hi national school grass

Chapter 561 Hurt So Deep

Chapter 561 Hurt So Deep

"Mom, mom... I'm really useless." Qing Miaoxue threw herself into Mrs. Qing's arms, the tears in her eyes almost drowned all her confidence.

"Miao Xue, don't be sad, let's go home, okay?" Madam Qing patted her on the back lightly, comforting her.

"Mom, today is my birthday. Why did God punish me on my birthday?" She cried very sadly, "It's obvious that I worked so hard and looked forward to a better life. Why?"

She said sadly.

Hearing this, Mrs. Qing and Papa Qing felt distressed again.

"Miaoxue, you are our little princess, don't say that." Qing's father felt very sad.

"I really didn't expect that I would become such a fool. In front of so many people, I was abandoned by him. I am so ashamed! I am so ridiculous! I am a fool! Clown! Poor bastard!"

Qing Miaoxue said self-destructively.

"Miaoxue, shall we go home? You are a happy girl, you have our love, we will not let you be a clown." Mrs. Qing looked at Qing Miaoxue with red eyes.

Qing Miaoxue raised her crying face from her arms, and then said very weakly, "Are you afraid that I will commit suicide? Don't worry, I won't die. What will you do if I die?"

She just wants to be alone for a while.

"Miaoxue, don't say that, if you really want to jump, Mom will definitely stop you." Madam Qing said sadly. "Mom knows you are sad, but what can you do when you are sad?"

"Yes, Miaoxue, let's go home quickly, it's too dangerous to stay here, and it's cold, you will get sick." Papa Qing persuaded.

If he doesn't take his daughter off the rooftop for a minute, he won't feel at ease for a minute.

"Let's go, let's go, go home well, tomorrow is a new day." Madam Qing supported Qing Miaoxue and walked towards the exit of the rooftop.

"Okay! Mom, Dad, let's go home." Qing Miaoxue followed their footsteps like a puppet.

Wait until the next day, when Xi Jianye finds out.

Qing Miaoxue was still sleeping peacefully in the room.

"Fortunately, it was just a false alarm." Xi Jianye said holding the phone.

"Miss Xi, if you have time, come and accompany Miao Xue of our family." Madam Qing said. "She's in really bad shape."

"Okay, I see. I will go." Xi Jianye hung up the phone.

Then he called Ye Qingtian again.

Ye Qingtian was at the door of Li's house right now, blocking Li Qingnan.

"Miao Xue is about to die, why don't you take a look?"

"I broke up with her, what does it matter to me?" Li Qingnan said coldly.

"You are simply too much, what do you take Miao Xue for? Break up when you say break up? Stay together when you say we are together? Last night, she almost jumped off the building!"

When Li Qingnan heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

But he forced himself to harden his heart, "It's none of my business, go away!"

He bypassed Ye Qingtian, walked outside, and then directly got into his sports car.

"Damn it!" Ye Qingtian cursed angrily as she watched the sports car go away.

When Xi Jianye arrived at Qing's house, Qing Miaoxue was still awake.

Madam Qing told her in detail what happened last night.

Xi Jianye was very speechless, "I never thought that Miao Xue would be hurt so deeply."

(End of this chapter)

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