Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 924 Let's Have Fun!

Chapter 924 Let's Have Fun!
"Boom!" The patriarch's foot slipped in mid-air, and his whole body disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant with a huge sonic boom.

In the next second, the space behind the Virgin suddenly swayed, and a long sword, carrying a majestic and fierce aura, wrapped in a majestic aura of heaven and earth, stabbed out like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter!

"Clang!" The Holy Mother's face was calm, she flicked her right hand on her waist, and a transparent and soft four-foot long sword swung out instantly. block!
"Boom!" Two equally powerful attacks slammed into each other, making a huge bang, and the aura of heaven and earth poured violently along with the force of the two against Boom at an astonishing speed.

The two of them were shocked back by the powerful impact at the same time.

"Shen Deming, don't think I'm afraid of you!" Stopping her violent retreat, the Holy Mother's face was icy, and she flew up again to fight with the Patriarch who also violently attacked.

"Clang clang clang!"

"Boom!" Above the sky, the figures of the two people kept interlacing, and the sound of metal and iron clashing came from the collision of their long swords. They clashed fiercely.

All the elders of Xuanxian Mountain surrounded, except for a few high-ranking Xuandi Realm powerhouses with powerful auras, the others were involuntarily forced to retreat by the powerful air waves and bursting auras when the two bombarded them!

Jun Yunqing's figure swept into the entrance of the forbidden area in an instant. When the patriarch and the others came, they opened the restrictions along the road, and she entered without hindrance.

Ye Shiba followed her like a shadow.

The entrance to the forbidden area is also a huge platform, and in front of it is a misty, bottomless cliff.

Jun Yunqing stopped, looking at the two figures fighting together high in the sky ahead, his eyes suddenly froze.


In the sky, the Holy Mother and the Patriarch exchanged blows, the two separated at the same time, and immediately killed each other again.

The space in this forbidden area is self-contained, and the four seasons are always bright, there is no difference between day and night!
The moment the Virgin turned around, Jun Yunqing clearly saw a gleam of white jade on the top of her hair.

It was a small white jade hairpin that was not decorated with extra jewels and had an extremely simple style.

At this moment, it is slantingly inserted on the slightly scattered black cloud hair, and with the rotation of the Virgin, it is shaking slightly in the air, and under the refraction of the surrounding light, it shines bright and warm light.


Jun Yunqing became excited all at once!

That white jade hairpin is exactly the same as my own!
It's mother, absolutely right!

If Jun Yunqing was only guessing and skeptical before, then she is now completely sure that the Holy Mother is the mother!

Jun Yunqing heard from Ye Xuan that when he made the white jade hairpins, he made a pair, one big and one small, it was a pair of mother and daughter hairpins!Hers is small, mother's is a little bigger!
The styles of the two hairpins are exactly the same!
The hairpin made by Yexuan is not of high grade. If the other party is not a mother, how can she wear such a hairpin that can be called shabby compared to her status? !

She is mother!
"Huh!" Jun Yunqing let out a long breath, calmed down the excitement in his heart, and began to calmly think about how to help Jun Muyue.

She glanced at the elders who were divided into two factions not far away, and it was obvious that one of the elders was very worried about Jun Muyue's safety, and they should be the strong ones of the Holy Mother.

Obviously, they don't really believe that the Virgin Mary is fake, and they still have trust in the mother.

Jun Yunqing's eyes showed deep thought.

From this point of view, the evidence they have is not very sufficient, and they are still in the stage of suspicion!At least people from the Virgin Mary lineage still have different opinions.

Moreover, those who insist on believing that the Holy Mother is a fake are all from the ancestor's line!

Thinking of this, Jun Yunqing narrowed his eyes slightly.

She raised her finger and touched her tender chin, which is interesting!

The news that the Holy Mother is a fake also came from the lineage of the Patriarch!

Are you trying to take the opportunity to abolish the lineage of the Holy Mother?

Shuangmai is in power, and there is always a struggle.

In Jun Yunqing's view, it is normal for the Patriarch of Xuanxian Mountain to take the opportunity to deal with the Virgin Mary's lineage!

However, it is not normal to use the reason that the Virgin Mary is a fake to make a big fuss!

With so many reasons, why did you come up with the idea that the Virgin Mary is a fake?
That is, someone is deliberately guiding?

Jun Yunqing asked the elder of the Treasure Pavilion repeatedly that the fact that the Virgin Mary was a fake was thrown out without warning!Even many people can't believe it!
This shows that Niangqin did not show any flaws!
Therefore, the purpose of the person who put forward this reason needs to be discussed!
It shows that he doubts mother's identity, but he is not sure, so he deliberately uses this trick to force mother out!
Jun Yunqing peeled off the cocoon little by little, and quickly guessed the truth of the matter to a close.

It's a good idea!

Just give someone a shit bowl!See how the other party removes it. If it can't be removed, it fits his suspicion!It is better than collecting evidence slowly, but not necessarily able to collect it!
This man's scheming is deep!And it's insidious!
But you are not the only one who can play this trick!

Isn't it just framing?Sister is much better at playing than you!
Jun Yunqing sneered.

After guessing the matter almost, she immediately had a countermeasure in her mind.

"Night Eighteen." She beckoned, and after the other party approached, whispered a few words to him, "How is it? Can you do it?"

"Yeah." Ye Shiba nodded.

"That's good." Jun Yunqing chuckled, "Then let's split up."

"Okay." After Ye Shiba said, he took a step forward and disappeared in front of Jun Yunqing.

Jun Yunqing also flickered, and flew towards Ye Shiba in a completely different direction.

An elder of the patriarch's line standing on the periphery of the crowd was watching the battle above the sky. Suddenly, a creepy feeling rose from his back, almost subconsciously, and he was about to burst out of breath immediately.

However, at this moment, a cold hand stretched out from the void behind him, covered his mouth, suppressed his breath, and suddenly dragged him away from the place.

"Who?" The person next to him seemed to be aware of it, but turned around but found nothing, and turned his head in doubt. At this moment, a burst of darkness enveloped him in an instant!

"One, two, three... six! Almost there!"

Jun Yunqing counted the people who were wrapped in the big silver bag that Ye Shiba turned into, and were struggling in it, but couldn't make a sound or breath. He called out the Heavenly Devil Seven Sin Qin, flicked the strings, and invisible sound waves Spreading out, the sound array of the Dementor Tower silently absorbed the minds of those people.

Seeing the people in the "sack" quiet down, Jun Yunqing put away the Heavenly Demon Seven Sins Qin, straightened up and looked at the place where the battle was still in the distance, and smiled slightly: "Let's have fun!"

 Every time I think of the title I want to cry...

(End of this chapter)

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