Chapter 18
I wanted to raise a dog on a whim, and I discussed it with Mr. F. He glanced at me and said, "Don't we already have one at home?"

I swallowed my anger, "Can't I raise another one?"

"No, it's enough to have a delicious and lazy food at home."


I persevered: "Keeping a dog is very good. It cultivates patience and prepares us for raising children in the future."

"No, I hate furry things the most."

"Didn't you have a golden retriever at home when you were young!"

"It was raised by my father, it's a last resort."

"Don't you want me to run with you? If you let me raise a dog, I will promise you."

After talking about it for a month, he finally let go of his promise. It happened that a friend picked up an abandoned schnauzer, and I happily brought it back to raise it.

When I first picked it up, it was smelly and dirty, Mr. F disliked it very much, "Why is it so ugly?"

"Don't say that, she's just too beautiful."

I took it to get vaccinated, and when I came back, I squatted in the bathroom to bathe it. Mr. F leaned against the door to look at us. I smiled and raised my head and said to him: "The child's father, give him a name."

He frowned: "Whatever... Be careful not to be bitten."

"What's the name? How about Dollar? I love Dollar, and I hope Dollar will always be with me."

The puppy who was lying lazily on the ground seemed to understand, and looked up at me for a while, and F was also amused.

Xiaodao has a disability in his forelimbs, and his short legs are so cute that he limps when he runs. I took him out for a walk, but this guy was dumbfounded and listened all the way. He bumped into a telephone pole with a bang, and was knocked dizzy. Knowing me, I ran behind other people's ass for a long time.

I couldn't laugh or cry, "Why is this child so dumb?"

Mr. F sneered: "Fuck it."


Sometimes I feel lazy and don't want to go downstairs, so I beg Mr. F to take a knife to go downstairs to defecate.

Once I came back late from overtime work and happened to meet them.Someone walked in front absently with pockets in hand, and Xiaodao followed tremblingly, occasionally smelling the grass, someone turned his head and glanced at him, and Xiaodao limped after him in fright.

A big chow came towards me, and my heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was because I was bitten when I was a child, and I was afraid of big dogs. Mr. F took two steps and found that it didn't keep up. He looked back at the knife who was too scared to leave. After looking at each other for a while, Mr. F walked over with a blank face and picked up the knife. The Chow didn't let it go until he was far away.

When I got back, I would tease him, "Actually, you like my son very much."

He rolled his eyes, "Why do I like this stupid dog."

After a while, Xiaodao was finally not afraid of life. One day Mr. F sat on the sofa and surfed the Internet. I came out of the shower and saw Xiaodao laying on the floor, sleeping soundly with Mr. F’s slippers as a pillow.

Mr. F scolded it, "The guts are getting fatter."

I went to the shoe cabinet and brought him a pair of slippers again, not wanting to wake him up.

Another time, I urged Mr. F to take a shower at night, and this guy just lingered, playing games for a while, watching a football game for a while, which pissed me off, and I said if you don’t go, I’ll smash your computer !
He blinked and looked at me, then at Xiaodao, and said to Xiaodao solemnly: "Didn't I tell you not to make Mom angry? She is in menopause, we have to be considerate of her."


Mr. F was on a business trip. He walked to the door with his suitcase and then turned it back. I thought he forgot to take something.Xiaodao ran up to him wagging his tail, and he knelt down and confessed seriously: "When I'm not at home, you have to protect mom..."

Mr. F doesn’t allow knives to enter the bedroom, but the little guy is afraid of the dark. I secretly open a gap in the door when I sleep at night. When we go to sleep, he will come in and lie on the carpet next to the bed. Every morning when he wakes up, he can see the knife sticking out his tongue. Sitting upright and looking at us.

I said to it: "Go out soon, Dad is going to be angry."

It didn't understand, and thought I was teasing him, so it jumped up and lay down on the edge of the bed to lick me.

Mr. F sighed at the side: "A loving mother loses her son..."

The knife is very docile and has never bitten anyone. Once it ate things on the ground, I saw glass shards, and I opened its mouth to pick it out without even thinking about it—Mr. F was always worried when it first came. It would bite me, and later he was worried that I would bite it when I was in a bad mood.

The knife went out for a walk and came back with something in its mouth. I pulled it out and saw, yo, it turned out to be a rose petal.

I clicked my tongue and said with emotion: "Look, my son is promising and knows how to send me flowers."

Then he squinted at someone: "Some people didn't even send me flowers when they were in a relationship."

He said: "I didn't send it when I was in love, and I won't give it now."

I was so angry that I let the knife bite him.

His expression was extremely disgusting: "What kind of roses do you want to give as an old couple? I will give you a salary card and let you spend it as you like."

When I thought about it, it made sense, because the child's father had a brain.

For the convenience of the picture, I have always had straight hair with a middle part, and it has not been permed or dyed.The last time I went back to cut my hair, I just wanted to cut it a little shorter, but the hair stylist tricked me into a big curl, and then the nightmare began.

Before ironing, you have to cut it first. I saw that he raised a knife and cut a large section, so I asked, "Is it too short?"

"No, it will look good when it is repaired to a higher level."

When he was hot, I had a vague feeling that something was wrong, so I asked nervously, "Is this not suitable for me?"

"This is called air perm. It's the most popular one this year. Your face is small, so the effect of perm must be good."

Well...listen to the pros.

Four hours passed, and as the stylist said "Done!", I looked up—how ​​should I describe my mood at that moment?All thoughts are lost and there is nothing to love...

Posted a photo in Moments.

The goddess asked: What stimulated you?
Me: I used to have such an ugly hairstyle that I didn’t have the courage to go out.

Goddess: Then you probably don't have the courage to live on now.

Me: Leave me alone.

Goddess: Let me introduce you to a stylist. I hope it can be saved.

I was so shocked that I wanted to cry without tears. I looked in the mirror at night and said, "Maybe it will be better if I cut it short after it grows?"

Mr. F put down the book and looked carefully: "It's okay."

"Isn't it ugly?"

He patted my head: "Not ugly, very cute."

I immediately revived with full blood, and my heart, which had been hit for a day, finally eased for a moment.

He made up the knife calmly: "Now we are more like mother and child with Xiaodao."


Mr. F and I are too busy with work to take care of the knife, so we had to take it back to our hometown to be raised by my mother and grandmother.

One day my mother called me and said that the knife was missing and I couldn't find it anywhere.Scared me a lot.After a while, my mother called again, saying that I found it, but the knife ran to my room and fell asleep lying on my bed.

Mom said: "It may be missing you, it smells of you there."

I could hear tears in my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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