Chapter 1002

Chapter 1014

Mrs. Sima nodded, and sighed again: "People's hearts are really unpredictable. Who would have thought that such a loyal and honest person would do such a vicious thing."

Sima Changfeng asked: "How are the sisters? Have you ever visited them?"

Mrs. Sima looked bitter, and said: "If you really obey the ancient saying, you can only see the truth in adversity. Usually, when our Sima family was glorious, there was one in-law on the left and one on the right. They called each other very affectionately. Now our Sima family is out of love." However, these so-called in-laws are all avoiding like snakes and scorpions, for fear of getting into trouble, I haven't even seen my daughters."

Sima Changfeng was furious again: "I really don't want such in-laws."

At this time, Bing'er had already helped Rongyue spread the needle pack, Rongyue listened to his words, turned around and said: "Brother Sima, why are you so angry, this is human nature, they are not related to your Sima family, blood is thicker than water, Self-preservation is the first priority in any situation. Your older sisters are already married as wives, and you know the status of a woman's family in the mansion. Why should you be resentful? What you have to do is to return to glory as soon as possible and be your older sister. Their strong backing will protect them from wind and rain for the rest of their lives, otherwise, without their natal family to rely on, their future life will definitely be difficult."

As a woman, Mrs. Sima felt a lot about Rong Yue's words, she nodded and said: "The princess's words are reasonable, Changfeng, don't be like your uncle, you have to be a good brother and protect your sisters all your life , Don’t let those ruthless people bully them.”

Sima Changfeng nodded: "Mom, I understand."

At this time, Bing'er had already stripped Patriarch Sima naked, and said to Sima Changfeng and Liu Bo: "You either go out and wait, or stop talking from now on, so as not to disturb the princess to administer the needle."

Sima Changfeng shook his head: "If I don't leave, I will stay here. Don't worry, I won't disturb her."

Mrs. Sima got out of bed, she said: "I can't stop coughing once I cough, I'd better go out, so as not to disturb the princess later."

Uncle Liu also said: "It's almost noon, I'm going to cook, why don't you go to the yard to rest, the medicine is almost ready, so you and Ying'er can bask in the sun in the yard."

When the two went out, Sima Changfeng moved a stool and sat on the other side of his father's bed, hoping to be of some help.

Rong Yue stopped talking, she sat sideways by the bed, and the silver needles quickly pierced Patriarch Sima's vital points all over his body, up to Baihui, down to his toes, without missing a single one, until Patriarch Sima was pierced into a hedgehog .

When the needle stopped for a stick of incense, she began to pull out the needle again, but the needle was not pulled out as quickly as the needle. When pulling out each needle, she first pinched the needle and turned it around for several weeks before slowly pulling it out. Every time a needle is pulled out, there will be strands of black blood overflowing from the acupuncture point that was pierced by the needle.

After all the needles on Patriarch Sima's body were pulled out, the originally fair skin was already overflowing with black blood.

After Rongyue retracted the needle and retreated, Bing'er brought over hot water soaked in medicine, and wiped it carefully for Sima Jiayan.

"How is my father?" Sima Changfeng asked hastily.

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "Most of the toxins have been pulled out, and he will be fed a blood-enriching pill soon, and he will wake up in at least two hours, don't worry."

Sima Changfeng heaved a sigh of relief, the big stone that weighed on his heart finally came down, and he bowed deeply to her: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, my father and he, I'm afraid this life would have ended."

(End of this chapter)

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