hi national school grass

Chapter 595 Sharp Questions

Chapter 595 Sharp Questions

Two days later.

Ling Yuxin dragged her sick body to the lobby of a five-star hotel under the Ling Group, who was arranged by Mr. Ling.

The hall was arranged like a press conference venue.

Many mainstream media have come, dozens of large and small, all holding long guns and short cannons.

Ling Yuxin wore a white shirt and white slacks. Although the clothes were very simple, she still wore her temperament.

Sitting on the wheelchair with a pale face, the wound on her back still hasn't healed, she didn't even dare to move, lest her back hit the back of the wheelchair and the wound would be rubbed open again.

Seeing Ling Yuxin being pushed into the venue, she looked pale and haggard.

The reporters were all stunned. What happened to this big star in just a few days?
Looks like it's in really bad shape.

"Miss Ling, what happened to you?" A reporter stood up and was the first to ask.

"Miss Ling, what do you think about this Guozhaomen incident?"

Another reporter also asked questions.

"May I ask you to use this method to hype yourself?"

"Is it for making a comeback in China, so deliberately making news to attract attention?"

The reporters' questions became sharper and sharper.

There was even a male reporter looking at Ling Yuxin with a very obscene look. "May I ask what you were thinking when you took these photos? Can you tell me about your mental state at that time?"

Facing these aggressive reporters, Ling Yuxin's head was about to explode.

Her face was pale and almost transparent.

The servants pushed her onto the table.

She reluctantly raised her hand to signal for everyone to be quiet.

Then, Ling Yuxin took a deep breath and said, "All of this is my fault. I'm sorry for the fans who like me, I'm sorry for the audience, and I'm even more sorry for my family."

Two lines of clear tears rolled down her face.

It looks lovely.

"I did this wrong thing, everything is my responsibility, I am too stupid." Ling Yuxin cried and said, those beautiful eyes were glowing with joy.

It was obvious that many men present sympathized with it.

After all, it is really distressing for a beauty to cry.

"Please answer our questions directly, okay?" A reporter stood up and said.

She is a female reporter, and she looks very mean.

"I'm really sorry, it's all my fault." Ling Yuxin kept apologizing as if she couldn't hear the reporter's questioning.

In this situation, no matter what she says, it will be enlarged and magnified.

The anger of netizens has already reached a certain level.

If she explained it again, no one would believe it.

It will also stimulate netizens even more.

Even the members of the Ling family, Mr. Ling didn't believe what she said, who in this world would believe it?
So at this time, Ling Yuxin had no choice but to knock out his teeth, swallow the blood and swallow it by himself.

"Miss Ling, don't talk about it, why did you take these photos?" A reporter asked again.

"Yeah, you have to give fans, audiences, and netizens an explanation. You can't solve the problem by apologizing."

"I'm sorry, everything is my fault." Ling Yuxin cried even more painfully, she covered her face with her hands, "I have already been punished, isn't it enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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