Yinwolf Clan and others even thought that it was Chi Ye who said something that made Jun Yunqing do this. At that moment, the last grievance in his heart disappeared, and he completely ignored what Chitu had done, and re-examined it. Accepted the Chijin Xuhuang Clan.

Jun Yunqing also heard the clues from their side-by-side questions, and suddenly laughed.

This is really a "beautiful misunderstanding"!
But good misunderstanding!It's so good!Jun Yunqing thought with a smile.I have no intention of breaking it!

Just let them misunderstand like this!
In this way, she doesn't have to worry about the safety of the Jun family's children in the Totem Clan.

For the sake of the beast totem, the people of the totem family must do their best to ensure their safety!
Otherwise, even if Chi Ye is here to take care of him, it is impossible to completely prevent accidents from happening.

The people of the totem clan are too mixed, and the five clans are mixed, and there are always people who are not in the same mind!

It's all right now, no future troubles!The people of the totem family have to be grateful to her!The matter over Chi Ye has also been resolved!All the best!Is there anything more wonderful than this?
After the discussion between the two parties, the patriarch of the Zidian Silver Wolf Clan led Jun Yunqing to the depths of the Totem Clan.

The bones and tokens of the Shinto powerhouse were all in a grotto cave in the back mountain. It was the retreat place chosen by the Shinto powerhouse himself, but after he entered, he never came out again!
It wasn't until his contracted beasts died one after another that the Totem family knew that he died inside.

For so many years, it's not that the people of the Totem family have never thought about opening it to take a look, but no one has ever succeeded.

Jun Yunqing walked over, and found a faint strange fluctuation lingering above the gate of the cave, which was just caused by those who practiced the ancient beast control art.

She put her hand on it.

"Hum!" The strange wave moved up her arm, touched the same breath wave in her body, and then slowly dissipated.

"Ka Ka Ka!" The grotto door opened to both sides, revealing the scene inside.

The interior of the grotto is very simple, with a table and a futon, on which sits a pale old man with a long beard that almost drags on the ground.

Just like the corpses of those gods who were sealed up in Yunqingtian Palace, the corpse of this old man is still not rotten after so many years, and looks lifelike, as if he just fell into a deep sleep.

Perhaps because he had predicted his own death, the old man's expression was very serene, and he walked very peacefully.

On the desk in front of him, there was a palm-sized animal statue, but there was nothing else.

Jun Yunqing didn't care either, she didn't come here to make a fortune, so naturally she didn't care if the other party left anything behind.

If there is no accident, the things that this Shinto powerhouse has at hand should all be left to the Totem Clan.

Otherwise, where did so many good things in the Yellow Spring Valley on the other side come from?

It is not only a place for experience, but also a place for digging treasures!Isn't it the handwriting of this Shinto powerhouse?
If it weren't for the Yellow Spring Valley on the other side, the life of the Totem Clan in the Extreme North Beast Field would have been difficult!

Monsters are the most protective!
Almost all the treasures of heaven, material and earth in the Extreme North Beasts have been locked up by tyrannical monsters. People from the Totem family want to move, and I don’t know how much they will have to pay!
Putting away the beast-shaped statue on the case table that should be a keepsake, Jun Yunqing turned around and moved the strong man's body. However, as soon as she moved, she heard a "poof", and a book fell out of the other man's arms .

"Ancient Strange Objects?" Jun Yunqing picked it up casually, flipped through it curiously, and was immediately attracted by the content inside.

It turned out that this is a miscellaneous diary introducing the rare treasures of heaven and earth, spiritual objects, and all kinds of strange things.

I don't know if this Shinto expert made it himself or bought it from other places. In short, he introduced all kinds of strange and rare things in the world in great detail!

To Jun Yunqing's surprise, besides the introduction of all kinds of strange things and strange things in the God Realm, this book of ancient strange things also has endless star seas!In addition, there are some unknown places that do not seem to belong to the God Realm, and should be existences like the endless star sea.

The whole book is very thin, but the records inside are engraved on it with a very magical miniature technique. The content of one page is boundless. It doesn't take a while to see them all.

Unexpectedly, this Shinto powerhouse has such a good thing on him!

This is completely an encyclopedia of the lower realm of the gods!

Jun Yunqing was happy, and quickly put it away, preparing to read it slowly later.

Seeing this ancient book of strange things, she also had a clue to the reason why this Shinto powerhouse was seriously injured and wandered in the endless sea of ​​stars. Seeing that Fan, who was carrying the "encyclopedia", was an adventurous master, he must have gone somewhere The local expedition is attacked and...

and many more!

The movements of Jun Yunqing's hands paused.

If the Heaven and Earth Mystery Gate had already been broken when this strong man from the Divine Dao was seriously injured and appeared here, how did he come here?Could it be that somewhere in the endless star sea is connected to the God Realm?
(End of this chapter)

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