Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1070 The Mysterious Forest

Chapter 1070 The Mysterious Forest

Chapter 1083

The crowd followed Wang Laosan for half a day, but there was no trace of ginseng. Sima Changfeng couldn't help asking: "You took us around this mountain for a long time, where is ginseng?"

Wang Laosan smiled wryly and said, "Oh, my lord, if this ginseng is so easy to find, wouldn't everyone be looking for it? Isn't ginseng like cabbage and radish, you can find it everywhere."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned and said, "Then when will we go? We don't have much time."

Wang Laosan hurriedly said: "To tell you the truth, this mountain forest often comes here to collect ginseng, so it is impossible to have a thousand-year-old ginseng here. I am going to take you to a forest that no one has ever been to. In it, maybe Can have millennium ginseng."

When Sima Changfeng heard this, he felt something was wrong: "What is a forest that no one has ever been to? Why has no one been there?"

Wang Laosan didn't dare to hide anything, and immediately told the truth: "That's right, there are rumors that there are very ferocious beasts in that forest. We ginseng collectors usually go alone, and we don't know kung fu. No one dares to go there." Adventures in this forest, there were a few daring hunters who went in, wanting to hunt some good wild animals, but after entering, no one came out again, since then, no one has entered the forest again , if there is really a thousand-year-old ginseng in this forest, it must be in that forest."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "Okay, let's go there, regardless of his dragon's lake and tiger's den, we all have to make a breakthrough."

Hongqiao Forest is very large, and the mysterious forest that Wang Laosan mentioned is in the depths of Hongqiao Forest. They walked for half a day before arriving in the evening.

Wang Laosan proposed to camp outside the forest for one night, and then go in tomorrow.

Zhongwen and Zhou An rejected his proposal at the same time. It took them two days to come here from Zhoudu, and there were only three days left in the five-day period of Rongyue. How could they delay any longer? A moment is very precious.

Zhongwen picked up some thick branches and came back, and then wrapped strips of cloth soaked in thick oil prepared earlier on the tops of the branches, and made one for everyone.

Wang Laosan said: "This young master is really proficient in making torches. It seems that he has done a lot in the past."

Of course, he did it a lot. He often did this kind of thing in the sandy plains of Mobei and in the battlefields of Western Xinjiang.

"Ordinary beasts are afraid of fire. With this, it will be easier for us to walk at night."

Wang Laosan nodded: "That's right, ordinary beasts will hide away when they see the fire, but after my long-term training, my red ginseng rabbits are no longer afraid of this kind of fire, but will use this fire to hide in the dark." Look for food in it.” The food of red ginseng rabbits is ginseng leaves.

The forest is very quiet, surprisingly quiet, there is not even the sound of insects screaming at night, only the rustling and crackling of their feet on the dead branches and leaves. ,

Wang Laosan shuddered hard, goose bumps all over his body: "It's so cold, why is it so cold."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his head and glanced at the towering old tree. The fat leaves completely cut off the sky above, and the stars and the moon could not be seen, as if isolated from the world.

"It's very humid here, so it's naturally cold." Zheng Zhongwen said lightly, tightening the torches in his hands, and said to everyone, "Hold your own torches, it's very dark here, without the torches, it will be difficult to move a single step."

After walking for a while, the cage held by Sima Changfeng moved.

(End of this chapter)

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