Chapter 1072 Aconitum python

Chapter 1085

Suddenly, two morning-glistening green beads rose from the spring, and everyone backed away after seeing this strange scene.

Only when the two beads rose above the weeds half a person's height did everyone see clearly where the green beads were, they were clearly a pair of eyes, a pair of greedy and evil eyes, and those eyes stared at him firmly. Looking at these people in front of you is like looking at a plate of delicious food.

Zheng Zhongwen raised the torch in his hand high, and the fire light projected to a farther place, falling on the darkness.

Only now did everyone see clearly that the owner of those eyes turned out to be a huge black python. The python's body was as thick as a bucket, and the black scales reflected a dazzling and strange light under the light of the fire.

When the flames shrouded it, its body shrank obviously, so it did not completely sink into the spring water, but stayed tentatively for a while until it was confirmed that the flames did not threaten it, then its body again He raised his head high again, staring at the crowd with ferocious eyes, he couldn't stop swallowing the long python letter, but he didn't move, just confronting them with his head held high.

Wang Laoer's legs were so soft that he could barely stand, he stretched out his hand to hold onto Sima Changfeng beside him, looking for a sense of security.

He asked tremblingly, "What, what is this?"

Zheng Zhongwen thought of a monster book he had read, which recorded a mysterious beast, the aconite python. Jiao is somewhat similar.

He said in a deep voice: "This is an aconite python. It is very powerful and extremely poisonous. Everyone should be on alert, so don't be careless."

As soon as he finished speaking, he signaled everyone to back away, gently and slowly, away from the spring.

However, when they took a step back, the black-headed python took a step forward, and its huge body slid over the weeds that were half a person's height, making a piercing sound, which was simply heart-pounding.

It seems that the aconite python is not going to let them go this time.

Suddenly, there was a sound of 'cracking', as if someone stepped on a dead branch, and the sound of the dead branch breaking suddenly resounded in the silent forest, which made one's nerves numb, and also stimulated the aconite python. First he shrank, and then a pair of vertical pupils as black as thick ink suddenly appeared in those green eyes, which was very strange.

Zheng Zhongwen said loudly: "It's going to attack, disperse quickly." After saying that, he dodged sideways to a distance of one zhang, and the rest of them also dispersed one after another. In this case, the aconite python can only choose one person to attack, Others can assist from the side, so that everyone will not fall into its attack range.

The black-headed python reacted very quickly. As soon as everyone stood still, its thick and long body began to slide swiftly, opened its long-closed bloody mouth, and rushed towards the nearest inner palace guard. .

The guard reacted very quickly, he is a top-notch expert after all, he held the torch in one hand, and the horizontal knife in the other hand pointed at the seven inches of the black-headed python.

There was a sound of 'clang', and the sharp blade hit the black scales of the aconite python, but it seemed to hit a piece of iron wall. He froze for a moment, and the sharp teeth of the aconite python were close in front of him.

Another guard rushed forward and slashed at the python's neck.

Similarly, this knife did not hurt the aconitum python, but he took the initiative to attack with great force, the giant aconitum python deflected and missed the guard's head, so it was regarded as escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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