Chapter 1042 Dad Was Wrong

Chapter 1055

The master and the servant changed their clothes and wanted to go out, but they were still stopped by the guards. Just when Rong Yue was about to go crazy, Mr. Fu An rushed over and delivered His Majesty's decree, ordering the guards to go to the dungeon with the queen and to be safe. Escort the queen back.

To put it bluntly, just keep holding her.

She didn't care, and she didn't expect Zhou An to change his mind suddenly.

The four guards, two at the front and two at the back, sandwiched the two of them. They looked majestic and protected, but they were actually very depressing. They were guarded like prisoners.

The dungeon of King Zhou’s Palace is no different from the dungeon of Chu Palace. It’s the same dark, damp, and lifeless. If you’ve lived there once, you’ll never want to enter it a second time.

Rong Yue lived there once, and Qi Yongchun should be the first time too.

"Queen, the prisoner here is Qi Yongchun from the Chu Dynasty."

There is a small brazier above the cell door. In order to make it easier for Rongyue to see the situation inside, the prison head lit the small brazier. Under the light of the jumping fire, she saw a figure curled up in the haystack lying in the corner of the cell.

Qi Yongchun was sleeping, but he woke up when he heard the voice, but he didn't want to open his eyes, it was nothing good anyway, but when he felt the light falling into his eyes, he heard the cell boss respectfully calling the queen , He immediately opened his eyes and stared at the prison door.

She was dressed in plain clothes, and her figure was straight and slender. Even in this dark dungeon, her noble demeanor remained undiminished.

It was her, indeed it was her.

He didn't care about anything else, he rushed forward in a hurry, and rushed to the door of the cell, his dirty hands tightly grasping the thick doorpost.

"Rongyue, Rongyue, you've come, daddy can't bear it any longer, you hurry up and save daddy."

Bing'er was stunned for a moment, looking at the disheveled man in disbelief, and then at her master, her face did not show any surprise or anger because of his words.

Is this man really the princess' father?But just before the princess came, she clearly said that he caused her to come here.

Rong Yue smiled lightly, just like before, it was this kind of smile that made Qi Yongchun feel chilly, every time she smiled at him like this in the past, nothing good happened.

She said: "Whose father are you? A scum like you deserves to be called father in front of me?"

"Rongyue, Yue'er, daddy is wrong, daddy really knows it's wrong, daddy was really a jerk in the past, he did a lot of wrong things, daddy knows it's wrong now, you give daddy a chance, let daddy change, daddy will definitely I won't let you down, okay?"

The smile on her face became colder and colder: "Every time you call yourself father, I feel like throwing up. You should use this word less in front of me."

"Yue'er, please, please save me, this place is not a place for people to stay, if I stay any longer, I will die."

Rong Yue asked: "Tell me first, why did you come here? What did you come here for? Why did King Zhou lock you up? Answer my three questions first."

Qi Yongchun tremblingly said: "I, I—"

"Can't tell? Let me tell you for you. In the Chu Dynasty, you changed from a fourth-rank official to a seventh-rank sesame official. You are not balanced. You hate me. Unfortunately, I am dead in the eyes of the world, so you want to take revenge on me." There is no way."

"When you learned from Qi Rongxue that I was still alive, you were ready to make a move. You wanted to take this opportunity and use my news as a bargaining chip to get an official job from Zhou An. No matter how bad it was, you could get some money. Good, but who knows, Zhou An's temperament has changed drastically, not only didn't promise you good, but also locked you up, am I right?"

(End of this chapter)

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