Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 947 The Big Surprise

Chapter 947 The Big Surprise

The surging energy around him gradually calmed down.

Suddenly, with a thought in Jun Yunqing's mind, an idea popped up in his mind.

By coincidence, she used her mental power to block the flowing power of time and space that she sensed.


Almost at the same time as she was moving, the surging energy frenzy stopped suddenly, as if the pause button was pressed, time and space stopped!
At the same time, Jun Yunqing's mind suddenly buzzed like thunder, white lights flashed in her mind, and a heart-piercing pain swept over her instantly, as if her whole head was about to explode. !
"Pfft!" She suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood arrows, and fainted instantly!

However, at the moment when his consciousness fell into darkness, Jun Yunqing was ecstatic!
She can be sure that at that moment just now, those energy frenzy were suspended by her!Not only the energy frenzy, but also the time and space within four weeks was temporarily suspended by her!
Time and space stand still!

Even if he doesn't understand, Jun Yunqing still knows how powerful such an ability is!

Her current cultivation base is still weak, her realm is still low, and the extent to which she can do it is limited!In the future, when your strength improves, and you use this ability again, it will not be ordinary!
However, Jun Yunqing's erratic attempt this time, although the result was gratifying, the consequences were also extremely tragic!
When she woke up leisurely, she realized that the meridians all over her body were bursting, the mental power in her mind was severely exhausted, and she was so weak that she could barely lift her fingers.

What's more, Nima can't use mental power, she can't lift the restrictions around the room and block it out!

Jun Yunqing is probably the only one who seriously injured himself just after breaking through!

When Jun Yunqing took the elixir and opened the door with a little effort, San Xiaozhi and Ao Sheng who heard the movement outside were terrified when they saw her miserable appearance.

After listening to her explain the whole story, Ao Sheng looked at her as if he had seen a ghost!
Ao Sheng who took over the Zijin Shenglong's body naturally also got its inheritance memory!

As the king of the Dragon Clan, Zijin Shenglong, if there is no accident and falls midway, he will definitely be a strong person in the divine way in the future.

It naturally has much more and richer inheritance memories than Ao Sheng's!
Because of this, it naturally knows how powerful the power of time and space is!
For Jun Yunqing who dared to try to cut off the time when he was not in the Xuandi Realm, it was a capitalized word "serve"!

Is that something people in Xuandi Realm can play casually?
Fuck not being killed but only seriously injured, that's a great luck!
It's like a three-year-old child lighting up explosives, those who don't know are fearless!

The corners of Jun Yunqing's eyes twitched, how could she know this!Do you think that everyone has inherited memory like it, and can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages?
But even though he was made so miserable, Jun Yunqing didn't regret it at all!
At least she realized an ability!
The ability to freeze time and space might become her life-saving trump card in the future!At the critical moment, you can definitely escape!

Jun Yunqing spent the next few days recuperating from his injuries.

The physical injuries healed quickly under the effect of the elixir, but it was not so easy for the completely exhausted mental power to recover completely, and it could only recover a little every day.

Fortunately, as long as a little mental power is enough to control Yunqing Tiangong, it has no effect, but it is temporarily unable to use mental power to display the sound array.

However, Jun Yunqing is not afraid of the sound array as an attack method.

During this period, Yunqing Tiangong finally arrived at Tianque City.

Looking at the majestic city in the distance like a giant steel beast crawling in the void, Jun Yunqing parked the Yunqing Tiangong far outside the large formation of the city, and rushed out, taking Ao Sheng, white, skin Pi, Ayu, and Ye Shiba rushed towards the huge light gate not far away.

Tianque City, the Nangong family in the North District.

Nangong Yun sat at the head of the lobby of the main hall, flipping through the account books handed over, while listening to the people below report the recent situation of Nangong's family.

However, the more she listened, the more condensed her pretty face became!
Finally, with a "Boom!", he slammed the account book in his hand on the table, gritted his teeth and said, "It's really deceiving!"

Since the head of the Nangong family was convicted, the Nangong family has been temporarily presided over by Nangong Yun.

But she is young after all. Although she is the eldest lady of the Nangong family and the Nangong family's favorite successor, others may not obey her!

Not only that, but there are many twists and turns outside.

In this world, there will always be people who step on the highs and the lows. Seeing that something happened to the head of the Nangong family, although the emperor did not blame the Nangong family, there are still many people who do not want to have anything to do with the Nangong family.

Some big families even wanted to stand out, so they directly bullied the Nangong family!

And all of this, before Patriarch Nangong was released, and the matter was not clarified, they could only evade, forbear!
But in just a short period of time, the huge Nangong family began to struggle!
Nangong Yun had a bad time during this period, but no matter how bad it was, she could only grit her teeth and hold on!

After finishing the matter, she waved away the people below, sat in the lobby with a tired face for a while, and then got up to leave.

At this moment, a plain white hand suddenly stretched out from the void behind her and covered her mouth.

Then, a voice that surprised and delighted her rang in her ears: "Sister Yun, it's me."


Recognizing that it was Jun Yunqing's voice, Nangong Yun's preparations to fight back suddenly stopped.

"Sister Yun, don't make a sound, go back to the room first, I can't reveal my whereabouts, I will tell you the specific reason later." Jun Yunqing let go of her hand after speaking, and disappeared again.

Nangong Yun returned to the room calmly, and after closing the door, Jun Yunqing appeared, and waved his hands to place layers of restraints around the room to ensure that the movement inside would not be prying.

"Yunqing, what's going on here? Why didn't you come back with Junshang? What happened to that strange woman next to him? Also, you are so careful, is there someone trying to harm you?" Nangong Yun thought With many doubts, he replied in the next voice.

"Sister Yun, many things have happened during this time, I can't tell you one by one, but Ah Ying has been with me all the time, the king in the Nine Layers Palace is a fake." Jun Yunqing said cautiously, Then she looked at Nangong Yun's complexion and suddenly changed.

"Fake?" Nangong Yun looked shocked, she murmured, "No wonder! No wonder he wanted to arrest my father and Patriarch Mo!"

Nangong Yun didn't believe that Patriarch Nangong would betray Junshang, but she never thought that someone would pretend to be Bei Mingying, she didn't think about it at all, she just thought it was a misunderstanding or someone was framed like everyone else!

But now I understand it all at once.

"Yes! Fake!" Jun Yunqing nodded, "I came here to investigate this matter, and rescue the Patriarch of Nangong and the others by the way! Sister Yun, can you tell me what happened in Tianque City during this period?"

"Okay." Nangong Yun recovered from the shock, calmed down, and said, "This matter will start from a month..."

(End of this chapter)

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