Chapter 282

On June 43, 16 years of Kangxi, Yin Zuo, who was married by order, officially entered the study room for rotation, and became a prince and prime minister in a serious manner. Of course, Yin Zuo, who just entered the study room, was just a rookie in the study room. There are just too many things.In fact, Yinzuo is no stranger to the Shangshufang. Since he entered the Shangshufang to study at the age of six, and he opened his house and built his teeth at the age of [-], Yinzuo has been in the Shangshufang for a whole ten years. He knows the functions of the Minister of the Shangshufang. What's the matter, but it was only when it was his turn to take over the job that he realized that this job was really not very fun.

The minister of the upper study, Zheng Yipin, usually also serves as the minister of the guards, and many ministers of the upper study also serve as ministers of various ministries. For example, Ma Qi, the chief minister of the upper study, also holds the title of minister of the household department. Wang Zhen concurrently held the post of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. Of course, not all ministers of the Shangshufang held concurrent posts. Zhang Tingyu, Li Guangdi and others did not hold other posts concurrently.The Ministry of Industry that Yinzuo was in charge of was also dismissed at this moment, and became a minister of the study room, but in name he also had the title of Minister of the Guards, and he could not give pointers to the guards, of course , Yinzuo himself would not be so stupid as to do such taboo things. To put it bluntly, Yinzuo, the prince and prime minister, is actually an apprentice in the study, learning how to deal with various political affairs.

The minister of the study room is a bit like the secretary-general, and a bit like the grandma of later generations. He has an honorable position, but his work is not easy, and the affairs are very complicated: memorials from various ministries and places have to be abbreviated first Attached are the handling opinions for the reference of the Holy Majesty; I have to meet with officials big and small, and listen to the performance reports of officials from all over the country who came to Beijing to report on their duties; Mr. Beijing and so on.The name of the prime minister sounds good, but it is actually a tiring job, and those who are not skilled in government affairs cannot handle the affairs of the minister in the study.

Handling memorials is still easy for Yinzuo. After all, Yinzuo has managed the Ministry of Industry and has not rarely traveled to the local area for business. In addition, he was a veteran of official documents in his previous life and could write a good hand. Those who deal with official documents He is handy and quick, and he is very experienced in handling official affairs. Even Ma Qi, Zhang Tingyu and others are full of praise, but the speed of reviewing papers cannot be compared with the gang of "veteran".Coordinating the affairs of the Ministry is not difficult for Yinzuo, but listening to the performance reports of officials from all over the country made Yinzuo uncomfortable. It is impossible for the information network to cover everything. God knows whether those officials are telling the truth or lying, and whether they should praise or demote this official's achievements, which really bothers Yinzuo a little.

According to the Qing system, whether it is an official who came to Beijing from other places or an official from a place sent by the capital, as long as the official is above the fifth rank, he must resign before leaving Beijing, that is to say, he must go to the emperor to preach in front of the emperor, report work, and listen. The teachings of the Holy Majesty, but the problem is that there are a lot of officials above the fifth rank in the world. The number of officials above the fifth rank who come to Beijing and leave Beijing every day is not one hundred but eighty. If you don't eat, drink, or sleep for twelve hours a day, you can't keep busy.This is a hard task. Even the most diligent Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty couldn't do it completely, and the other emperors were even more impossible. Most of this work was left to the ministers of the study room. He thinks that the officials who should be commended by the saint have the opportunity to face the saint, but the problem is that it is not a simple matter to judge who among the officials who are qualified to face the saint. If the wrong person is recommended, corrupt officials are regarded as honest The minister recommends it, and the minister who recommends him to the study room will be punished. That is not a fun thing, no one wants to be punished, right?So the big guys are very cautious when meeting officials, and they don't want to nod easily. The other ministers in the study are all veterans in the officialdom, and they are very familiar with government affairs. They can deduce the general situation in a few words, but I feel sorry for the rookie Yinzuo. , worked tirelessly, but luckily nothing went wrong.

Tired, so fucking exhausted!It has been more than half a month since I entered the study room, and Yinzuo is still not used to it. Today it is Yinzuo's turn to be on duty again. I got up early in the morning, and arrived at the signing room at three o'clock. I have been busy all afternoon, and it is done I have read dozens of memorials, but there are at least seventy or eighty copies of the stack of memorials piled up on the case. Seeing that, Yin Zuo was upset for a while, and even lost his appetite for dinner. Walking up and down in the signing room, he just had to take care of the prince's face, otherwise Yinzuo really wanted to stretch himself.Ma Qi, who was on duty with Yinzuo, put down the pen in his hand, stretched fiercely, and said with a smile: "My lord, it's time to eat, and I have to see the officials this afternoon, haha, use Let's eat."

Yinzuo raised his eyes and saw that there were less than ten memorials left on Ma Qi's table, and suddenly smiled and said, "Master Ma, what delicious food did you send to your house today, and you are in such a hurry to eat?"

Unless the emperor rewards the meals otherwise, the ministers in the study will have their meals delivered from their own homes. Ma Qi is clean and honest, but he doesn't have much money in his hands, and he doesn't pay much attention to the meals. One soup, with more vegetables and less meat, is very frugal, not as good as Yinzuo's mouth, and he is very particular about meals. If every meal is not delicious, he can't eat.At this time, upon hearing Yinzuo's words, Ma Qi smiled and said, "What? The prince plans to treat you?"

"Hehe, it's okay to treat guests, but..." Yin Zuo paused, rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I'm going to order you to bring eight dishes and one soup, which is enough. Wang thinks about what he has, oh, West Lake Vinegar Fish, Kung Pao Chicken, Steamed Abalone... Hehe, this Wang just invited a famous chef from Jiangnan, this skill is nothing to say, Master Ma, do you want to try it?"

Yinzuo is delicious, and everyone in the capital knows that there are as many famous chefs in Prince Yi's mansion as there are in the palace.Every time Yinzuo read the name of a dish, Comrade Ma had to swallow his saliva secretly, but when Yinzuo finished speaking, Comrade Ma laughed, and said with a smile: "It's kind of you to treat guests, but I'm an official to avoid bribery." Suspicious, just eat it, the memorial has to be approved by the prince himself, haha..."

Hey, Comrade Ma is really smart. He can see our intentions at a glance. Tsk, there is no free lunch in the world. If you eat ours, you have to help us with work. What about swiftness?Yinzuo laughed and said: "Dinner first, first, hahaha..." Turning around, he shouted to the long attendant who had already been waiting outside: "Yongcheng, is the lunch delivered yet?"

Zhou Yongcheng, that is, Ah Fu who entered the palace with Li Wei, although he looks chubby and has a simple and honest face, he is actually very bright in his heart. Ever since Li Wei was released as a county magistrate in Sichuan, Yin Zuo Zhou Yongcheng was promoted to be a long-term follower by his side, and he also took care of many servants. Of course, that was only on the surface. Under the cover, Zhou Yongcheng was one of the people in charge of the palace's internal guards in the "Dark Arrow". The status inside is not low, it can be regarded as one of the minions that Yinzuo has to use.Hearing Yin Zuo's questioning, Zhou Yongcheng hurried in with a huge food box, and said loudly: "Master, I've come early, I'm afraid I'll delay the master's approval, so I didn't dare to go in." He said while eating The box was opened, and a plate of dishes was laid out, and the aroma of the dishes overflowed for a while, making Ma Qi unable to sit still any longer. He smiled, cleaned his hands, and unceremoniously squeezed to Yinzuo's side to have a good job. up.

A gentleman pays much attention to food, such things as eating without talking are restrained by old masters like Zhang Tingyu and Wang Jian, but Ma Qi never cares about this, and his eating is really not elegant. He didn't forget to exaggerate the chef, and his face was full of joy.Yinzuo just smiled and ate, but he didn't have much to say, but when he finished his meal, Yinzuo regained his energy and said with a smile: "Master Ma, you are always an old minister in the study, hey, this The rotating minister in the study room is responsible for the work of approving papers, right? If the king can’t finish the job, the one who is punished will be responsible for it. Ah, the king should also call you Taishan’s old man, right? Master Taishan How about more work for those who are able?" Yinzuo said while dividing the stack of memorials on his desk into two, after thinking for a while, he took a few more copies and put them on Ma Qi's desk, mixing them with Ma Qi. In Qi Na's stacked memorial, he looked at the stunned Ma Qi with a smile on his face, and he was very happy.

Ma Qi was wiping his mouth with Bai Juanzi, and when he saw Yinzuo's shameless behavior, his eyes widened, and he shook his head after a while and said with a wry smile: "I said, how could the prince prepare so much today?" The dishes, I dare say it was planned early in the morning, that is, the lower officials are greedy to retort, well, the matter is coming, isn't it?" Yinzuo smiled and cupped his hands and said: "The capable ones work harder, the capable ones work harder That’s all.” Sitting back to his seat leisurely, Ma Qi buried his head in marking up the scriptures, Ma Qi sighed, picked up his pen resignedly, and got to work.

At three o'clock, Yinzuo finally finished those annoying memorials before the time to meet the officials, and hurriedly asked the signing room attendant to send the bachelor's degree to the internal memorial office for review. , Ma Qi, who was sitting calmly on the seat, said: "Master Ma, it's time to meet the officials, why don't I go to the court room?"

The ministers of the study room are particular about meeting the magistrates who come to Beijing. Usually they meet alone. In addition to considerations, the more important issue is the issue of confidentiality. Some officials may mention some secret matters that are inconvenient to be mentioned in the memorial. It may be up to the minister of the upper study room to judge the seriousness alone to decide whether to transfer it to the imperial court.

The court room is not far from the signing room, that is, only tens of feet away, but the facilities are much simpler, and there is no ice basin. In this hot day, it is not an easy job to hide in the court room to meet officials , It must make people sweat a lot.It is true that Ma Qi is the chief minister of the Shang study, but Yin Zuo is a prince, and his status is far higher than Ma Qi. In addition, Ma Qi vaguely guessed the reason why Mr. Kangxi let Yin Zuo enter the Shang study. Dare to take big in front of Yinzuo, when Yinzuo heard the question, he immediately laughed and said: "Let's go down to the official, the next official is very familiar, and the work is done very quickly, and Shen Shi can finish it."

Yinzuo laughed and said: "It's good that Mr. Ma is so confident. Today, there are thirty officials in total. Well, it's enough to go to Fang Ben Wang. Then the official Wang Ben Wang will see ten. Others It will belong to Mr. Ma." As soon as the voice finished speaking, he left the door.As soon as Ma Qi heard it, he understood that he had slipped into Yin Zuo's trap again, so he had no choice but to smile bitterly, and gave instructions to the head of the signing house, asking him to classify the officials into grades, generally speaking, the higher the official position A few of them were handed over to Yinzuo, and the others who had low positions and complicated government affairs had to take care of themselves.

stuffy!As soon as Yin Zuo entered the court room, he was almost suffocated by the sweltering heat and retreated out. He frowned and was about to bite the bullet and sit down. The two young eunuchs quickly brought in two ice basins, saying that it was Li Dequan, the eunuch of Li Those who have given orders are said to be filial to the prince.Yin Zuo was not too polite, and took out a silver ticket to reward the two young eunuchs, but he couldn't help but feel a little secretly proud: a bunch of eunuchs are clever, and this flattery is really good.

Yinzuo glanced at the resumes of the officials he was going to meet today, and found that Li Weilie, the chief envoy of Yunnan, was among them. His heart moved, and he remembered that Shi Shilun had been in Yunnan for almost two years. Although he had passed one or two letters, after all As Yinzuo, it is impossible to keep in touch with Shi Shilun often, that is a big taboo.Yinzuo only knows about Shi Shilun's affairs in Yunnan. I heard that Comrade Shi did a good job there, but he seems to have a lot of conflicts with the Governor of Yunnan and Guizhou. What's going on, Yinzuo is not very clear It happened that Li Weilie came to the door, and if he didn't take the opportunity to ask clearly, Yinzuo was really worried. After all, Shi Shilun is an official that Yinzuo values ​​very much, and he also wants to cultivate this person. .Yinzuo thought for a while, and then ordered Zhou Yongcheng who was standing behind him: "Go, ask Li Weilie, the chief minister of Yunnan, to come in first, and let other officials wait outside."


The first update arrives, calling for monthly ticket support!
(End of this chapter)

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