Chapter 103 Explained
"In addition to selling fabrics, the cloth shop naturally also has ready-made clothes. When my lady took over this shop, all the things in the cloth shop belonged to the lady, including the ready-made clothes in the warehouse. You are welcome, there are plenty in the warehouse. My lady doesn't know how to wear this style of clothes, if you don't wear them, wouldn't it be a waste of such good clothes?"

After hearing Xue'er's words, the old lady of the Zhou family no longer refused, looked at Xue'er and said with a smile: "You have a sweet mouth, your young lady must like you very much."

Xue'er looked at Qi Rongyue with a smile: "Miss, do you like me?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I don't like it, it's too noisy!!"

Xue'er was taken aback for a moment, but then she was overjoyed. The young lady would tell jokes in front of outsiders. This is very strange. Obviously, the young lady has regarded Zhou An's mother and son as her own, and an inexplicable joy rose in her heart. .

"Don't be dazed, quickly take Mr. Zhou and Aunt Zhou to the dormitory in the backyard to see if there is anything missing, and add it quickly!" Qi Rongyue told Xue'er.

Xue'er responded, and cheerfully led the mother and son out of the consultation room. The old lady Zhou looked suspicious, and pulled her son's sleeve after leaving the consultation room, saying: "What does this mean? We are going here Will Rongyu Hall stay here?"

Zhou An nodded: "Yes, Ms. Qi said, it is more convenient for you to live here to treat your illness, so as to save you from suffering back and forth."

When Mrs. Zhou heard this, she seemed to be reasonable, but she also felt that it was unreasonable. It was not justified to treat her illness for free, and let their mother and child stay here, which seemed unreasonable. Why?

Zhou An said again: "Miss Qi said that she will subsidize my studies and let me take the provincial examination next year."

When the old lady Zhou heard this, her eyebrows and eyes lit up immediately. Her son was a material for studying, but because of her life as an old woman, she hated herself day and night for not dying sooner, so as not to delay her son's bright future by living in this world. .

This is a heart disease of hers, and it has weighed on her heart for several years. How could she not be happy to hear such words today!
But why?

Why did Ms. Qi help the Zhou family like this?
Is it really unrequited help?

Seeing his mother's suspicious expression, Zhou An lowered his voice and said, "I'll explain to you later."

Seeing her son looking relaxed, Mrs. Zhou felt much more relaxed.

The two vacant rooms in the backyard were temporarily cleaned up last night. The house used to be occupied by people, and all the furniture in it is complete, and only two new quilts need to be added.

The room is very simple, Qi Rongyue didn't ask someone to arrange it separately, so as not to cause a burden to Zhou An's mother and son, if it is simpler, they can live in more peace of mind.

Sure enough, after Mrs. Zhou entered the room, she finally showed a smile on her face, as if she was very satisfied.

"There is everything here. There are new clothes for the season in the cabinet. You don't have to go back to get old clothes. You can wear new ones. The quilt on the bed is also brand new. There is a small cubicle in the back with a bathtub inside. Things like pots and bowls, we will take them out as soon as we see what we need.”

"Miss Xue'er, thank you so much!" Zhou An cupped his hands towards Xue'er.

Xue'er waved her hand: "Oh, you scholars are the head of ceremony, do you still need to thank me for such a trivial matter?"

After Xue'er left, Mrs. Zhou hurriedly took her son to sit down and asked, "Son, tell mother, how did you know Miss Qi, and why does Miss Qi help us like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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