Chapter 1014 Peeling Shrimp
Chapter 1026

Bing'er's mood at this time was nothing but shock.

It turns out that after serving the princess for so long, the princess has always faced her with a fake face. I really don't know what kind of peerless face is underneath this fake face. The face that can make so many men crazy for her must be It's beautiful.

"Don't you have an acquaintance in this palace? Can you ask an acquaintance to help us?" Bing'er knew the master's temperament, she would rather die than give in.

Rong Yue thought of Xue'er. It had been three years, and she didn't know how she was doing in the harem, whether she had the ability to rescue her?
She got up and went out, but the guards at the outer gate immediately stopped her: "Queen, Your Majesty has an order, please stay in the hall and not go out."

She had no choice but to retreat, and winked at Binger, Binger immediately walked out, unexpectedly, she was also blocked by the guard.

In the evening, Zhou An came to the Hall of Compassion and Harmony to have dinner with Rong Yue after finishing his business affairs.

Rong Yue didn't eat, she lay on the bed and pretended to sleep.

He sat in front of the table, put two chopsticks on each of the food he thought was delicious, and brought a plate of fermented shrimps in front of him, carefully peeled off the skin of the shrimps one by one, and put them in a small plate .

After peeling the prawns, he got up, took the wet cloth towel handed by the palace man to wipe his hands, wiped it carefully, and then walked to the bed step by step, he said: "It's time to eat."

She didn't move.

He said again: "If you don't eat, then Jinghe Palace won't have anything to eat tonight."

She immediately turned over and sat up, glaring at Zhou An angrily: "Zhou An, are you still a man? Xue'er is your woman, and the children she gave birth to are your own flesh and blood, and you actually use them to threaten me?"

Zhou An smiled lightly: "I don't care about anyone except you."

When he spoke calmly, but the seriousness in his eyes made people have to believe the weight of his words.

"Don't eat?"

Seeing that she didn't move, he turned to the eunuch and said, "Go and inform the dining room that Jinghe Palace's meals will be stopped from now on, and no meals are allowed without my king's order."

Rong Yue hurriedly said: "I'll eat, can't I eat?" She got out of bed angrily, walked to the table and sat down, looked at the food in her eyes, and didn't move.

"Need me to feed you?" Zhou An sat down next to her.

Immediately, her hair stood on end, and she moved her body to the side.

Zhou An didn't go up to it either, just said: "Eat quickly, it will be cold in a while."

She has never hated eating as much as she does now, and every moment sitting next to him is suffering.

"I'm full." She got up, but was pulled down by him, "How many mouthfuls do you have now? Eat a little more."

Seeing that she still didn't move his chopsticks, he pushed the previous plate of food in front of her again, and got up: "This king still has some paperwork to approve, you can eat it yourself." After saying that, he turned to the eunuch at the side and said: " Wait until the queen finishes eating the food on the plate before ordering the dining room to Jinghe Gong to pass on the meal."

"You, you—" she pointed at him, but he didn't care, with a smile on his lips, and walked briskly.

She took another plate, divided half of the dishes on the plate, and asked Binger to sit down and eat together.

The eunuch was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "My queen, this is His Majesty's wish, you—"

Rong Yue snorted coldly: "What? You call me queen, but I can't even do this?"

The eunuch hurriedly bowed his head and retreated, not daring to say anything more, he could clearly see how much His Majesty doted on her, and he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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