Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1050 Ruibaozhai's Facial Powder

Chapter 1050 Ruibaozhai's Facial Powder
Chapter 1063

The smile on the woman's face was even bigger: "Please come inside the three." She led the three into the inner hall.

Pushing open the heavy carved wooden door, a faint fragrance overflowed, and the fragrance was pleasant.

The woman led the three of them in, and said to the woman behind the six-fold painted landscape screen: "Madam, we have a visitor."

The woman behind the screen hummed lightly, turned around and backed out.

The woman didn't seem to have any intention of coming out to meet them, she just asked quietly: "Want to enter the palace?"

Miss Qing nodded: "Yes, I want to enter the palace."

"Why do you want to enter the palace?"

Miss Qing said: "Because my family is poor."

Only then did the woman get up, and came out from behind the screen. She was a woman in her early thirties, with a dignified and elegant appearance, and a graceful temperament. Who would have thought that such a noble woman would be the chief treasurer of Fangchun Pavilion .

She is Boss Chun.

Boss Chun walked up to the three of them, looked them all over, and said with a faint smile, "Would it be a poor person who can afford Ruibaozhai's makeup?"

Miss Qing was taken aback, the makeup powder was brought out from the brothel by her, and they are all commonly used by the top brands in the brothel, they are indeed expensive.

She looked at Sima Changfeng, and Sima Changfeng gave her a quick wink. She immediately understood, and said with a smile: "Boss Chun, to be honest, I heard that the emperor is young and handsome, and there are not many concubines in the palace, so I thought about it." Try it now while you are young."

Boss Chun was satisfied with her answer, and glanced at the two tall 'girls' behind her, "How about you?"

Miss Qing hurriedly said: "They are my maids. My mother was afraid that I would be bullied when I entered the palace, so she found two strong maids to protect me."

Boss Chun nodded: "It's not a big problem, it's just that the quota for entering the palace this time is already full, so we have to wait for the next time."

Miss Qing hurriedly asked, "When is the next time?"

Boss Chun smiled: "Look at how anxious you are, don't worry, at least one month, at most three months, after three months, a group of older court ladies will be released from the palace, and they will need to make up a lot of money." Even if it's 'them', they will want it." She pointed to the two people behind Miss Qing.

Miss Qing shook her head: "No, I can't wait so long, I will enter the palace tomorrow." After saying that, she took the sapphire that Zheng Zhongwen had given her earlier.

There are some characters engraved on the sapphire, which she cannot understand, but in the middle, there is a very eye-catching ten thousand character.

Boss Chun took the sapphire and flipped through it for a while, then said with a smile, "It turns out that it is Mr. Wan's guest, and that is the distinguished guest of Fangchun Pavilion. I will definitely comply with your request."

After saying that, she handed the sapphire back to Miss Qing, and then asked: "How is Mr. Wan? I haven't heard from him for many years, and he didn't take the money in the bank."

Miss Qing set up a conversation with Zheng Zhongwen early in the morning, and she answered very naturally: "He is very good, and he will be a father soon."

Boss Chun's complexion changed slightly, and he asked urgently, "Is he married?"

Miss Qing nodded: "Yes, he is married and living a good life. He asked me to tell Boss Chun that if you go to Chu Dynasty, you must go to him for a drink."

Boss Chun laughed dryly: "Okay, okay, sure, sure."

When was the last time you saw him?Was it six years ago?Or seven years ago?At that time, he was high-spirited, he couldn't catch any woman in his eyes, and he didn't even look at her seriously. When they were together, they only talked about cooperation and nothing else.

(End of this chapter)

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