Chapter 101

Qi Rongyue turned her eyes sideways when she heard the words, but the smile on her face was still faint: "You don't need to say thank you. Being a doctor and treating patients is our job as a doctor. What's more, we are not confiscating money, do you think so?"

Having said that, they have been seeking medical treatment and medicine for many years. They have spent a lot of money and taken medicine, but they have never received such miraculous effects. How can he not thank you!

After Mr. Liu helped his mother out of the clinic, Qi Rongyue moved her stiff body, raised her head and twisted her neck.

Seeing this, Xue'er quickly put down the needle bag in her hand, walked behind the young lady, squeezed her shoulders and beat her back.

"Miss, are you tired? Let's rest when we are tired!"

Qi Rongyue closed her eyes, and said with a smile: "Xue'er, you still need to practice your shoulder-squeezing skills. My neck hurts from your pinching, but I haven't pinched it to the point."

Xue'er chuckled, "I'll practice on you every day from now on, okay?"

Qi Rongyue stood up and glared at her: "Not good!"

Xue'er was very happy in her heart, only when the young lady was alone with her would she have various expressions on her face, and her smile was genuine, unlike her cold and distant face when she was facing outsiders.

Does this mean that Miss really regards her as her own?Every time she thinks of this, she is overjoyed.

Seeing that the young lady had already walked out of the clinic, she hurriedly followed.

Qi Rongyue sat back on the chair behind the consultation table, raised her eyes to meet Zhou An who was looking at her, she nodded towards Zhou An, Zhou An understood, hurriedly helped her mother up, and walked to the consultation table step by step direction.

They walked very slowly, Mrs. Zhou's legs and feet seemed to be inconvenient, she didn't seem to be walking, but more like leaning on Zhou An beside her, moving slowly.

Before Qi Rongyue's butt was hot, she got up again and said to Zhou An, "Go to the clinic!"

Zhou An nodded, mother's illness is not an ordinary ailment, just sitting in front of the consultation table feeling the pulse, I'm afraid I can't see why.

After entering the clinic, Zhou An helped his mother to sit down on the low bed, and moved the charcoal fire to her side!
Although the movements are small and casual, it can be seen that Zhou An is careful and filial to his mother on weekdays.

Qi Rongyue sat beside Mrs. Zhou, stretched out her hand to hold Mrs. Zhou's wrist, felt her pulse first, and then said, "Old lady, what's the matter with your leg?"

Zhou An was afraid that his mother would not be able to explain clearly, so he hurriedly took over the topic and said: "My mother just had backaches from time to time a few years ago. At that time, I saw the doctor. The doctor said it was nothing serious, so I didn't take it too seriously. Later, the backache became more and more serious. , Sometimes I can't even walk with a straight waist. Since two years ago, my legs and feet have been hurting from time to time. I can only rely on crutches to walk. The doctors are helpless. They say that they will have such and other problems when they are older. But half a year ago, my mother's calf began to swell, and the pain was so painful that she couldn't even stand upright."

Qi Rongyue had already leaned over and lifted up Mrs. Zhou's skirt, her legs were wearing thin cotton trousers filled with pudding.

The old lady Zhou was obviously a little embarrassed and embarrassed. She looked up at her son, who smiled and nodded at her, and she was relieved a lot. It seemed that Ms. Qi did not dislike them in the slightest because of their family's poverty. The embarrassment in her heart slowly dissipated.

"Xue Er, bring the scissors!"

She stretched out her hand and pinched her calf tightly wrapped in cotton trousers, then shook her head and said, "Your leg is so swollen, you really shouldn't be wearing such tight trousers."

(End of this chapter)

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