Xiao Xiao protects his wife is super presumptuous

Chapter 1312 Where did I offend you?

Chapter 1312 Where did I offend you?
"Secretary Fu, how did my little guy offend you? You asked our little princess to be a waiter, did you have a hole in your head?" Chi Ming scolded her very rudely when he saw her.

When Fu Qingying was attacked by him, her eyes immediately turned red, she looked like a wronged little daughter-in-law, and said wronged: "I'm sorry, I told the personnel department to arrange a better job for the lady, maybe I misunderstood, I How dare you let Miss become a waiter."

"Misunderstanding?" Seeing her weak appearance, Chi Ming was very disdainful, "The supervisor of the personnel department borrowed courage from the sky, seeing that Ye Qingyu was the person arranged by his superiors, he dared not to do so without your order." Let the little guy be a waiter?"

"Vice president, I really don't know. I'll contact the HR department immediately and ask them to change the young lady to a better position." Fu Qingying said immediately.

Chi Ming suddenly looked at her with some malice: "I have an idea now."

Seeing his malicious expression, Fu Qingying suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart. Although this vice president is not often in the head office, he is a fool, not serious, and has a lot of evil ideas. Her scalp was numb and she asked, "Vice President, what's your opinion?"

"There is no good opinion, but there is one bad opinion." Chi Ming reached out and stroked his bearded chin, looked at her suspiciously and said, "Secretary Fu, I heard that you are the flower of our company. Many male colleagues look up to you."

Seeing that he suddenly praised herself, Fu Qingying didn't hear the meaning of sincere praise in his words, but heard a strong sense of irony, and she was even more horrified in her heart, and hurriedly said: "Vice President, this It's a misunderstanding, nothing..."

"Secretary Fu is a natural beauty, with such a pleasing beauty, don't be modest, you are the flower of the company, I heard that the company's performance has improved a lot this month, for the sake of the welfare of the male compatriots in the company , why don't you go to the restaurant as a waiter for a week, and the income of the company's restaurant will definitely be multiplied several times." Chi Ming clapped his hands excitedly.

Fu Qingying's face changed immediately, she knew that this damn vice president's stomach full of bad water would definitely not make her feel better, she clenched her fist slightly, and immediately turned to the silent Ye Xuanye: "President, I It's your secretary, there are endless jobs every day, how could I have time to work as a waiter in a restaurant..."

"Secretary Fu, don't be humble. You are the universal secretary of our company. After work, you can go to the company's restaurant to help out. You only need to work for two or three hours. It won't take up your working time. Secretary Fu, you can just Don't make excuses to shirk it, otherwise, I will be unhappy." Chi Ming played both soft and hard ways.

At this moment, Fu Qingying wanted to chop Chiming into pieces and chop them into meat paste. She looked at Ye Xuanye anxiously: "President..."

"Chi Ming's suggestion is good, you just do what he said." Ye Xuanye was displeased when she thought that she had someone transfer Ye Qingyu to a restaurant as a waiter.

"Secretary Fu, if you don't want to, you can choose to resign. Our company has no shortage of talents."

Fu Qingying is also a proud daughter of heaven who is able to hold the position of the head of the secretary. She has never suffered this kind of hardship. If it were someone else, she would have quit long ago, but it was him.

(End of this chapter)

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